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Latest Questions (Page 62)

Why does metformin cause diarrhea?

Can duloxetine replace gabapentin?

After a bad ATV accident and many months of hospitalization, I have been diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I have been taking gabapentin-some month up to 1800 mgs/day. Will duloxetine work as a better medication for peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain) than gabapentin?

Complicated meds schedule?

I have to take the following meds: Palbociclib, letrozole, denosumab, levothyroxine 100mcg, liothyronine (twice daily) symbicort, calcium carbonate, and chondroitin/glucosamine and have a fungal ear infection. I’d just worked out a dosing schedule and now have to add in disopyramide 3x100g...

Cannot remember if I took last dose of Xarelto?

If a patient cannot remember taking last dose of Xarelto (taking 20 mg once per day in evenings) and thinks of it the next morning, would it be better to run the risk of doubling up and take as soon as remember? Or potentially skip dose and resume evening schedule?

Does Concerta have any effect on depression?

Lately I have been curious as well as concerned if the ADHD medication Concerta has any effects on existing Severe Depression (ex. Possibly treating it and whatnot). I'm asking because I can't seem to find anything to answer this question.

Had sex a day after period took plan b within 24 hours have symptoms?

I had sex a day after my period finished took Plan B within 24hrs. A week after I started getting breast tenderness and started to bleed but only for a day and a half but not spitting was enough for a pad. After nothing simple cramping and now I’ve been using the restroom every hour Could I...

Show photos of trazodone 150mg pills made by Zydus?

Show Zydus Trazodone hcl 150 mg tablet.

Does levothyroxine contain gluten?

Does levothyroxine contain gluten? My doctor told me to find out before taking this drug.

How much liquid is normal on the skin after a subcutaneous injection?

How much liquid on the skin is normal after a subcutaneous injection of Emgality using their auto injection pen? I had about a pea sized drop of liquid after removing the pen and there is only 1mL in the pen so I’m concerned I did not get the full dosage for the month. The instructions state...

How to take the below medicines with the least interactions?

My mom recently moved to PA from SC and has been prescribed all these medicines. She takes the Escitalopram in the morning, the Pantoprazole at supper and everything else at lunch time. Should they be spaced out differently? Pantoprazole sodium Pravastatin sodium, Metoprolol succ ER, Clonidine...

What are the after affects of chlamydia?

Citalopram and dry flaky skin?

Since I started on 20mg of Citalopram I have a few patches of red dry flaky skin on my face. Has anyone else experienced this please?

What is the difference between Eylea and Eylea HD?

What is the correct way to increase bupropion hcl XL?

What is the proper way to increase bupropion XL from 150mg to 300mg? My doctor told me to start at 150mg and then take 1 pill twice daily to increase the dosage. Is this safe to do with the extended-release?