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Latest Questions (Page 61)

How to manage diverticulitis pain?

Hello everyone, I have been recently diagnosed with diverticulitis and I am having a hard time managing the pain. I did get prescribed antibiotics but I had to stop bcs it keeps damaging my esophogus, due to a long term of taking antibiotics and I am not able to eat properly. Does the pain go away?...

Anyone have trouble taking oxybutynin with metoprolol?

I am currently taking metoprolol for palpitations.

If I recently just had surgery and they said it was an infection of the skin would they prescribed?

The pills they gave me are not antibacterial pills

Does Omega 3 fatty acids help with heartburn?

I get heartburn on the regular I just want to know if omega-3 fatty acids help with heartburn?

Venlafaxine - Are the pills inside the 37.5 capsules equal?

Are the pills inside the venlafaxine capsule the same dose - I am trying to titration off the drug by opening the 37.5 capsule and taking one pill at a time to help with withdrawal symptoms

How do I use the Tezspire pen?

How long after taking aspirin can I take ibuprofen?

I took 500mg aspirin for pain but it did not help my symptoms. How long after taking aspirin can I take ibuprofen instead?

What decongestant should I take?

Not sleeping after taking 200 mg trazodone?

6 year old on 200 mg trazodone but still won't sleep. Parent states she gave it to him at 7 p.m., still fully awake at 4 a.m. She also states that most times he only sleeps 3-4 hrs a night. He also takes clonidine 1 1/2 mg 3x a day, atomoxetine 18 mg once a day and paliperidone 9 mg once a day

Ferrous sulfate - what age kids can take ferrous sulphate 325mg?

Is ferrous sulphate 325mg can be given to kids of 12 years age? The Nature Made iron supplement (Ferrous Sulphate 325mg) just says, keep it out of reach of children. If it can be given to 12 year old kids, what could be the dose? Daily 1? My 12 year boy and 15 year girl are almost always slightly...

How Accurate is Screening for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma?