So I have been taking Prozac for 2 weeks 4 days alongside of taking Ativan .5 mg to deal with any side effects from the Prozac. First week 10mg second 20mg now. My anxiety causes me to be very depressed and for the past 2 months it’s been out of control I don’t feel like myself and just want it to stop. This is now the 4th medication I am trying I was on trintellex for a number of years 10mg never went up, I’ve had a really rough almost couple of years now with job losses moving etc. The second medication was last summer cipralex low dose awful side effects came off after 4 weeks. The 3rd was Zoloft just recently started at 10 or 20mg I believe then second week 50mg awful side effects again thought for sure I was loosing my mind and the tremors and anxiety I couldn’t bare it. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for years and depression it comes and goes this is the worst its ever been for me, I dealing with intrusive thoughts that I fixate on when my anxiety is out of control and it’s been debilitating. I have had only a couple days since I started that I haven’t taken Ativan, I still wake up with my mind racing most days it does help with the anxiety but I can’t tell at this point if Prozac is helping, I still feel depressed still feel anxious, I don’t want to continue taking Ativan, the days are better then before I guess but still nowhere near feeling better in general. I feel a little strung out almost and just not myself I am trying to hold on to hope here but it’s been extremely difficult. I want to stick it out because I feel like it might get better I have seen a lot of positive reviews, but I am struggling. I just want to feel like myself again for my kids and my husband, it’s been so hard! feeling this way around them. Very supportive family I am just struggling because I want to feel like myself again. And I keep seeing a lot of people respond by week 2 and so far I can’t tell if it’s the Ativan helping keep me calm or the Prozac but I certainly don’t feel a weight has been lifted yet.