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Latest Questions (Page 60)

How to taper off Lamictal?

What would make my legs ache from my knees down?

Tapering 400 mg Wellbutrin food cravings?

I tried tapering last year about this time and I did it slowly but I still experienced severe food cravings that I couldn’t control and gained a bunch of weight so I went back on and this year I really want to try. Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve been taking 400 mg for 15 years.

Quetaipine - how can I tell if my new dosage is IR tablets or XR tablets?

My dosage was increased from 25 mg to 50 mg daily for agitation PRN, How do I tell if the 50 mg pill is an IR or an XR? Can I tell visually? Thank you in advance

Do Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro & Zepbound cause hair loss?

Phentermine Hydrochloride 37.5mg plus 8mg?

I started taking Phentermine Hydrochloride 37.5mg on 08/07/2023 at half a tablet. After 1 week Doc instructed me to take the full tablet. Lost around 13 lbs in a few weeks, and its time for a refill. This time Doc prescribed the 37.5mg tablet plus another 8mg tablet that I should take together. I...

Why is there a 'hole' on back of 225mg. Venlafaxine ER 225 mg!?

I noticed a new 'hole' on back of my Venlafaxine ER 225 mg! I haven't been able to find info about it anywhere! I want to know why it's there all of a sudden? I called the pharmacy before taking these with the bored hole on back. Pharmacist told the employee who answered that it...

What vitamins should I be taking?

I have rheumatoid arthritis, osteopenia and being monitored for low grade, noninvasive bladder cancer. The only prescription I am on is estrogen and progesterone. Is a multivitamin enough?

I have a question about a medicine that my doctor gave me?

Can bisoprolol fumarate help with anxiety and panic attacks?

Is there a difference between escitalopram and medopram?

i visited psychiatrist yesterday and he prescribed me medopram (active substance escitalopram) I told him that I had taken escitalopram before and it did not help me but she said medopram is better. should I change the psychiatrist or is it normal? sorry for bad english

How to manage diverticulitis pain?

Hello everyone, I have been recently diagnosed with diverticulitis and I am having a hard time managing the pain. I did get prescribed antibiotics but I had to stop bcs it keeps damaging my esophogus, due to a long term of taking antibiotics and I am not able to eat properly. Does the pain go away?...