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Latest Questions (Page 63)

What is the difference between Eylea and Eylea HD?

What is the correct way to increase bupropion hcl XL?

What is the proper way to increase bupropion XL from 150mg to 300mg? My doctor told me to start at 150mg and then take 1 pill twice daily to increase the dosage. Is this safe to do with the extended-release?

Muscle spasms heat are cold?

Does Mounjaro cause blurry vision?

My question is about a ketamine consultation?

My question is about a ketamine consultation? I recently had a consultation for ketamine treatment. I guess I was expecting a lot more questions about my mental health. It lasted about 15 to 20 minutes. I was asked about current medication’s, allergies, a brief mental health history of my...

Struggling to focus or concentrate on venlafaxine?

I've been on Effexor XL 75 mg slow release for about six months for depression. Sertraline, citalopram, and mirtazapine never worked, but I'm better than I've ever been in my life now on venlafaxine and haven't had to up the dose. It's probably the most 'stable'...

Is it possible to quit buprenorphine cold turkey?

I have been off of buprenorphine for 12 days, cold turkey after being on it for five years. How long is the maximum length for withdrawal symptoms and what arethey?

Is 18 years old considered a pediatric?

What is the success rate for Carvykti?

How long does it take for Paxil increase to kick in. And should I start with 5 mg increases?

I have been on Paxil for 20 years. Dr changed my meds last year and I went into crisis. Back to Paxil. Now I am finding the 20 mg is causing some anxiety problems and depression. Need to increase

Is Ibuprofen bad for your kidneys and liver?

Does Lexapro cause you to wake up feeling depressed?

I started Lexapro 5mg for 1 week, for extreme anxiety, then went to 10mg. On the 3rd day of 10mg I felt great. No anxiety. But then each morning I started waking up feeling depressed. Has anyone felt like this? Is the depression in morning just temporary while my body adjusts? I've had three...

Managing stage 3 kidney disease and diabetes type 2?

My nephrologist has taken me off metformin, Farxiga, valsartan and Mounjaro. My blood sugar is over 200 every day I am on 100 units of Tresiba (insulin) 2x per day. How do I get my sugar down to 80-120?

Use of diclofenac sodium?

Is diclofenac sodium safe to take..or should it only be used if absolutely necessary?