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Latest Questions (Page 64)

Can I stop lisinopril 10mg after 5 days?

I was in the ER the other day with the following that's been a daily for about 2-3 weeks & this day felt extreme: Shortness of breath Dizzy Lightheaded, keep feeling like I'll pass out Headache neck pain on left side Chest pain, pressure Fatigue Weakness Following comes & goes:...

Jesduvroq vs. Aranesp: How do they compare?

Can I use doxycycline mono for an ear irritation/infection?

My ear is irritated to the extent that I hesitate to use my hearing aide. It is itchy and there is some clear discharge

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - What are the alternatives, if any, for someone?

... with extreme ADHD who has now been cut down from 60 mg a day of ADDERALL to 40 mg a day and is now having to deal with ADHD symptoms unmedicated?

How many doses of Arexvy are required?

What kind of vaccine is Arexvy?

Is Arexvy a live vaccine?

Wellbutrin - bupropion allergy or side effect ?

I'm 74 and have been taking 200 mg of bupropion daily for 3 weeks. The last 2 weeks my lips are burning, they look extremely chapped and I have small blisters that pop up. It's really hard to eat anything but I'm drinking a lot of water , smoothies etc. Is this an allergic reaction...

Side effects - Judgement / laziness?

Has anyone experienced a reduction in judgement/ concentration as a side effect? I am worried my partner is away with the fairies a lot more since starting citalopram. It may be due to an interaction with her alcohol intake. It mainly manifests itself in half-complete tasks or not bothering to do...

Anyone diagnosed with gout while taking Myrbetriq?

I have taken 25 mg; of Myrbetriq for four months. I was diagnosed with Gout. I am in good health, and this came out of nowhere. I have experienced fatigue the passed two months. No family history of gout, not overweight, eat healthy, and a non drinker. Anyone have a gout diagnosis while taking...

What is the best B12 supplement for seniors?

Bupropion - Weaning off bupropion SR 75 mg?

I am taking 75 mg of bupropion every other day. Can I cut the pill if half and take 1/2 in morning and 1/2 at night?

What anti irregular heartbeat(AFib) drug do you recommend?

I have AFib that comes and goes every few days.

Can I stop taking Wellbutrin suddenly or should I taper off?

What is like to feel when taking trifluoperazine hcl? I want to know what you feel after taking it?

What is like to feel when taking trifluoperazine hcl? I want to know what you feel after taking it.