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Latest Questions (Page 65)

Questions about 300mg lithium carbonate er?

I have only been taking lithium for one week. 300mg carbonate er. I got my blood drawn to see what my levels are but won't get the results until next Monday. I am just so depressed and desperately need relief. Everyone in the psychiatric industry is so unreachable. Just not available to answer...

Lexapro - Does anyone had side.effects 8 months after stopped?

10 mg every day lexapro for 10 years. After visit to doctor to stop it I did it slowly. From January till today all good but I have bad days as tiggling to feet like electric shock sometimes , muscles tension etc. I feel like my body is battling something:) Went to doctors and nothing physical...

OxyContin vs Dilaudid for elderly?

I have a 102 year old mother who has been taking Tylenol III for 3 years for moderate pain. Which drug will leave her most alert?

OTC Water Pills

Yeast Infections

Poison Ivy

Jock Itch

What's the buzz on Ozempic and Wegovy?

Pink Eye - what you need to know

I recently had angioplasty and 2 stents placed. My doctor has prescribed metoprolol ER 13mg

Is this OK? levothyroxine 88mcg. Lisinopril/hydrochlorithiazin 10mg/12.5mg Brilinta 90 Rosuvastin 10mg 81 aspirin

How long does MS Contin take to work?

I have diarrhea and am worried about it not working.

Do I need Special Vaccines Before Travel?

What do I need to know about Drug Interactions?

Do I need a Pneumonia Vaccine?

Making Sense of PMS