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Latest Questions (Page 67)

Passing worms in your stool?

What does it mean when you vomit and pass worms in your stool.?

Taking Omega3 plus DHA supplement together with Ferolax?

Can I take 2 capsules of Omega 3plus DHA supplement and one Ferolax tablet in a day, during the preconception period? Will it not cause adverse effects? I am concerned and worried about taking the three capsules together in a day without full knowledge.

Stopping buprenorphine/ naloxone prior to surgery?

Just been diagnosed with a spigelian hernia that will require surgery. My consultation with the surgeon is monday. I have been on buprenorphine/naloxone for chronic back pain since February 2023. Because buprenorphine blocks other opioids that I will need for postoperative pain management, I have...

What times can I safely take OTC Tylenol and Advil?

I take 2 Tylenol 500mg 3 xs a day (8am, 5pm, & 11pm/12am), and recently added Advil 200mg(3pm & 9pm). Is this okay for someone with a lot of shoulder pain and level 3 kidney disease?

Concerta and Vitamin C hamper absortion?

Can Concerta be taken along with Vitamin C at breakfast? I'm finding mixed information on the internet. Google said that vitmin C hampers concerta's absorption.

Bupropion - How long after increasing dosage til side effects subside?

I’ve been taking bupropion 150 mg for over a year and recently increased to 300 mg. My anxiety has gotten worse and I get dizzy spells. How long til these side effects get better?

When will I sleep better on citalopram?

I'm just over week 6 on 20mg of citalopram and I am not consistently sleeping well. I wake up on the dot 2.30am and then drift in and out of sleep. I occasionally take 5mg of Melatonin which does help and I actually get a decent night doing that. Also my weight has crept up by a couple of...

What if I take some of the drugs in the moderate reaction list?

I’m taking meloxicam, magnesium sulfate and occasionally echinacea. Should I just not take them at the same time as the amlodipine?

Which flu vaccines are available?

When is the best month to get the flu vaccine?

Can I get FluMist and the COVID vaccine at the same time?

FluMist or Flu Shot: Which is more effective?

Difference between antiepilitic drugs Zeptol and Tegretol?

Zeptol CR and Tegretol CR are the same tablets or different?

Pepcid AC - Will Pepcid make me hungry like PPI's do?

Taking pantoprazole causes me to overeat. I assume this is true for all PPI's. Will Pepcid AC have the same effect?