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Latest Questions (Page 68)

Does tiredness with sertraline ease? I’ve also got no appetite since starting?

I’ve been taking sertraline for 7 days now for anxiety and low moods. I have trouble sleeping and wake up throughout the night. Since taking sertraline I’ve been feeling so exhausted and no motivation for anything. Is this normal? Will it pass? It’s also curbed my appetite. I just...

Switching to a new benzodiazepine?

I’ve been around the block once or twice although I’m only 24 I’ve been on klonopin for years. I would like to know what my best option would be other than the main 4 benzos.

Wellbutrin XL - How to slowly wean off bupropion 150 mg?

How to slowly wean off bupropion 150 mg?

What is the next higher pain med than Hydrocodone 10/325?

I have been on Hydrocodone 10/325 for several years for chronic back pain. I now have Rheumatoid Arthritis and the Hydrocodone is no longer effective. I'm looking for the next step in pain meds.

Abilify - impulse control sexual and spending?

I experienced impulse control, compulsive shopping and sexual urges after one month of being on 5mg. I presented to my doctor. Was told was made to believe I was hypomanic and had the dosage increases over the space of 6 months. Due to my behaviors, I lost my house, my family, my friends and worst...

Does Excedrin migraine help with a toothache?

Mounjaro - Just had 2nd shot and side effects are back?

I just had my second shot of 5mg and the side effects cranked back up that had subsided after the first shot. Will this happen every week or just when I am getting used to it?

Gabapentin side effects; withdrawal?

Hi guys!! I’m on around 2,700 mg of gabapentin daily, and have been for 4 years. It’s hard to pinpoint which side effects are gabapentin related because I’m on other meds. I’m wondering what symptoms folks who are exclusively on Gaba notice. If anyone has had experience with...

How do I buy Norco online without a prescription?

I am 59 years old and have herniated discs in my neck and back. My doctor prescribed Norco 7.5 for ten years until he retired. my doctor that took his place has kept the same prescription for about 5 years. He suddenly started cutting his patients off all norco because others have misused their...

Sertraline side effects, how long do they last?

Hi , I have been on Sertraline 50mg for 22 days , my side effects seem unbearable , high anxiety , trembling, insomnia, no motivation and dizziness and fatigue , I asked the Doctor 4 days ago how long this would last and she couldnt tell me she suggested coming off but I have come this far and was...

What relief are you finding for 'restless leg syndrome'?

I wake up in the morning with such sore calf muscles. using ropinerole

How do I know if my prickly skin is caused by citalopram or not?

I have been on 20mg of citalopram for nearly six weeks. I am now quite constipated and bloated. In the last week or so when I feel hot my arms and legs start feeling prickly,no rash and it only last a minute or so. Has anyone else experienced this? I switched from Sertraline which I took for 5...