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Latest Questions (Page 70)

What are causes of blood clots?

Why is 20mg Lexapro taking longer to work this time?

Hi Folks Hope your all well. I started lexapro Jan 2021 and was on 20mg which worked great for my anxiety which I never had before ( I'm in my 50's ). Gradually when off it July 2022 as I thought I would be OK but decided to go back on 20mg gradually again in September 2022 as anxiety...

I think I accidentally took an extra dose of duloxetine 60mgs yesterday should I be worried?

Yesterday I might have taken an extra dose of duloxetine and I’ve been freaking out about it wondering if I’ll get any bad side effects when should I take my next dose could I overdose or get serotonin syndrome

Venlafacine withdrawal brain feeling bizarre?

I’m in the UK and I’ve been taking venlafaxine for about a year. I was on 250mg but tapered recently down to currently 180mg. I now feel nauseous and bizarre headaches and feelings of my brain sort of floating (if that makes sense). Wondered about anyone experiencing the same?

Why is gabapentin considered a controlled substance?

What is gabapentin for

Does naloxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) block the effects of benzodiazepines?

I’m currently taking buprenorphine/naloxone 8mg/2mg for chronic back pain prescribed by my pain management doctor. I am also taking Zoloft 50mg for anxiety and clonazepam for panic attacks also prescribed by pain management doctor. My new doctor told me that the naloxone will block any...

Ending my 6th week and haven't had any positives?

I have come to the end of my sixth week on lexapro. 10mg the entire time. I have not had one ioda of relief from the severe depression and extreme anxiety I started taking it for. Is it time to move on? My psychiatrist is clear that she thinks it is not going to work and wants me to start tapering...

How long does Daxxify take to work?

Anxiety and depression how long to things settle?

I’m 41 year old female suffering with anxiety and depression. I have been taking 100mgs Sertraline just been put up to 150mgs feel terrible after one week of taking. Overthinking an awful lot with anxiety and no motivation at all trying to do what I can. I know u have feel worse before you...

Can you use Winlevi and tretinoin together?

What is the Tysabri Touch Prescribing Program?

Ambien and Ambien CR doesn’t help me stay asleep?

I’ve been suffering from sleep maintenance insomnia for 2 months now. My doctor prescribed me Ambien 5mg, but it didn’t work. Fast forward he gave me 6.25 of Ambien CR but it didn’t make me fall asleep. So he told me it was okay to take 5mg of regularAambien and the 6.25mg of...

Entering my 8th week on Zoloft and had a bad week with anxiety at work?

I was wondering about anyone that is on 25mg of Zoloft after the 8th week and wondered if they were feeling better? My doctor recommended that I move up to 37.5 and I am reluctant to go for it. Any advice?