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Latest Questions (Page 71)

Taking diazepam after taking tramadol yesterday?

My significant other was prescribed diazepam 5 mg every 8 hours as needed. He was also prescribed Tramadol 50 mg every 6 hours as needed. I was told he should not take these two meds at the same time. He took two tramadol yesterday and wants to take diazepam this morning. Is that OK? If he takes...

How much lorazepam can I safely take with 3600mg of gabapentin?

I'm on gabapentin for severe Restless Legs Syndrome and lorazepam for anxiety.

Parkinson's Disease - Our doctor prescribed Seroquel for my wife’s hallucinations caused by...

... Parkinson’s today. I’ve read that the only drug approved for Parkinson’s patients is Nuplazid. Reading about Seroquel doesn’t sound good. Any thoughts from anyone? Its other name is quetiapine.

My Seroquel is not helping me sleep any more?

I’ve started taking my Seroquel alone rather than with my calcium d3 to see if the effects of too many pills is hindering the Seroquel efficacy

Should gabapentin be taken with food?

Is it safe to drink coffee and take Tylenol?

Is there any food interactions between Tylenol and coffee? I want to take Tylenol because I'm in pain, but I had a coffee.

Can I use Zaditor along with Zyrtec?

Using Zyrtec (I use generic cetirizine) alone doesn't completely eliminate my eye symptoms. Can I use both these products daily? Thanks!

What medication can help me?

What alternative medications can my doctor give me thats as good as Adderall? For some reason I can't get my prescription filled they claim its always on back order

What is alpha lipoic acid good for?

Bacterial Infection - Hello all, I'm hoping that I can get some answers for my daughter.

My daughter is having kidney pain with pain when she pee's, also has bumps on the outside of her vagina. What could her issue?

Home Remedy - what is an at home remedy for diarrhea and cramps as well?

What is the easiest home remedy for diarrhea and cramped up stomach that goes along with the diarrhea?

Is diazepam considered generic Valium?

Promethazine - does discontinuing use cause insomnia?

I took promethazine 6.25 mg oral cough syrup for ten days, mostly 2 ml per night, using the oral syringe. I stopped taking it a few days ago and noticed a severe bout of insomnia. Will this wear off soon? Has anyone else experienced this? The pharmacist assured me it should be out of my system in...

Glucagon beyond expiration date?

Will Glucagon have any effect for hypoglycemia if it is past it's expiration date?