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Latest Questions (Page 72)

Oxycontin and switching to a hydrocodone?

How long should one wait before starting hydrocodone after using OxyContin for 30 days?

Does sildenafil have an affect after first dose?

Partner expected results after trial dose. Nothing happened and he is extremely embarrassed and unhappy. Need confirmation that several times may be needed and to keep trying!

Aortic Aneurysm - Thoracabdominal Aneurysm Repair?

Had an open aneurysm repair surgery on 5/22/21. On 2/22/23 had hernia surgery with mesh surgery. Still experiencing pain in my left side. Taking Oxycodone 15mg and using ZTlido pain patches! Still have pain 24/7. Surgeon states my rib cage and stomach were cut during the surgery and pain may last...

Is triamcinolone acetonide an antifungal cream?

Once I lower my cholesterol with Lipitor, is it possible to keep it down with diet alone?

If my total and LDL cholesterol come down quickly with Lipitor, is it possible or advisable to keep it down with diet/exercise alone without continuing the drug? If my cholesterol had come down quickly to the desired level, should the dosage at least be reduced?

How long does metronidazole stay in your system?

How long does metformin take to work?

Started buspirone 3 weeks ago and non-stop hunger?

Started buspirone 10 mg twice a day. Felt pretty good maybe a bit less irritable and calmer. However starting a few days ago I became hungry ALL the time.. I'd like to keep going but don't want weight gain which is inevitable with this non-stop hunger. Anyone have this side effect and did...

Seroquel effective dose for depression and others?

Is anyone taking seroquel 600mg or 800mg? And how does it feel?

Is it possible to experience withdrawal symptoms in between doses of Effexor XR?

I take 75mg of Effexor XR every day in the morning. Towards the afternoon/evening I tend to experience hot flashes, dizziness, nausea, headaches, irritability, and flu-like sensations (I feel as if I’m sick). I looked up the symptoms online and discovered these are symptoms that one...

Escitalopram starting dose?

I’m on escitalopram for three days right now. And I’ve started on 10mg but raised the dose to 20 mg very quick. It is okay? Thank you.

How can I manage Mounjaro side effects?

I love the positive side of Mounjaro! I have lost weight and want to continue. I have had terrible diarrhea for 10 days that began after the third injection. It's so bad and immediate, that I am afraid to leave the house. Does anyone have this issue? Has your body adjusted? I don't want...

Quetiapine - quetiapine grogginess next day?

Hi,I have been on quetiapine now for five weeks at 50mg per day (taken 90 minutes before bed).I find that the next day I am still groggy and feel weak and I feel like I need to sleep more. Has anyone else noticed this?

Does Xanax help you sleep?