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Latest Questions (Page 74)

What to take for sleep with xanax?

What to take for sleep with Xanax 0.5

Tadalafil 5mg - is it safe to take?

I was prescribed tadalafil 5 mg for BPH but am afraid to take it because of the possibility of vision loss or blindness. I would rather suffer with BPH than go blind. Should I just go ahead and take it and hope I can tolerate it without vision loss?

Phenelzine and social anxiety?

Has anyone had a successful outcome using phenelzine to treat Social Anxiety, having already tried or been on other antidepressants such as paroxetine? Having researched this medication online over the years, it is often referred to as the gold standard medication for social anxiety. I am...

Is Buspar the best drug for severe panic attacks?

I have recently started having severe back to back panic attacks during the day. My doctor put me on 5 mg of BuSpar three times a day. It was a lifesaver and was working wonderfully and then all of a sudden for no reason after a few months it just stopped working and the panic attacks came back....

Does naltrexone make you feel woozy?

Does it make you woozy? Started on 50 mg this morning I think I should take 25 mg tomorrow?

What are Hives (Urticaria)?

Has anyone experienced hypersensitivity to sounds and temperatures?

Background: I’m suffering with acute anxiety and have been on Zoloft for 8 weeks. Started on 25 mg and increased to 50 mg (42 days ago ). Along with the awful symptoms ( shaking , depression etc) I have been experiencing sensitivity to noises and it’s getting worse every day. Even...

What is the best remedy for toothache?

Contrave making you skip periods?

I've been on Contrave for a month. Last month my period was normal. This month I'm over a week late, and I'm never ever late. Usually, I'm early or on time, and sometimes I get my period twice a month, and they're always heavy. I saw a similar question asked but all the...

Olanzapine - Olanza - tired/groggy/spaced out?

I started taking olanzapine (5mg) 2 days ago. I am also taking 25mg paroxetine (Paxil). I have been taking this for over 10 years. My situation is strange. It is to treat some kind of anxiety/depression. (It's like I've developed some kind of social anxiety around my wife or something)....

Venlafaxine ER 37.5 Switching from evening to morning?

Took first dose 6PM yesterday. Experienced insomnia. How do I switch to AM? Skip 6pm dose today & begin AM dose following morning?

Does Bactrim cause headaches?

Does Strattera make you dependent on it? Is it addictive?

Will you become physically dependent on Strattera?