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Latest Questions (Page 75)

I started mirtazapine 15mg 4 weeks ago and felt great. Now not so much. Any advise?

I felt relief within a few days of starting but then after 4 weeks the symptoms started again. Has anyone else had this happen and needed to increase the dosage even when at first it worked? Wondering why this would happen when getting to full potency. It’s frustrating to feel this way again.

I take Wellbutrin and Zoloft. Is this too much anxiety medication?

I have taken Zoloft for 20+ years (200mg) one time a day. I started seeing a RA doctor that put me on many drugs including Webuterin 2 times a day in conjunction with topamax. I feel like a walking drug store. Honestly, I have had no side effects from the 2 drugs that I can tell, but I am unsure if...

Would 5 doses of Valium and 5 doses of Dilaudid within an hour cause the death of my mom?

My mom was given five doses of Valium and 5 doses of Dilaudid by a healthcare professional who told her, my daughter, and me that it was to help her breathe easier. I think that it caused her death. She was already having trouble breathing from swelling in her abdomen, which needed to be drained.

Peripheral Neuropathy - If gabapentin or pregabalin don't work, what can I do?

My neuropathy in my feet is severe. What can I do to ease my pain?

Does Lyrica make you sleepy?

Can you eat dairy products with augmenting?

What interaction between atorvastatin and Qunol ultra CoQ10?

I have muscle weakness and fatigue. Could this be an interaction between atorvastatin 40mg every other day and CoQ10 daily ? I’m also taking pantoprazole 40mg every other day. Any information regarding this information would be helpful

Latuda and possible increase to breast cancer?

Any one see the article from Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis where Latida might be increasing the risk of breast cancer? I wonder how many people suffered breast cancer after taking this dangerous med. I know I am one.

Is it safe to take 440mg propranolol and 90 mg amitypryilne all at once?

Is it safe to take 440mg propranolol and 90 mg amitriptyline all at once?

Armour + older patients is it being banned In Calif.?

I was told other hormones in this product could cause arthymias & stroke in older patients. My new doctor is refusing to renew my rx, I am 71, though all blood work is perfect. Do I find another Dr. or is it being banned?

Stopping Cymbalta starting Zoloft?

I started having panic/ anxiety attacks back in April. I had been taking Cymbalta for 20 years. My new pain management doctor decided to take me off Cymbalta (cold turkey) and start Zoloft 50 mg 8 weeks ago. He told me that the 2 drugs were in the same class which I later found out they...