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Latest Questions (Page 76)

Take prednisone with Brilinta?

Can you take 20 mg of prednisone day for 5 days while on Brilinta? Injured my foot, strained muscle and need prednisone help heal quicker. Like to make sure no interactions and nit affect the Brilinta. Any helpful information be appreciated

I have taken 1 mg clonazepam for many years. I am going to discontinue this drug?

My pharmacist said that I can cut the 1mg in half and take just that for 2 weeks or so and then stop entirely. I know 1mg is not a large dose but I have been taking it (or something like it) for 30 years. Is anyone on this site who has discontinued clonazepam 1mg with success?

Why does Cymbalta become ineffective after 6 months?

After 6 months Cymbalta is not effective even after increasing dosage. Why?

Tizanidine - If I am stopping tixanadine anaflex cold turkey, how long umtil withdrawls sets in?

Can I push through it or do I need to taper?

How do I use Opill birth control?

When will Opill be available?

Question about side effects?

Zoloft cause green poop sometimes after a period of time

Is phentermine a blood thinner?

Ivermectin experimental dose for recurrent squamous cell carcinomas?

I now have my seventh (7th) squamous cell carcinoma. They have all been head & neck tumours. Four have been removed surgically, one by laser & one by radiotherapy. Immunotherapy has not worked so I am faced with major surgery that will leave me without a moving tongue as they have very...

Is taking 0. 5 mg of alprazolam with 5 mg of hydrocodone enough to cause breathing problems?

I simply forgot that these drugs are dangerous together.

Hydrocodone 5 mg. and Alprazolam 0.5 mg?

I took Alprazolam an hour before I took Hydrocodone. Simply forgot they should not be mixed. Is this a dangerous amount?

If you are taking digoxin, can you also take Aleve?

What happens if you use too much Duobrii?

How can I get a flu vaccine without a needle?