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Latest Questions (Page 78)

How long should you use Duobrii?

Ozempic - Recommend seeing a dietitian?

Advice seeing a dietitian when taking ozempic? I have increased nausea, stomach pain and watery diarrhea. I am obviously not eating the right food’s while I’m taking my Ozempic.

Can you take metformin without food?

Does taking more than one emergency contraceptive makes your period absent for more months?

Does taking plan b and aftera the day after. Can your period be absent or irregular for two months?

What are the side effects of Adderall?

Can Enstilar be used on the scalp?

Can you take Collagenase Santyl and Amoxicillin together?

My father-in-law is currently taking Collagenase Santyl and he has noticed that he has an abscessed in his mouth causing his face to swell so I was wondering if it would be safe for him to take amoxicillin while he is on that medication?

Hot flashes, later in life?

Is there a medication for hot flashes, that is not HRT? I'm 71 and never really bothered by hot flashes much. Had a complete hysterectomy in 2005. Over the last 3 or 4 years hot flashes have made my life miserable! I used over the counter supplements, Estroven, did not help. Someone help me...

Clonazepam/lorazepam (benzodiazepines) induced libido loss and persistent sexual dysfunction?

I am a 32 male. I was using clonazepam for 3 months. Dose was 0.75mg daily. (occasionally added lorazepam 2 mg.) Stopped using both the pills after 3 months of total use. I have lost my libido completely since the last week of usage. Its been 14 months now, since I stopped the medicines, but my...

How does Buspirone help with depression?

Vortioxetine - Does vortioxertine causes tingling on the body?

I’ve been getting random tingling 24/7 and muscle weakness, particularly in my arms, feels like my sensation of touch is not the same. Not sure whether to continue. Also had some weird vision blurred circle in my left eye.

Does trifluoperazine relieve pain?

What dose is abailable for Celebrex?

Can I drink coffee before taking esomeprazole?

An anti-inflammatory for arthritis?