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Latest Questions (Page 80)

Is Amjevita interchangeable with Humira?

Has anyone ever seen a pink tramadol 100mg?

Is it OK to have 1-2 wines with dinner whilst on Trulicity ?

I have been on Trulicity for only 3 days, but we are going out for dinner tonight. I just wanted to know if anyone else that is on Trulicity has had a wine or two with a meal, with no side effects.

Why are semaglutide tablets prescribed instead of injections Does this reflect absorption?

I was on 14 mg semaglutide tablets There was no supply available for a whole month Then they gave me 14mg again after a break of over 30 days I was violently sick vomiting g and retching for 3 hours on and off I am afraid to take 14mg again and haven't I have type 2 diabetes now for 16 years...

Ran ouit of blood pressure meds on June 22?

I will not be able to pay for mail order till the end of June. It been out since June 22nd. What can I do?

Get rid of Ocrevus from my body now?

I started Ocrevus 2 months ago and I have this feeling of pressure in my brain. I cannot think/focus I fell like I'm falling when I close my eyes Feeling like the brain is squeezed It started exactly 2 days after the first infusion. I will do an MRI in 3 weeks to check what is going on. ...

What is recommended spacing between medication dosing?

What is the recommended spacing between amlodipine and Eliquis dosing? What is recommended spacing of Synthroid and Eliquis, and famciclovir?

Is there contraindication between Nardil (MAOI) & Super HCA (Hydroxycitric acid), wght loss vitamin?

I am currently on Nardil, which is an MAOI. This medication class has serious contraindications with other medications and food and I am not able to find if there is a contraindication between Super HCA, which is a weight loss supplement. Contraindications cause hypertensive crisis, or probable...

What are the benefits of Vitamin E?

I started taking vitamin E capsules at a dose of 400 units. Are there any side effects?

Interaction Checker - How are Minor, Moderate, Major determined?

I am wondering what the specific, quantitative criteria are, if any, for determining if a particular drug-drug interaction is minor, moderate, or major. How are these categories determined? Are they subjective? Thank you.

Fluoxetine & clomipramine?

Are there any dangers to using fluoxetine and clomipramine combined?

Would sertraline help a non existent appetite?

I’ve had an off-and-on appetite for many years it would go for months then come back pretty good for a couple of months at most at the moment, I haven’t wanted to eat at all for weeks and lose weight slowly. Would sertraline even me out once past the stomach issues and the appetite loss...

Should I stay with a same medication?

I have a sensation of swelling and body pain should I stay with the same medication for high blood pressure?

When does the burning from Lexapro go away?

I started Lexapro 5mg, a 10mg split, last week on Thursday and had to stop it on Sunday. I've had awful side effects including insomnia and a HORRIBLE burning sensation. Does anyone have experience with this? When did it go away? It's now Thursday morning and I'm still dealing with...