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Latest Questions (Page 82)

Waiting to take meds before or after you take Metamucil?

How long before you can take Metamucil after taking your regular meds?

How does everyone feel about taking atorvastatin?

I have been taking atorvastatin for 6 months and would like some feedback on side effects and how they affected anyone since they have been taking it. I keep going to the doctor and complaining of all these problems and they have never said anything about this drug and the harm it seems to cause a...

Is triamcinolone good for poison ivy?

How to stop buprenorphine/naloxone and start Percocet?

My pain management doctor prescribed buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual film 8. 2 and gabapentin 900 mg a day in January 2023 for chronic back pain. I was taking tramadol prior to that. Since April I have been experiencing anxiety attacks. He has lowered the gabapentin to 300mg a day. He suggested...

Sertraline - have they worked a 2nd time?

Has anyone stopped taking Sertraline as they pooped out and tried a different antidepressant, and then returned to Sertraline and they worked again.

What is Exxua?

When is the best time to take metformin?

Can Flagyl be taken with pitavastatin?

78 years old male person got an infection from drinking water which has caused diarrhea. The doctor gave him metronidazole. He also takes pitavastatin. I checked interactions on this website. It says there is an interaction between them. Can Flagyl be taken with pitavastatin?

What is glofitamab?

Can I use an insect repellent if I'm pregnant?

Oxybutynin 5mg side effects?

I have been taking oxybutynin 5mg tablets twice a day for the past few days for hyperhidrosis which has been working for the sweating, but I’m struggling with some side effects, especially dizziness to the point that I feel like I can’t leave the house. How long do these side effects...

Trintellix - Does vortioxetine affect your hormones?

My hair is suddenly greasy and my armpits smell awful (can't find anything to help). Is this related?

Is being an albino normal?