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Latest Questions (Page 79)

Is Prozac (fluoxetine) safe for dogs?

Could Bupropion XL brand change cause this side effect?

I have been on bupropion XL 300mg for many years. Recently my pharmacy's switched the generic brand from slate run to rising pharmaceuticals. I felt the State Run brand was actually the best I'd ever taken. Since being on the rising brand I think I'm noticing negative effects and,...

What is insulin icodec?

Coming of Lexapro symptoms?

I took 5mg Lexapro for 5 days due to some side effects I cold turkey stopped it. I'm on day 8 off of it. My day times seem to be getting normal, but my nights and mornings are still symptomatic. Burning sensation, trouble sleeping, cloudy head, vision issues, new anxieties that I never had...

What is orforglipron?

I don't find Norvasc (amlopidine) interaction with sucralfate in your interaction list?

In the list that names the drugs that interact with sucralfate, even minor interaction. So can I take them together?

How long do Levofloxacin hallucinations persist after taking five 250 mg doses?

90 yo man given Levofloxacin for UTI. He was already experiencing delirium from the UTI but on day 3 of Levofloxacin the delirium was worsening. By day 5 he was having hallucinations while awake and not sleeping well anymore. Stopped taking the medication. No wondering how long to expect these...

Has anyone taken 6mg of Xanax a day?

Taking 6mg of xanax for many many many years - prescribed. Has anyone else taken this high of a dose? I just helps me feel normal but wondering about tapering down.

How long does Winlevi take to work for acne?

Does Winlevi need to be refrigerated?

Can antidepressants be used for arthritis pain?

What is the antidote for warfarin?

Help identifying liquid in syringe?

I found a syringe belonging to someone I know. Cap still covering the needle. It has been used, what is left of the liquid is a bright yellow color. If anyone has an idea of what this liquid could be?