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Latest Questions (Page 66)

Did the FDA recently reduce Adderall max of 60mg daily down to 40mg daily?

Does a shortage exist for some Adderall types/strength? And might this be connected to tainted pills coming in from Mexico?

Two weeks on sertraline and still don’t feel my moods lifting?

I’ve been taking sertraline for two weeks now and I still don’t feel my moods listing. Sleeping is weird I have very vivid dreams not bad dreams just very vivid. I have trouble getting to sleep so I take Valium also, which I would like to stop taking. Does anyone take anything else...

Can you stop taking baclofen cold turkey?

My primary doctor has retired and my appointment doctor won’t renew meds until she sees me. I can’t get an appointment before I run out of meds and she won’t renew until she sees me!

What is the maximum dose of Lyrica per day?

What is the maximum dose per day of Lyrica.

How exactly does Glucophage (metformin) cause lactic acidosis?

Could somebody explain it to me in simple terms please?

Zoloft adding Cymbalta. Is tapering necessary?

I’m currently taking 100mg Zoloft and my doctor wants me to lower it to 50mg and begin 30mg of Cymbalta. I’m nervous about doing this. Would anyone have advice? Thank you.

Hello. I’m currently taking 100mg of Zoloft. My doctor has told me to now take 50mg of Zoloft and?

... added 30mg of Cymbalta without any tapering of Zoloft. I’m nervous about doing this. I’d appreciate any thoughts. Thank you

Why do I experience such server itching when I go in the sun?

I don't know what to say about it further

Should I take supplement CoQ10 if taking Ezetimibe?

Does taking Ezetimibe deplete the body of any vitamins and minerals?

Drug Interactions between metformin, topamax, methotrexate and nurofen?

I just wanted to check on the implications and health education needed for a patient who is taking metformin, topamax, methotrexate, and Nurofen who stopped taking her contraceptive pills because she wanted to become pregnant?

SVT & Metoprolol fatigue & weight gain?

I've been on metoprolol for over 6 years for SVT. I take the succinate ER 50mg in the evening. I'm a 64 year old female. I have put on about 15 pounds and I'm always tired. I have no motivation at all. I mainly want to sit or sleep. During these 6 years I have been put on Zoloft for...

What medicines are best for Arthritis?

for persons with Diabetes