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Latest Questions (Page 163)

How is constant phlegm caused?

I have had chronic sinus drainage problem for many years now I have a sticky phlegm which seems to stay in my bronchial tubes. I have heard that the phlegm isn’t a gastric system problem which is developed where one might expect. I’m hoping that I may find a medication which helps clear...

Headache - Not able to understand at all?

Not able to understand

Escitalopram - 8 days and feel weak and shaky, anxiety has lessened but I feel physically worse?

Help i dont know what to do, iv had a few normal side effects from this tablet. And iv noticed my anxiety level has lessened but still there.. i woke up today feeling internal shaking, a little sick, but the worst thing was i felt very unwell but didnt know what was wrong. Now i feel internal...

Adverse side effects of Mounjaro?

Hello, I was prescribed Victoza for weight loss and had some of pretty intense side effects including Nausea, diarrhea, belching and fatigue. I dropped that immediately and now my Dr has me starting monjauro. Are my side effects going to be the same? If so, I don’t think I want to start it,...

Has anyone had weight gain with taking amitriptyline for IBS-D?

My gastro prescribed two 25mg of amitriptyline at night to start for my IBD D. This seems like a high dose, she said she was giving me a low dose. My two concerns is weight gain and is the dose too high? I’m scared to start the medication because you can’t Just stop it. I took Zoloft...

How to take diltiazem 30mg if ordered as required for SVT?

Doctor order is take one tablet up to every 6 hours as required for SVT How does this prevent a STV event? What benefit is it to take after an event of SVT?

What are the drugs for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease?

We have drugs for treatment, for prevention and for diagnosis so what are the drugs for each of them

Lexapro - will it help or make my anxiety/panic disorder worse?

I have anxiety disorder and have tried many different prescriptions over the years, usually giving up because of extreme exhaustion and weight gain, only to go back to try new medications. The only one I found to have worked for me was Xanax however since my doctor doesn't want me to use it...

Is there a good generic for Ritalin?

Has anyone here found a generic for Ritalin that helps with focus and alertness. Any recommendations?

Trazodone - What's the chance of getting tardive dyskinesia from trazodone use. Is it low?

Taken for 5 years with no problems. Just curious

Escitalopram - A week on these and still no change, only increased anxiety?

I have been on these tablets a week now and so far all i have is side effects, mornings are the worst severe anxiety for at least 2 hours. Wake at 4am everyday have maybe a hour anxiety free and it all starts again... night time is fine and i sleep but every day is crippling anxiety Someone help...

What is the difference between Betapace and Betapace AF?

Risedronate delayed release?

Side effect diarrhea. Can I take a probiotic or liquid kaopectate? Or both ?

Has anybody had nightmares/ vivid dreams with Lamictal?

I tried during 2 months but my nights were awful Thanks

Does Cimzia (certolizumab) make you gain weight?

Does Cimzia (certolizumab) cause gain weight or weight loss?