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Latest Questions (Page 161)

All antibiotics drugs name?

Give me all antibiotics drugs

Is 100mg benzonatate effect the stomach?

I took it not too long ago after drinking a hot tea. Normally this medicine is suppose to target my throat ,instead its effecting my stomach i feel a cooling sensation in my stomach. I am kind of worried about this

Subutex vs Suboxone: What's the difference between them?

How long can I take Gilotrif (afatinib) for?

Metoprolol succinate and ED?

My doctor just added metoprolol succinate ER 100mg to my valsartan 160 mg and just wondering does metoprolol cause ED? And loss of desire? Just wondering how common it is?

What effect on dry eyes from taking letrozole?

Has anyone had a problem with their eyes while taking letrozole 2.5mg? I took the drug for 10 days and had vision blurring, sharp pain, and redness in my eyes. Also had a bad headache every day.

I am asking about my medication?

I've been taking hydroxyzine for about a month. I've not been able to sleep, and I have insomnia since I have been taking this drug. Also I've been agitated , and my tinnitus has gone through the roof. Can this happen with hydroxyzine. I am also taking Remeron for depression.

Gabapentin for chronic daily headaches?

I’ve been taking gabapentin for chronic crippling daily headaches since April 2022 I started low at 300 mg daily divided into 3 doses and worked my way up to 1800 mg currently, I’ve noticed a slight improvement in the severity of the pain and has made it more manageable but for the most...

I found a capsule printed m.amphet salts 25mg with white powder inside?

I was under the impression that all mixed salts came in bead form. I only found one,inside my bfs bag and he tells me it's his adhd medicine (usually printed with adderall on the capsule with little beads inside) . Have they changed the form? Or is this maybe a generic form?

Antibiotic question for c diff?

What is the best antibiotic for c diff

Can you take hydroxyzine for pain?

Headaches it says it helps with tension and it's a tension headache

Gabapentin for dogs: Uses, side effects and dosage

Qualifications for taking vancomycin?

Is this drug recommended for someone over 65 with high blood pressure and heart issues?

Lexapro side effect on eye sight?

Does anyone experience eye sight problem being on Lexapro? Blurred, double vision, flicking sensation when look at computer screen. One eye is less vision than another. If you do have this side effects, how long did it last?