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Latest Questions (Page 162)

Long term side effects of Lyrica and tramadol for pain management in fibromyalgia?

I am a fibromyalgia sufferer in Australia and have been diagnosed 3+ years ago and am now aged 59. I take a myriad of medications and have had to change my GP and chemist to my house locality due to the expense of getting to my previous GP and chemist. The main regime of meds I am on is 225mg of...

How do Ozempic, Mounjaro, Wegovy, Zepbound compare for weight loss?

Ketamine treatment questions. Help please?

I have been dealing with depression off and on for about ten years now. In the last six months it has become worse. The last two months have been pure hell to say the least. I went through a bad break up, have had five family members and friends pass and three good friends now all with stage four...

Please help with my medication interactions?

I have a question. I am on 6 medications. They seem to have very bad interactions with one another I don't know where to began I don't know where to start. Doing my own research confused me more. I don't know who to turn to I could really use some help so can somebody please find it...

Intense vomiting after venlafaxine?

My doctor prescribed venlafaxine 37.5mg bid today for anxiety. I took the first pill today after dinner and within about an hour and a half my stomach started to hurt. I had intense nausea and knew I was going to throw up. Within a few minutes I was vomiting non stop and then had diarrhea. I do...

How does Gilotrif (afatinib) work?

What is the mechanism of action for Gilotrif (afatinib)?

What is this drug for and the side effects?

Simvastatin. Is it for high blood pressure or what

Is Gilotrif (afatinib) a chemotherapy drug?

Hydrochlorothiazide/Losartan - Is it okay to split Losartan/Hctz 50/12 Tabs in half taking am/pm?

Hydrochlorothiazide/Losartan - Is it okay to split Losartan/Hctz 50/12 tablets in half, taking half in am, and half in pm? What I have noticed is that if I exert myself after taking a full pill my blood pressure can drop dramatically, taking half in am and half in pm reduces the drop to a...

When is best time to take primidone?

Sexual function on escitalopram?

Does this cause sexual problems within men and do they go away in time?

Lyrica - Trigeminal Neuralgia Dose?

Just started Lyrica 75mg/2x per day and not feeling any relief. Any suggestions for pain control?

Trying to get off Fioricet?

I’ve made up my mind that I want to completely come off Fioricet- I’ve been on it for 3-4 years taking 2-3 a day. I’m scared to death of doing this due to withdrawal effects. I’ve never been addicted to anything but I feel it’s time to cut this drug all together. Any...