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Latest Questions (Page 165)

Ezetimibe can cause hair loss?

Does Ezetimibe cause hair loss?

Week 5 of 50mg of Pristiq?

Currently on 50 mg of Pristiq. started sep 11 on 25 then sep 18 moved up to 50... going into week 5 and my anxiety is awful! I had some good weeks and ups and downs, and heard that it can take up to 6-8 weeks... any one experience this? Should I change meds? Have a dr appt at 130

How long can it be taken?

I have extreme itching from Lichen Planous. Can Zyrtec can be taken for longer than 3 days?

Citlapram made depression worse?

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help so I started citalopram at the beginning of September I was on for 25 days before my anxiety and depression went and got worser and more intense than it was before I started ,so much so I stopped them, it's been a couple of weeks off now and the initial...

Clindamycin - Will the infection go away?

What is the vigabatrin REMS Program?

How long does vigabatrin (Sabril) take to work?

What is the best medication for CHF?

Safe medications for CHF

Is Prozac 40mg to much for a 16 yr old?

What is your thoughts on giving a 16 yr old 40mgs of Prozac? She started out on 20mg went to 30mgs if there was some issues and now her Dr wants to put her on 40mgs to see if she can sleep better and interact more with friends. She does seem to want to spend a lot of time alone and doesn't...

Does Klonopin cause weight gain?

How much weight did you gain with klonopin if any please ?

How long can you stay on Tikosyn?

How long can I take Tikosyn for?

What are the current insomnia sleeping medications?

What are current sleeping medications

What is the common name for sertraline?

Been having horrible hot flashes. I'm 78. My doctor said that sertraline can cause hot flashes. I've been on it for year's and have forgotten what it's called.