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Latest Questions (Page 98)

Is Flexeril addictive, will it show up on a drug test?

What drugs interact with Black Cohosh?

Can Tymlos cause bone cancer?

How does Evenity work?

How does teriparatide (Forteo) work?

How does Evista (raloxifene) work?

What are my options for birth control and how effective are they?

Can I get pregnant the first time I have sex?

What can I do about the metallic taste of Flagyl?

Would usage of antipsychotics (Abilify, Risperdal, Thorazine) cause long-lasting harm to a 8yr old?

That eight year old was me, decades ago. I took about 45 different antipsychotics and various meds of that type between ages of 7-17. They were used to treat some situational behavioral issues. I have list of pills I was prescribed in early childhood, and I took anything from Apriprazole to Zoloft....

What are the different types of insulin?

What are the most common skin conditions? (with photos)

Is it easy to travel with Diabetes?

Taking Synthroid with esomeprazole?

I take Synthroid everyday because I have an underactive thyroid problem, and I also have a GERD problem which I take esomeprazole every day. What is really the best timing to take these two medications? I am concerned about esomeprazole depleting the acid in my body for the Synthroid to work...