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Latest Questions (Page 96)

Can you stop Lyrica cold turkey?

Does starting escitalopram on 20mg directly harmful?

I started taking escitalopram 20 mg without gradually increasing the dose from 10mg to 20mg. Is it harmful or can cause any serious health issues?

Which drugs cause opioid-induced constipation?

Looking for some advice which is the best blood pressure medication to take along with buspirone?

I'm wondering what is the best blood pressure medication to take when I'm taking buspirone 10 mg for inside a disorders I told that lisinopril interacts with buspirone 10 mg so hopefully someone could give me some answers and I could talk to my physician about this too many side effects...

Can I give Aspirin to my dog or cat?

Why does Metformin smell like fish?

What can I give my dog for motion sickness?

Does lamotrigine cause awful crying spells?

I have been on 100mg lamotrigine for 8 days and I am experiencing bouts of uncontrollable crying, it's just horrendous and absolutely wears me out. Is it normal when you go up doses and does it wear off? I can't bare it.

The Dangers Of DVT: Don't Ignore These Signs

What Do Over the Counter Cold Remedies Do?

What Are 9 Signs You May Be Gluten Intolerant?

What are 7 Essential First Aid Kit Items?

Cialis: 7 Important Things to Know

Do you know these 11 amazing facts about Viagra?

Adderall for Study: Does it Really Make You Smarter?