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Latest Questions (Page 97)

6 Sore throat remedies that work

Does Flagyl treat UTI infections?

Does Flagyl cause diarrhea?

Questions about lisinopril 5 mg and buspirone 10 mg?

My question is, do these medications together have an effect on lowering blood pressure or will it make it higher? Are they safe to take together? My doctor has me on both medications.

Carbidopa/Levodopa sleep issues.

I was just started on this yesterday evening first dose 50/200 ER they are weaning me off gabapentin,1 capsule reduction per week, thus the change in medication for my severe restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder; I took it at 10:45 pm, I never felt sleepy and ended up not...

How does semaglutide work for weight loss?

Why did I get chickenpox even though I've been vaccinated?

How does Viberzi work?

Can proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) be used long-term?

How does Botox (botulinum toxin) work?

What are the 10 most effective ways to lower cholesterol?

How long does it take for Flexeril to work?

Does Flagyl make your urine dark?

Which is stronger, Flonase OTC or prescription?

How long does Zoloft (sertraline) withdrawal last?