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Latest Questions (Page 99)

Is there a difference between generics? I was taking for 6 years one generic of gabapentin & was...

... switched in November 22. I haven’t felt the same since. Don’t want to do anything or have the desire to do anything. I think my marriage is going to end if I can’t get back to being myself. I told the doctor I want to get off this medication. Help please

What should I do if I develop a rash while taking lamotrigine?

What does "drug interactions" mean?

What is a drug interaction?

Can I drink whiskey with amoxicillin?

Why is Hemgenix the most expensive drug in the world?

Fentanyl - Is there a pharmacist in the group that can answer what kind of breathable patch I can?

... use to keep my patch from falling off. I live in a humid climate and I need help

How can I stop myself spinning mentally?

I need help and don't know how to break my isolation! At the time of becoming pregnant with my son boom! Covid hit/Postpartum depression now my son is currently staying with his dad due to my inability to leave my apartment. I'm falling more and more into depression. I can't focus...

About a year ago I was put on 10mg of Lexapro.It was horrendous.

For 7 days I was jittery, shaky, unable to eat, and taking 2 Xanax just to get through the day with very low energy. It started within hours of taking the 1st tablet, so I kept taking them thinking they would start working soon and I'd be back to normal. Went to my doctor on day 7 she told me...

Clopidogrel - How long can clopidogrel be taken?

My doctor told me 2 years ago that I would probably be on Plavix for the rest of my life. His PA told me recently that there were no studies showing a benefit for long-term use and that I could stop taking it.

What's the mechanism of action for epinephrine?

What is Trikafta?

How does Symdeko work?

How do you take Orkambi?

How does Kalydeco work?

How many years before I can say I'm cured of breast cancer?