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Latest Questions (Page 100)

Will I still be able to have children after I finish chemo?

How long can I stay on Herceptin?

Interactions with drugs. 3 different?

I took ibuprofen at 5pm today. Acyclovir at 7pm and now I want to take NyQuil because I have a fever and weak. Should I tuff it out tonight? And not take NyQuil? Thanks.

Is it common to lose hair AFTER stopping tamoxifen?

How do you relieve joint pain associated with tamoxifen or Aromasin?

Does low dose trazodone for insomnia cause weight gain with long-term use?

I've been taking 50 mg of Trazodone per night for post menopausal insomnia since August, 2021. It really helps the insomnia but in the last year my weight has been steadily increasing and I have gained 10 pounds despite continuing my usual exercise and healthy diet routine. Has anyone else...

Do athletes need glutamine?

What is whey?

Xarelto bruising , any advice ?

I bruise very easily, especially hands and forearms. It seems the slightest touch leaves a purple blemish. Most doctors dismiss my complaint as part of the treatment for Afib. I’m new to this forum and I hope some fellow members might know something that can help,

What is Creatine used for?

Prednisone : 45mg in the morning then reduce 5mg every other day as required .how many tablets do I?

... need to take in every other day?

How does Tzield work?

How effective is Tzield?

How is Tzield administered?

What is Tzeild?