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Latest Questions (Page 102)

What is Vowst?

Can you help me with this?

What does "take 1 tablet by mouth three times a week" mean?

Scared of dosage increase?

So currently I'm on 100mg of sertraline and have been for nearly 2 years, recently I've had some breakthrough symptoms, my doctor has suggested upping my dosage to 150mg however, I'm terrified as I had very bad side effects when I 1st started taking sertraline, my doctor also said I...

So I've been on sertraline 100mg for nearly 2 years and recently I've had some breakthrough...

... symptoms. My doctor has suggested upping my dosing to 150mg, but I'm a bit scared as I had really bad side effects when I first started taking it. Any suggestions would be great?

If Repatha elevates my blood pressure, can I counter this by increasing my lisinopril dosage?

Not looking to take action without Doctor's approval. Just trying to find out if anybody has experienced the same issue and how was it resolved. Thanks for the input though.

Will a glass of wine every once in awhile hurt me while on Epclusa treatment?

I'm currently on Epclusa, going on 5th week. Will it hurt me to occasionally drink a glass of wine?

What is the mechanism of action of Tyrvaya?

My doctor says a biopsy is not necessary. She is positive I have Oral Lichen Planus. Thoughts?

My dentist sent me for a biopsy, but the Dental Hospital said not needed as it is obvious what I have?

How long does a bottle of Tyrvaya last?

Does Tyrvaya reduce inflammation?

Can you please tell me what this pill is found in my child's room?

It is purple and has a M on one side and has a P2 on the other side.

Can you bring an EpiPen on a plane?

How does Mestinon help with myasthenia gravis?