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Latest Questions (Page 103)

Can I take a vicodin if I take Klonopin?

I got a crick in my neck on Saturday and it has progressively gotten worse and has now moved into my should and back. Nothing is touching the pain. Just trying to get some relief. I’m also using heat.

Spacing medications to avoid any interactions. Doctor wants the famot & pantop taken together?

I’m trying to rearrange the schedule of my medications. I take famotidine & pantoprazole together. Then one hour later Motegrity. Next is 10ml extra-strength Mylanta an hour after the Motegrity. Half hour later is breakfast. Is this a safe or reasonable schedule for these meds?

Do flecainide and diltiazem work together?

I was prescribed both meds. I was on diltiazem for a month and flecainide for 4 days. I'm still in AF and shortness of breath is worse. I know they are both antiarrhythmic but they are not working. What is the point?

Is halobetasol propionate still good after expiration date?

The date is 10/25/22

Bupropion generic for Wellbutrin XL 150 mg?

I have been on the Wellbutrin now for a1 month a 3 days and I started getting extremely agitated to the point I could rip the paint off the while and real short with family members. I ask my doctor if I could get off of it and get back on my Prozac 10 mg that really worked well for me except for...

Drug and vitamins side effects?

I would like to know if there are any side effects in using the vitamin boswellia with meloxicam?

Qelbree vs Adderall: What's the difference between them?

Hydroxyzine - I was given this to take as needed for insomnia.

After taking one in the evening, how long would I have to wait to take something like Claritin / Zyrtec or a muscle relaxant like cyclobenzaprine?

Entresto and olmesartan together?

Is safe to take Entresto with olmesartan?

Can I give Zofran ODT to my dog?

Poor baby is running from both ends, going to the vet asap.

I have finally got down to just 100mg of gabapentin a day which is in a capsule form.

How do I taper off this last 100mg ? Every time I try, I get horrendous internal tremors, blurred vision, tightness in the chest. I have spoken to my GP, who says it can't be the gabapentin, but looking through the internet, many people are experiencing these symptoms trying to get off...

Who prescribes the hep c med treatment?

I need to know who to see to get treated for hep c and how soon can I get started

What is this?? Someone gave this to me saying it was headache medicine?

White or clearish color round pill no imprint or code on the pill. I took a picture of pill but I can't seem to find how to load it.