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Latest Questions (Page 101)

I was wondering if anyone has taken Elavil for abdominal pain from IBS?

I was just prescribed it, 10 mg to start, and before bedtime. I tried it last summer but stopped it because I developed diarrhea. My current doc said to try it again. I always seem to get whatever side effects are reported in the gastro category. So I'm not looking forward to this as I'm...

New here: I started Wegovy a month ago?

New here: I started Wegovy a month ago and am getting ready to refill it for month two. When I refill, does it automatically go up to 0.50? BTW - I am not seeing any weight loss yet, but I'm being patient.

Does Benadryl make you sleepy?

Does minoxidil work for beards?

BuSpar - How much time do you allow between twice daily doses?

I take buspirone twice a day. I was wondering what times of day others who take it twice a day take it. Currently I am taking my first dose at 9:00 a.m. and my second dose at 7:00 p.m. . I'm hoping to get some feedback on what others do, if they have experimented with different times and what...

Does is safe to take buspar with mirtazapine?

Greetings, today I had an appointment with the psychiatrist and he prescribed buspar 5mg twice a day for anxiety, but it worries me because I take 15mg of mirtazapine and 2mg of lorazepam to sleep and it appeared to me on the Internet that it is not good to mix buspar with mirtazapine. Is it safe...

I have been using 5 mg of Ambien for 4 weeks. Is it early enough that I can just stop taking it?

I understand I will have some discomfort and insomnia for several days, but I don’t want to become dependent on it. Suggestions or helpful advice? Thank you!

What does it do if you take medicine after the expiration date?

I was prescribed alprazolam for the stress of family... I am now dealing with extreme anxiety.

What safe alternatives to cyclobenzaprine are available (muscle relaxer) for patients on bupropion?

patient is a severe grinder and will be getting a night guard - would like to place her on a muscle relaxer. my go-to is cyclobenzaprine, but want to avoid/minimize risk of seizure.

Is hydromorphone ER still available on market?

I just switched from the fentanyl patch with the hopes of using the hydromorphone ER. Now my pharmacist tells me it’s not available.

Is there anything out there that will help to relieve depression other then dangerous drugs.

Maybe over-the-counter products, anything at all? I also have MG which makes it very dangerous taking depression drugs. Thanks everyone

How safe is tramadol to take with beta blockers and blood thinner meds?

I’m on beta blockers and blood thinners because of pacemaker insertion. Have chronic back pain and not sure about taking tramadol because of moderate side effects. Would only want to use it for 11 hour plane trips to help get through the flight.

Lamictal and nausea - just started taking it?

I just started Lamictal and have nausea. Does it usually pass? If so, how long does it take on average?

I take miodarone 200mg tablet once daily in the morning. Today I took my morning dose but about...

... an hour ago this evening I took another 200mg amiodarone tablet by mistake. I remember this was the loading dose at the hospital when I began treatment so I'm not too worried, but I would like to check with the group

Can I cut my pitavastatin pill in half?

I have 4mg pitavastatin pills. Can I cut a tablet in half to make 2mg?