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Latest Questions (Page 94)

What is Neffy (nasal epinephrine)?

Does St. John's Wort interact with any drugs?

Pantoprazole and Tirosint?

I take pantoprazole for serious reflux/GERD. I also take Tirosint for hypothyroidism first thing in the morning. One pharmacist told me that I should wait 4 hours to take the pantoprazole after taking the Tirosint. Another said that it is not an antacid and can be taken 30 minutes apart (Tirosint...

Why are Warfarin tablets color-coded?

I have been on metformin for almost 10 years. The last 4 years 2000mg a day. I also take half of a?

... 5mg tablet of glipizide in the morning and 24 units of insulin at night. During this time I have lost 50 pounds. The first 25 pounds was all fat. The next 25 was all muscle. I have lost muscle tone and strength. I have tried exercise but have not gained anything back. Are there any suggestions...

How does Addyi work and is it effective?

How effective Is Invokana?

Need additive free high blood pressure pills due to allergic reaction?

I need to find a brand of high blood pressure pills that do not have the following ingredients: Sodium lauryl sulphate, silica and most if not all E- colorings, only E171 may be OK as my mother's blood pressure went up after consumption and she almost fainted.

Prednisone: What are 12 Things You Should Know?

7 Deadliest Diseases in History: Where are they now?

Drug compatibility- sleeping pills that can be used with Demerol?

What sleeping pills can be used with demerol?

Adipex-P - Can a commercial driver take Adipex and pass a drug test?

When a commercial driver takes a drug test and is on Adipex, will they fail the test? Do they need a letter from their prescriber noting that they are on it?

Does Trintellix interact with herbal medicine?

Specifically Juniper Berry

What to eat when you have a peptic ulcer?

I have a peptic ulcer and even though I'm on carafate and omeprazole I still have pain almost every day. I dont know what to do at this point. I know what not to eat but not what I can eat other than soft/bland foods. I feel like one wrong food can set off days of pain.