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Latest Questions (Page 92)

Does Qutenza contain red chili peppers?

Valium and Levoxyl at same time?

Does Coenzyme Q10 interact with any drugs?

Does Kava interact with any drugs?

Is Xanax good after 10 years?

I have Xanax for anxiety.i have extra and want to know if they expire

Does Garlic interact with any drugs?

Does Cranberry interact with any drugs?

Should I use apple cider vinegar?

Will drinking apple cider vinegar help lower my type 2 diabetes

Doctor weaned me off gabapentin onto pregabalin. Having awful symptoms?

I was on 3600mg per day gabapentin. Still had some nerve pain in shoulder. Doctor weaned me off this onto pregabalin. Having some awful symptoms now, even though I'm on 250mg x2 per day and told to increase by 50mg every 2 weeks upto max of 300 x2 per day. She says if pregabalin doesn't...

What is it with gabapentin and all of its side effects?

I’ve been on gabapentin 300mg 3 times a day since January and I’ve gained about 25lbs, and even though it’s helped my pain, all of these terrible side effects are just so terrible. My asthma has gotten worse, I look 8 months pregnant, I get terrible stomach pains and I have to...

Why am I unable to sleep after taking Ambien?

Does alprazolam ODT work faster than alprazolam?

Does alprazolam ODT begin working faster than regular pill alprazolam?

Why do I have unexplained weight gain?