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Latest Questions (Page 90)

Knowing what is dangerous?

When I was in high school I was taking 108 mg of Concerta twice a day. Is that a dangerous amount to be taking?

How does this expiration date read 22EXP07-24?

Acnegen izotretinonin

What is Fibro Fog?

Who are the manufacturers of the generic of Desoxyn in the USA?

I would like to know who manufactures the generic of Desoxyn. I would also like to talk to manufacturers as to why there is a shortage of the generic drug of Desoxyn. What is causing the problem. I’ve been on this medication since 2008 and now it has become impossible to find. Is there a...

Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim - Can this cause blood in my stools?

On day 15 I noticed blood in my stool, day 17 still a bit. Is 20 days too long to be on this? Is this what is causing this?

Does Feverfew interact with any drugs?

What causes black hairy tongue?

Does losartan cause erectile dysfunction?

I was switched from Lisinopril to Losartan due to the dry cough side effects and was wondering if anyone had ED issues with Losartan?

What causes shortness of breath after eating?

Is Ambien safe for long-term use?

What happens when you mix ice-cream with laxative?

Are there any adverse interactions between Advil and celecoxib?

Arthritis pain, I currently use celecoxib for the arthritis. Now I would like to use Advil while I use celecoxib. Are there any Interactions I should be aware of?

What are the symptoms of lactic acidosis caused by metformin?

Can I use Advil with celecoxib?

Does Saw Palmetto interact with any drugs?