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Latest Questions (Page 89)

Tramadol and Pepcid for acid reflux?

Is it OK to take Pepcid AC tablet for acid reflux while taking tramadol?

Tramadol and Nyquil used together?

Is it OK to take 25 or 50 mg tramadol (once-a-day) at night and Nyquil at night?

Tramadol and sleeping issues?

I have used 25 mg tramadol (with Tylenol) at night only for about 2 months and on some days 25 mg doesn't help me sleep well and sleep is not a deep sleep but helps my neck pain. Is it common to experience sleeping problems with tramadol? The doctor prescribed 50 mg (immediate release...

What is considered long-term (months/years) use of tramadol?

I have used 25 mg tramadol (with Tylenol) at night only for about 1 -2 months. If I stop taking it will I experience withdrawal symptoms?

There is a lump where the ribs meet in front of the chest and the right arm is numb and tingling?

There is a lump where the ribs meet in front of the chest and the right arm is numb and tingling.

Got a bad burn on the leg got a antibiotic after my second dose my face and arm broke with hives my?

How can you tell if it's the burn or the antibiotic that caused the break out

Does caffeine improve erections?

Is it OK to use Afrin nasal spray 1 time every 3 days?

I want to use Afrin nasal spray 1 - 2 times a week and want to avoid the rebound effect

How long can side effects from fluoxetine last?

I've been on Lovan (fluoxetine) for nearly three weeks. Doctor started me on 10mg and upped it to 20mg 1.5 weeks ago. The side effects seem to have come since I started the 20mg and I'm wondering how long they last. Bit of nausea, loss of appetite, and loose bowel movements. Also...

How is Plavix a blood thinner?

Is Plavix a blood thinner?

What is the best medication for tension headaches?

Did Cipro ruin your gut health?

I'm pretty sure that Cipro stripped my body of all good bacteria, and allowed the bad bacteria to thrive, after taking Cipro. 2 rounds of it, 30 days each. A new study suggests gut health affects the brain in ways they are just learning. It says that bad gut bacteria is in the gut of all who...

Is gabapentin addictive? Is it good for migraines?

Can I take Viagra 25mg once a daily?

Benzodiazepine - Took 1 10 mg Valium after last dose of Klonopin taper?

I've been off Klonopin 11 weeks now after taper. Took one 10mg tablet Valium for muscle pain this morning. Will I restart acute withdrawal? Just curious. I think I'm okay, but just scared.