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Latest Questions (Page 87)

Atrial Fibrillation - AF post surgery of mitral valve repair?

My cardiologist prescribed RivaRaxaban 20 mg daily for one month. On subsequent visit, he changed it to Apixaban 10 mg daily in view of lower price. What is the difference between RivaRoxaban and Apixaban? What are their efficacy in treating my heart condition since I had have no symptoms at all...

OCD - Zoloft - fluctuations?

I had been on Zoloft for years and went off of it this winter, and my OCD came through full-fledged. Specifically of the harm variety to myself and others/and exestational. I went back on Zoloft on April 26, 25mg, and increased to 50 on May 13. Last week (week 4/5), and the end of the week before,...

Can I eat after using oral nystatin?

Do I have to take another Plan B after vomiting after 4 hours and 20min?

Took Plan B and I vomited 4 hrs and 20min after I took it. Do I have to take another pill? If so, is anti-nausea medicine good to take with Plan B?

Methocarbamol - Can I take this with Zyrtec?

Does anyone know if this is OK? I take a very small dose of Zyrtec (5 mg)

What are biosimilar drugs and how do they compare to biologics?

Buspirone 15 mg twice a day?

What happens if i accidentally taken a double dose of Buspirone. I take 15mg twice a day. Do I skip the second dose?

Drugs for overactive bladder?

I have overactive bladder, urine inconsistency and frequent urination. But I can't take oxybutynin hydrochloride because I also have glaucoma on one eye and astigmatism on the other eye. I have had the bladder issue right form child hood and my personal life is affected, am 32yrs female, So...

What is the best medicine for back pain?

Can I apply DEET and a sunscreen at the same time?

Is DEET safe for children or infants?

How long does it take for nitroglycerin to work?

I’m having angina and I took a nitroglycerin pill an hour ago. The pain is still there