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Latest Questions (Page 91)

What is off-label prescribing and why can doctors do it?

What are the side effects of Adderall?

Is this drug addictive?

How many times a day can you take 0.5mg of Ativan?

Does Valerian Root interact with any drugs?

Is Addyi just a pink Viagra?

How long does it take for Flonase to work?

How often can you use Flonase nasal spray?

Levothyroxine-induced neurological and muscular side effects?

I've been noticing some symptoms like dizziness, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, blurred vision, body tremors, and temperature dysregulation after taking my levothyroxine at 3 am every morning. Have you ever experienced anything like this? Do you happen to know why these symptoms occur? Any...

Amlodipine swelling in one leg

Shortly after increasing dosage from 2.5 mg to 5 mg I had substantial swelling in my lower and upper right leg. I stopped using amlodipine about a month ago but there has been no reduction in the swelling. I have not tried compression socks. Has anyone had a similar experience? What can or should...

Does Ginseng interact with any drugs?

Does Echinacea interact with any drugs?

How Does Qsymia work for weight loss?

Is your blood really thinner with warfarin?

Why does warfarin cause purple toe syndrome?

Does Melatonin interact with any drugs?