My husband has been a social drinker for the 26 years we’ve been married in August he was losing weight rapidly but he hadn’t changed his diet, exercise or alcohol intake when he had a physical and was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. He was also B-12 deficient and had a high potassium levels with high blood pressure.

So a month later he was back in the doctors office and suffering extreme fatigue. And confusion he’s blood sugar levels were over 450 and developed type two diabetes and had lost 30 lbs in 30 days.

He was prescribed B-12 shots, Jardiance, metformin, omeprazole, Propranolol , Xanax, Pimozide, and Quinapril all at once but no way to test his blood sugar or blood pressure. I demanded that he prescribe him the proper devices to monitor this.

With no information from his doctor about the changes in diet accept for refrain from sugar, carbs, soda, smoking and limit alcohol intake. See you next month. And then we see if we need to adjust any of your medications.

Before his October appointment he worked a half day came home cut the lawn, had a double cocktail about 12:45 PM took a nap, got up had a sandwich and packed his truck to meet me at our vacation property 90 miles away.

Within 3 1/2 hours he was having a confusion episode so much so he was going the wrong direction to get to me and was pulled over for inattentive driving (he had our 3 dogs in the truck) He was having trouble communicating to the police mainly because he has Tourette’s syndrome and head tics and a subdural hematoma on the lower left side of his brain.

1.) I have to know if all of the medication and health issues can affect test results for Blood Alcohol Content.
2.) Can the BAC level be higher due to the drug interactions, rapid weight loss and dehydration, sodium levels and B-12 deficiency?
3.) And could drug interactions prolong the BAC reading stays in his system?

I know that he has not drank any more alcohol than he has tolerated for years which is less than ten drinks per month. He’s so shaken up by all this he completely stopped drinking and now has pretrial hearing on Thursday and is scared to death for his only police contact was for a speeding violation 24 years ago.

I’m so worried about him because now dropped 68 lbs without dieting. A1C is down to 5.3 from 13.8 and sugar levels are under 130 90 % of the time. He is 49 years old, 6.0 feet tall and now weighs 197 from 263 in June.

Please help me!!!