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How long does it take for suprep to work?

Answers Page 7

naildriver 5 Jan 2011

It took 7 minutes before the first urge to go then stayed in the restroom for 30 minutes. After the initial 30 minutes I made 2 more short trips in the next 30 minutes.

Votes: +6
Irish264 17 Nov 2016

Thanks, I'm taking this tonight and couldn't remember

Relic54 9 May 2017

Took at 3 pm, 4 1/2 hours later still going. Just gurgling no cramps. Second scope used ducolax & miralax first time. This prep is better for me. Don't expect much rest .

Dmmjsellers 27 Oct 2017

Not sure if my question actually showed up. I've read everyone's comments and now that my colonoscopy is over, I thought I'd share my comments. Suprep was not that bad for me. Yes, it tastes like salty KoolAid. But at least it's not thick and goopy. First dose at 7pm and I mixed it with clear Gatorade2. It took over an hour and a half to even feel the urge to go. Maybe because I actually only had liquids all day. I had no cramps at all. I did not spend hours in the bathroom and did not have terrible urgency either. I got some rest and set my alarm for 6am. The 2nd dose was more difficult to get down and I felt nauseous but didn't throw up. I went a few more times and then rested some more before having to be at the office at 12:30. I actually had a nightmare there weren't enough bathrooms in the waiting room! But it was fine. If you get anything out of these posts it's that everyone is different and I guess depending on what is in your system when you start will determine how long it takes to come out.

Txhazleeyez 7 Nov 2018

I'm drinking it now and its working fast. I put in some Crystal Light Lemonade in mine it don't taste that bad.

Marvell 27 Dec 2010

It's unfortunate that no one has responded. I don't know of anyone who has used it so can't comment either. If you have already used it please let us know of the effects, if you don't mind.

Votes: +5
highrider69 14 Nov 2016

I had to take this for a colonoscopy, it doesn't taste too bad but it drains your electrolytes, make you feel weak. You don't feel that hungry but it takes about 3 hours to flush your system. The second dose is worse because now you know the taste. If you are a diabetic, be careful controlling your sugar.

Maggie56 16 Dec 2016

1st dose... 50 minutes before it began to work. Felt bloating, mild cramping and nausea.

Cgillil2 17 March 2017

I just took this about 20 minutes ago and results were immediate. Started off with stomach grumbles and then in no time, had my first movement. Reaction times differ for other individuals, but anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours are common

Bobs-your-uncle 30 March 2017

First colonoscopy, first Suprep. For me it started working within 10 minutes and I am in the process right now. Will comment on the length later. This has caused me to be very nauseous, chilled and shaky. The Suprep is sweetened with Splenda and that made it difficult for me to get it down. Friends tell me this is better than the older PEG solution.

Carolynwhite 24 April 2017

Well I used & it took me 6 hours for it to work. I suggest you get big girl panties pull-ups I kid you not. Once it started I couldn't make it to bathroom before I went on myself in floor walls commode in my bed I was mad as hell. I've had colonoscopy before & didn't use this one. I want use it again believe me. I was still going pooing when time for my presedure. Needless to say I have to redo all over ugh I could scream

beautyfirst 21 July 2017

I just took the prep and it only took an hour to work maybe because I don't have a gallbladder

Ellieirish 21 Sep 2017

I took my first dose at 6:00 pm. Added a Crystal Light Lemonade packet, that helped with the taste. I experienced cramping and full action at about 1 hour after I took it. By 10:00 pm, it seemed to calm down. But it was pretty draining.

Dmmjsellers 26 Oct 2017

It took over 90 minutes to begin working for me. Suprep didn't taste terrible. Sweet but salty. At least it wasn't thick and gloppy.

smlauderman 27 Oct 2017

Started drinking it at 6:00. Effects in full force before 7:00. Continuing beyond 2 hours. Tastes horrible!

Ellieirish 27 Dec 2017

For me, it started to take effect about 45 minutes after I took it. I had some cramps, lots of chills, and the flushing out was intensive. By the time I went to bed, around 11:00 after taking it at 6:00, I was able to get sleep. The second dose wasn’t as bad tasting and the effect seemed milder. The dosage is exactly the same, by the way, same bottle and there’s no indication which to take first.

Several things I learned. Eat a prep diet starting 48 hours before your colon prep. That really helped. I avoided all fiber, red meat, gassy veggies, and fruit for the two or three days before. I drank and drank. Prep your bottom with Desitin cream BEFORE you take your first dose. Have cooling wipes on hand and in the bathroom at the ready. On the day before, the all clear liquid diet is not that bad. I found gummy bears in clear and yellow were allowed and that was awesome.


I ate just the strained chicken broth from a really good restaurants chicken noodle soup and that was way more satisfying than a canned broth dinner. I had jello and Italian ice in lemon at the ready, and I wasn’t even hungry enough for them. I also used pineapple crystal light right in the cold prep liquid, used a straw and washed it down with ice water.

The thing I most learned: the colonoscopy itself was a breeze! Best sleep I ever had and I was treated so well. Good luck!

Meta-ridley 29 March 2018

Im doing it now and man is it fast! Started working 12 min after i took it. Taste pretty nasty but is do-able. Im in my 3rd hour but its starting to taper off. I dont have cramps with it at all. (Thankgod) some people took an hr to get started. Pity

Sunnynights68 3 Aug 2018

My dr had me do a liquid Diet all day then do the Suprep at 6 PM. Within 10 minutes I was on the toilet. 20 Minutes later and I’m unable to leave. I’m hoping this will taper off at some point. No stomach pain or nausea though I think the liquid diet helped with that

GG_65 3 Aug 2018

Thanks everyone I survived mine time was 30 minutes after I stayed on toilet for 3 hours I kid you not lol... everytime I got up I was back on so I just stayed there :-)... after 3 hours I was good to stay off for a few minutes slept from 2 a.m-3 got up took my shower started the other bottle at 4 a.m and was going in no time then I went after I got to the hospital like 7x and when they were getting ready to do the procedure I said oh no I have to go againtheysaid no worries if you do we will suction it up UGH & that was the last thing I remember ... they said they had to give me enough knock out medicine for 2 people because I kept moaning (I don't recall any of it THANKFULLY LOL... and upon them trying to wake me up I told them & my sister to leave me the F alone and let me sleep :-( (I also don't recall that THANKFULLY) after all is said & done the drink part was the worst and I had the endoscopy also but they said my colon looked healthy so I am good there and should be getting the biopsy results soon HOORAY it's over and done with lol free discount card

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colonoscopy, suprep, laxative

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