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How long does it take for suprep to work?

92 Answers Page 5

Stsr 28 July 2017

The medicine is worse part of procedure worked on me sitting 10 minutes mix with cold water drink it all in one shot to avoid the awful taste,, I had zero pain b4 or after exam

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JaymeNichole83 10 July 2017

When taking the solution for bowel prep. It took at least 30 to 40 minutes before it started to take affect.

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shortbowel 7 July 2017

I have been looking to see if anyone who has Short Bowel Syndrome, like myself, has taken the Sure Prep. I have had many colonoscopies before with various preps, but never since I lost most of my intestines. I was surprised when my new MD wanted me to take a prep since i take 3 Lomotils and 3 Immodiums a day just to go outside in public. So tomorrow is my colonoscopy and endoscopy. I did not take any of my pills and had chronic diarrhea all day. Took the prep at 4:30 and it is now 9:45 and I have gone over 27 times and it does not seem to want to stop. I hesitate to take the morning prep as I do not think that anything was in there in the first normal transit time is about 25 - 45 minutes anyway. Anyone else have this medical problem and still told to take this prep? Did you? UGGGHH, I have gone through a tube of Desitin and now am into Aquaphor to stop the pain!

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Teachin 7 July 2017

I've been doing the bone broth diet for 10 days so the sweetness in the prep tasted weirdly good. But I took it at 6 followed by the water within 40 minutes and like others I feel full of water and cold. But no need to hit the bathroom yet

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D_O1 30 June 2017

I wanted to share my experience just in case someone has a similar situation since it reacts differently from one person to another

I'm not usually the type to obey the rules whether I plan it or not

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TheAussiesGirlfriend 12 June 2017

I had my first colonoscopy this morning. I drank my first bottle of Suprep at 6pm yesterday. That was probably the most vile thing I've ever ingested! I literally detest anything cherry flavored. Apparently the only taste I dislike more is a salty cherry flavor. I was amazed that I made it through the whole cup! Once I was finished, I waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing happened. I never even felt the slightest urge to use the restroom. I went to sleep around 2:00 this morning, still with no success. I set my alarm for 5am to drink the second bottle. I was almost in a panic that it would be a failure, too, and I would have to repeat the process. The second bottle was even worse than the first! It took everything inside me to not throw it up! It was so retched that I was unable to drink the second bottle of water. There's no way I could have kept it down if I'd attempted another 16 oz bottle of water. Luckily, the second bottle of Suprep worked within 10 minutes.


After about 45 minutes, I was done. I never had to run to the bathroom again.
I was really impressed with the doctor I chose and his staff. It only took about 15 minutes to get me prepped. I was under the impression that I would have conscious sedation and would be awake for the procedure. I was quite happy to find out that I would be given Fentanyl and would get to sleep through it all!! I managed two of the three deep breaths I was told to take and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery. I was told that everything went great and he only discovered one polyp, which was removed. I was given a follow up appt and told I don't need another colonoscopy for five years. I'm good with that!
Overall, I think things went well... from start to finish. Hopefully before my next one, they will come up with something that doesn't taste so bad!!

Votes: +0
Fastphilly 15 May 2017

Took it at 6pm. Prep grape flavor. Chugged 32oz of water. On toilet by 6:20pm. Gurgle gurgle launch... gurgle gurgle launch. It's 8and I am somewhere around the international space station. This rocket fuel is amazing. But really. It is not uncontrollable. Just sit on the toilet. You will likely find the end of the internet.

I did learn I am like David Copperfield. 48 Oz in. 48 billion Oz out. So drink some water folks. Put on "rocket man" for some good soundtrack. And keep all hands and feet in the bathroom at all times.

But really folks, you will survive and your leather cheerio will too. Enjoy!!

Just a comment, not a sermon!

Votes: +0
Dannielyn7 11 May 2017

This is my 4th colonoscopy and I've had different preps each time. All the others started after 2 hours and went all night so I started Suprep at 2:30 pm and by 3:00 had my extra 32 oz. water down. I was bloated but no cramping, although I became a little nauseous for a short time . At 3:20 I thought it was gas, which wasn't. It kicked in that quick. I think drinking the water helps it a lot. I also drank 32 oz. of water plus my coffee in the morning. I believe this time I may get some sleep. For me it was almost a constant, or at least every 2-3 minutes for the first hour. A TIP: I thought I was finally finished at 4:15 when my stomach started growling. Heed to that growl immediately. That's when it started spacing out. That part went on for another hour. I was very pleased with this prep. From start to finish on Day 1 only, was a little over 2 hours before I felt I could leave the toilet. I did go a few times after that, but I wasn't anything like earlier.


Please keep in mind everyone is different. The other 3 preps I used took a lot longer and kept working on me all night.

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Dannif26 4 May 2017

I began prep by consuming only clear liquids about 25 hours before drinking the first bottle of Suprep. It was hard to get down and keep down but I managed. The bloating, stabbing pains, and cramps were really intense and started minutes after finishing the drink. About 2 1/2 hours later the movements started, but only after sitting and pushing a bit. The cramps lasted for another 30 to 45 mins before easing up a bit. I struggled with the 32 oz of water but eventually finished. I sat on the toilet for about an hour and a half before daring to move. When I did get up I had about 10 mins away from the toilet and returned a few more times after that. It's been 4 hours after drinking the first bottle and I'm still going, but in smaller amounts and less frequently. If the second dose is any different I'll add to this tomorrow.


I appreciate everyone's responses, as they helped me prepare for this unpleasant evening. Having the computer in the bathroom to watch Netflix on was a great tip. One that I didn't read on here but would suggest is having something to put your feet up on while sitting on the toilet, as it can get pretty uncomfortable.

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MSbailey52301 25 April 2017

Took about 15 mins before I started going, was on the toilet for about 1 hour constantly going. Was pretty clean after the first hour but still had a couple small bouts afterwards. Felt bloated when i first took it but it subsides after you drain most the liquid.

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MSbailey52301 25 April 2017

By thw way, I have taken many different types of colon cleanser and this is by far the best one i have used. Highly recommended as it is pretty painless and fast acting. As long as you can handle a little bloating feeling then your fine.

MSbailey52301 7 May 2018

By the way no sneezing of coughing while away from toilet, trust me you will regret it.

LynnLeo 17 April 2017

Took at 6. It tasted like grape.At 8 it started working. I was going steadily for about 30 minutes. Then a vomited.
I'm really not going to like my 4am dosage

Votes: +1
salute61 13 April 2017

I took my first dose of Suprep last night at 6pm. The taste wasn't bad at all.
Like drinking grape kool aid, but a little salty. Key is to refrigerate the bottles the day before you have to start drinking them. When you go to mix them with water, use ice cold water (I have a cold water dispenser). I got everything set up in my bathroom... tv tray, laptop, chargers for laptop & cell, baby wipes... do not flush these, LOTS of soft toilet paper, and Desitin diaper rash cream (use this every time you go!). The first dose really didn't have much of an effect on me, except a soft bowel movement, with a tad bit of diarrhea at the end. I was very disappointed, thinking it wasn't going to work and I'd have to reschedule my colonoscopy tomorrow. Went to bed at 10:30. Got up at 2:00am and took second dose. It hit me within 15 minutes! It's 3:35 am and I'm still on the toilet. It's coming out like water, now.


It works great! I did get the chills, like many others have reported, but it lasted about 15 minutes and then went away. At one point, after taking the second dose, I felt a teensy bit nauseaus, but I sniffed my peppermint essential oil and it nipped that right in the bud! Good luck to all who have to go through this. I pray your results are great =)

Votes: +1
PamelaBass 30 March 2017

It starts to work within the hour after drinking it. For me it lasted about 2.5 - 3.0 hours.

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mbmc 24 March 2017

Have a colonoscopy scheduled for an hour from now (8am). Drank the first bottle of suprep followed by 2 16oz glasses of water last night at 7:00PM. I did it all at once. Suprep + water, water, water. done in 15 minutes. Felt very bloated. In the bathroom within 30 minutes, and another 3-4 times over the next 2 hours. Drank the second bottle at 3:00AM, same result. Drank it all in 15 minutes and was in the bathroom within 30 minutes, 3-4 times over the next 2 hours. I feel ok, a little nausea and have the shakes like when you haven't eaten for a while, but totally fine otherwise. Clean as a whistle and ready to go to the hospital now for the scope!

This is my second scope and i used Suprep both times. Easy enough, and not too uncomfortable. I'd recommend it over the other ones i hear horror stories about.

Votes: +2
Tsweat29 21 March 2017

Ok, I took Super Bowel Prep at 4:47 the first 16 oz mixed it with a flavored clear drink, went and spent time with my sister in law by 6 I came back and drank the other bottle, I wasn't told to do one in the am, now with what I felt was the worst part out of the way I went and watched a bit of tv by 730 it kicked in, definitely worse then the first time I did this (3 yrs ago and diagnosed with Crohn's Disease) so it's 930 and my stomach is still laughing at my "oh not so smart choice" hope this helps someone

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