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How long does it take for suprep to work?

92 Answers Page 4

DebbieCousins 27 Dec 2017

My advice: drink the first dose when you are already ON the toilet! I was 10 feet from the bathroom and about FIVE minutes after I finished drinking it, I couldn’t make it to the toilet on time. Fortunately, I had already put on a Depends, stocked the bathroom with extra ones, toilet paper, flushable wipes and a trash can - all within arms reach. Be sure to flush after every 3-4 wipes if you don’t get to the pot on time, or else your toilet will surely clog! I used the idea which someone else suggested of drinking the mixture through a straw to avoid as many tastebuds as possible. I also drank it as quickly as possible. It’s NOT horrible; but it’s not something you want to drink any longer than you have to, either. I have a friend who uses the expression, “peeing like a racehorse.” Well, expect to be doing that out your BUTT for a good while. My plan is to not leave the bathroom until I can wait 15 minutes before explosions of diarrhea.


I have to get colonoscopies every year, because my sister had colon cancer. The Suprep makes for a powerful exit strategy (but not as explosive as these PILLS I had to take 3 years ago). With those, the force of expulsion was so great that the excrement splashed off the toilet water with such force that it sprayed between the toilet bowl and toilet seat onto the walls, floor, cabinet, etc! So far, it’s been a little over a half hour since I drank the stuff. I’ve been setting my phone timer to go off every 5 minutes, to remind me to drink my additional water. 32oz in 60 minutes is no easy task. If you’re not a math whiz, that’s a little more than one ounce every two minutes, a little more than 3oz every 5 minutes, or 8oz every 15 minutes. With setting the timer, it’s also made me aware that I have had liquid movements at least once or twice between alarms. Again I say, DON’T leave the bathroom. The only things I “ate” since 10pm last night were (1) a can of chicken noodle soup with all the noodles & chicken drained out, and then heated together with enough water to make about 8oz,; (2) about 12oz of juice drained from a can of mandarin oranges and one of pineapple, combined; and (3) about 3 Tervis tumblers (not the big ones) of Diet 7-Up diluted with half water. I have now finished my 32 ounces of water, with 7 minutes to spare. My legs are numb from an hour on the stool, so I bravely stood up and walked around the bathroom to regain circulation. It’s been 14 minutes since Imy last sip of water and 20 since the last explosion. I’m going to TRY to go sit down and watch a little tv. Hopefully, this won’t be a tragic error in judgment! Now 30 minutes since last evacuation. Hopefully, if I don’t drink anything else tonight, I’ll be able to sleep without incident. First dose was at 6pm tonight. Next one is supposed to be at 2am. Fun times.

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murrieta 11 Dec 2017

First colonoscopy. Took Suprep at 5 PM last night. Taste bad but not horrible. Drank the prep in about 5 minutes with a straw. Quickly drank the next 2 16 oz glasses of water. Had several poops of decreasing size over the next 2 hours. Just before bed a bout of nausea hit and some dizziness. But did not vomit. That was about it. Slept OK , only getting up to pee a few times. Its now 4:30 am. Second dose coming at 5 am. Hoping this stuff is working. Still taste the Suprep in my mouth.

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First dose at 6pm. Purchased day before so it was good and chilled. Added the water and drank thru a straw-gross but tolerable. Took about 40 min. Within an hour and half pretty much clear water. Seems to have slowed down. Next dose at 9. I have been on liquid diet all day - clear broths, drinks. Day prior I was easy on my diet as well. Drinking lots of fluid and chicken broth. Also drinking Sprite - usually drink diet but figured the sugar would be good. So far so good.

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No Fun 6 Dec 2017

I'm glad I found this page! Took my first bottle at noon. It started about 20 minutes after I drank it (and God, the taste is awful!). 2nd dose at 7am. No cramping, nausea... just going a lot. I'm waiting for the liquid to be clear. Does it ever get to that point?

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No Fun 6 Dec 2017

Okay, took dose #2 about an hour ago, so at 7 am. It was MUCH harder drinking the second one. Really thought I was going to throw up, but didn't. Now have "yellow water" coming out, which I assume is bile. Oh well, this will be over in a few hours. Yeah, the trouble with Suprep is the taste. Hopefully I can just take pills next time because drinking this stuff is horrible. Worst part for sure! Thank you everyone who shared their experiences here. It helped me a lot!

antiquityglass 15 Nov 2017

I am a first timer at this... so while sitting on the toilet I went searching for how long I would be on the toilet. I found this site, and it has been helpful. It appears most take the dosage a bit differently and most have different results. I took all of the 6ozs mixed with the additional water at once. I mixed mine with FIJI water. I did not find it hard to quickly, without thinking about, down the container. I than drank the next 16 ozs with 5 minutes, than the next 16ozs in 45 minutes. I was on the toilet within 30 minutes. I took it at 6:10, I have been on the toilet since 6:40. Hopeing I will be off toilet by 8:40pm. At first, the purge was slow, and than fast and furious, now slow. Hoping to get in some sleep time before my next dose at 12:10am 6 hours before I leave the house for my appointment which is what the doctor's instructions were. I hope this helps any one else going through this process with questions. Good Luck!

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eaholle 2 Nov 2017

Been 2 hrs still waiting to go. Miserable,pain and bloating

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EAPM 20 Oct 2017

This was to be my second colonoscopy. For the first one I used GoLightly, which was awful, but I had no issues. SuPrep was supposed to be easier. The first dose WAS easy. I took the first dose at 4:30 pm for my colonoscopy at 10:45 the next morning. Drank it all in about 5 minutes, followed by the water in another 15 minutes. Took about 30 minutes to start working. I was in and out of the bathroom many times! But I didn’t have to sit in there for hours at a stretch. And I never had to make a run for it when I had an urge. So far, so good.


Went to bed around 10:30. Up to the bathroom (non-urgent) several times. Then up at 4:30 am for the second SuPrep dose. I had a dehydration headache. I had not slept well, so was very tired. Also slightly queasy. I had teouble getting the second dose down. Had to sip it and rinse/gargle with 7-Up in between. Took about 30 minutes to get it all down. Couldn’t even think about all the water I had to drink after. No prob, I had an hour. Started sipping the water. Shortly, I started feeling pretty gross overall, with being tired, the headache, and now even more queasiness. After about 15 minutes I vomited up all the SuPrep. Felt better immediately. But no bowel action. Maybe one movement. You guessed it... not clear. Then I started feeling ugh again, like I had the flu. I finished the 32 oz of water and went back to bed but felt so wretched I could not sleep. No further bowel action. I called the surgery center at 8 and the doc said since I was not clear they would have to reschedule me. Went to sleep but still felt awful for several hours after.

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Angelofpanic1989 29 Sep 2017

Well I have 2 endoscopy and 1 colonoscopy at 10:43 am tomorrow morning. The prep has been a big pain in the but ( no pun intended lol). I started it at 5pm today it only took from put the water in to the cup with the suprep and drinking it and the first 16 ounce bottle of water to me running to the bathroom. I drank my second bottle of water and then about 20 times to the bathroom later it was 2 hours later I was done with the first prep round. I just took the second round at 9:05 pm so far only ran 5 times to the bathroom so not to bad. Some stomach cramps and a lot of rumbling. But if you feel like you have to fart run fast to the bathroom believe me lol. I hope its almost over with.

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CaroleLS 28 Sep 2017

I took my first dose at 4P. I used a straw and ice water and it took me 20 minutes to finish. In between swallows I drank sweet ice tea and it took the vile taste away. It worked immediately 30 minutes after my last swallow, and took an hour to feel safe to come out of the bathroom. No pain, no discomfort just remember what goes in will come out and it feels weird. I am not on the 12 hour split, my GI doc does 4P and 9P which is fine with me so I can get some sleep. I am scheduled at 630AM so there won't be that much sleep. 9P dose went down a lot easier I swallowed in big gulps and the cleanse was quicker too (not much left by then). Get yourself some wet wipes, be gentle on your bum.

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Taylor Tucker 12 Sep 2017

I got everything I thought I needed ready in he bathroom! Gum, music, iPad, books. Took first dose at 5:15pm. In abt 20 min, it was on! And it did not stop for 2hr and change. If I had known better, I would have gotten one of those seat risers because I think most toilet are too low, especially for extended time. Slept good, was up at 2 for a bathroom trip, took 2nd dose at 7:30am for my 1pm procedure. Been here for 2 and 1/2 hours straight! Definitely clear! But not eating for the last 38 hours is awful. They made me not eat after I woke up Monday morning for a Tuesday 1pm procedure! That is just wrong! Should have set alarm for 4am on Monday and had a snack!

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SherrieSurfs 12 Sep 2017

It started working within one hour and I thought I was going to pass some gas but it's instant diarrhea. Every 45 seconds I've been going out for two hours put some Vaseline down in your rectum so that you do not get sore.

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Bloop925 1 Sep 2017

Started my first 6 oz at 6pm. I did not go after my first round .. I was quite worried as I stayed at home all night waiting and only felt gurgling in my stomach and cramping. I woke up at 4:45 to take my second round. Could not for the life of me get the last 2 oz down. I was getting anxious as nothing was happening and after sitting googling, About 25 minutes in, it happened. I have been in the bathroom for about 20 minutes now. No cramping. I just hear my stomach gurgle and then it comes. TMI... it is like water coming out of spout. I do advise staying by the toilet. You will be warned it is coming, but not much of a warning.

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Jkb3809 31 Aug 2017

I actually started mine earlier today. I started going pretty quickly about 30 min. It is very important to drink all of it and follow the instructions properly for it to work right. Drink lots of water afterward and stay very close to a bathroom!

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Jjglee 28 Aug 2017

I got my first colonoscopy and endoscopy last week, I had no idea what to expect, everyone told me something else so I thought I'd share my experience with suprep (definately the worst part) I took my first 16oz of yellow Gatorade mixed with the prep, it wasn't super pleasant but I drank it all in 5mins ( I had no idea if I needed to space it out) my directions said to start at 6pm and drink it all the liquid, the directions also said within 1 hour I needed to drink 32oz of water, I felt the bowel prep within 10minutes I made my first trip to the bathroom, I stayed in the bathroom for 1 hour and about 45 min, the worst part was an hour in, just straight liquid, then at about 1 hour and 45 min I was able to leave the bathroom and make trips as needed, the second dose wasn't as bad, still not pleasant, it was over in about an hour and 15min, then my procedure took place about 5 hours later, I went under anesthesia and woke up hungry and groggy

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GOPBlondie 6 Aug 2017

I started mine around 2 PM as instructed. Taste is horrible. About 20 minutes after, I had a normal bowel movement. Things started really moving about an hour after my last sip of the swamp water. Stay close to the bathroom. Dreading the taste of the 2nd doseage at 9 PM.

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colonoscopy, suprep, laxative

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