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How long does it take for suprep to work?

92 Answers Page 2

Jill4647 25 Feb 2019

Reading this blog really helped me get through the suprep! Thanks everyone for writing. I go in for my colonoscopy and endoscopy at 7:00 am. I did my first prep at 6:00 pm. The suprep tastes so bad and drinking the 32 oz of water after made me extremely bloated. It really really helped to chase it with g2 Gatorade (raspberry lemonaide) after each drink. For extreme bloated feeling I chewed gum and laid down on my left side. It took 2 hours for it to begin working. I got extremely cold and was shaking. Warm socks really help. I was in the bathroom on and off until 10:00 pm. The second round (2 am) acted much faster—within minutes. As much as I hated the idea of it—the second round is not near as bad as the first!

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Llperez04 21 Feb 2019

Started prep yesterday at 6pm and had a really difficult time drinking it. The taste is gross and on two sips I threw up. I ended up washing it down with cold water after each sip or rinsed my mouth with cold water to get the taste off my tonque. I finally finished it about 7 and by 7:30 pm I had my first bowel movement. It requires you drink 32 ounces of water after the prep and I believe that helped to clear out my system. At times I felt weak and very nauseous so just laid down trying to not think about it. Every time I laid down and got comfortable, I had to make my way back to the bathroom. I only got up about 4 times during the night. There was an occasion that I felt I needed to go but nothing happened, so I drank more water and I was able to go. I am about to start prep again in 30 mins and my procedure is at 3:30 pm. Hoping I am able to keep this all down and get through this with no problem.

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Jasoncastano 27 Dec 2018

Took first bottle at 503 pm. Drank 16 ounce water after. Its now 526pm and had first small run of diarrhea. Trying to finish up my 2nd glass of water. Feel real fill but it's already working. No major cramping. Mainly bloat and some anxiety

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sjracer 6 Dec 2018

I felt the need to come back and share my experience. I just had my colonoscopy today. I got it done because I turned 50 in September. This was my first ever colonoscopy. I used Suprep for my prep. My procedure was at 9:15am Thursday Morning. Starting Tuesday at 6pm, I was on a clear liquid diet. I took my firsts dose of Suprep at 4:30pm. The taste, we we all know it sucks. I mixed it with ice cold water, and used the straw on the back of my tongue. I took about 10 - 15 minutes to get it down. I then had 2 16 oz bottles of water to finish over the next hour, which I did easily. I felt bloated at first, but nothing too bad. 20 minutes after I started the Suprep, I had it coming out the other end. This lasted for about 2 1/2 hours. By the end of the 1st hour, it was a yellow liquid that was coming out. This yellow liquid was all I passed for the rest of the prep. I took the 2nd dose at 7:30pm. 10 minutes later, it was coming out the other end.


This time, I was on the commode for 2 hours, with a couple re-visits. I did get slightly nauseous after the second prep, and part of the 1st bottle of water, but that quickly passed.

The doctor said over all the prep was good, but preparation in one part, the R colon, was poor. He cleaned it off and took a sample, but stated No Cancer!! Also no Polyps. He also said the rest of the colon was cleaned out very well. He said he may recommend another colonoscopy in 1 - 3 years, but I will push that to 5. The best part for me was when he said no polyps, and no cancer.

The doctor also did say that next time, he will recommend a 2 day liquid only diet in preparation.

One other tip. Use the Destin. Next time I will coat my entire back side, including the crack (not to be gross) but I was a little tender, and still am. I hope someone finds this useful.

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phoamslinger 6 Dec 2018

I'm working through the second dose right now. I'd like to help anyone having a problem drinking this stuff. If this suggestion helps you, then I've done a good thing.

I found that chasing a few swallows of the drink with some cold ice water helps clear the palate and reduces the nausea by quite a bit. It made it a lot easier to get through the second dose, not difficult at all.

My "effect" started at about 40 minutes later.

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SKayDoty 5 Dec 2018

Good for everyone who doesn't mind the taste... it is much worse than whatever I used 15 years ago. I ended up mixing it with Diet Dew and drank it in about 20 minutes (I just couldn't bring myself to chug it because of all the saltiness) interspersed with sips of the soda. I switched to apple juice cut with water (I am well-controlled diabetic and trying to be mindful of the carbs, but straight water made me nauseous) to do my add'l 32 oz, and finished that at 7:00. Had to pee by 7:15. 8:00 on the dot made my first real trip to the bathroom, bright/dark yellow liquid; second trip 40 minutes later, still yellow but lighter, some few bits of solid. Feel full but no bad cramping. Drinking Gatorade just because of some things I read about what this prep can do to you. Started the process at noon today with 2 dulcolax, which doctor ordered... i think that helped the process, too. Am freezing (but then, it's 32 degrees outside) and have a mild headache.


But the bathroom situation is NOT horrible for me... hanging out in the bedroom with the TV and computer, sent my husband out to the den for the evening just to be safe. Hopeful for a good cleaning and no issue especially after the second prep at 5:15 tomorrow a.m. I am more worried about the sedation (IVs--ick!) and any possible complications than the rest of the night in the bathroom. Let me say that going easy on what you eat 2 days before and strictly adhering to the liquid diet the day before is huge--that's what I did years ago, and then as now the process was relatively easy compared to what so many people say. Good luck to all!

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Vasks 19 Nov 2018

I had a colonoscopy 11 years ago. The prep was so disgusting I really dreaded doing another. But thankfully times have changed and Suprep is far better. I did what many here suggested: chill the Suprep in the fridge and use a straw. I drank it all in 15 minutes. The taste was not bad; making it hard for me to understand how some found it so nasty. For the next hour, I drank the two 16oz glasses of water. My "dumping" did not begin until about two hours after I first started drinking the Suprep. I probably "dumped" once every ten minutes for the next hour or more. It feels like that's it for tonight, but I know the sound and sensation if I need to do more.

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SKB32 12 Nov 2018

I started my Suprep at 6pm and it began working around 6:40pm. I seem to be having a really good reaction to it. It doesn't taste great, but its tolerable. I am not really having much cramping, just liquid stool. Its not super urgent and I have no problem holding it until I get to the bathroom. I am having the colonoscopy tomorrow to figure out why I have constant diarrhea, so maybe that is why it doesn't seem that bad for me because I'm already used to having loose stools. I bought wipes and preparation h, but haven't had to use them yet. Good luck to all that are taking it!

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Quarterbackgirl 31 Oct 2018

I have my first ever colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon, if I don’t die from the craps. Took first dose with a straw, went smooth. My husband kept insisting I drinking the 2 bottles of water so I slugged them like I do my beer. I showed him, yelled for a garbage can ( of course it’s full) he trying to take out the trash first, I yell again and he makes it to me just in time. Don’t drink any of it fast, you may regret it. Have a good candle and a bible close by bc you’ll think your dying. Gotta run, hope tomorrow I’m alive to post 2nd rd of h#%

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Jlsmith615 16 Oct 2018

First dose, bowels started 1 hr later. After 3 hours from when I started, I could go to bed. 2nd dose, bowels started with 10 min. There is no way to describe how bad it tastes going down. I thought I would throw-up. Put solution in refrigerator and add ice. That helps. I felt so nauseous to be hungry. It's an exhausting experience!

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bigalbaldwin 4 Oct 2018

My doc had me do a 10oz bottle of mag citrate at 6:00pm the evening before "clear liquid day". Then the first su-prep dose on "clear liquid day" at 6:00pm. I drank the 16oz suprep diluted then spaced the remaining 32oz of water over the next hour (approx 8 oz every 15 minutes) to keep from overfiling). Taste is not great but not totally awful -- After drinking a gulp of suprep, I "rinsed and spit" with a cola and then gargled and spit with a small amount of cola -- that seems to get the taste out of the taste buds, tonsils and throat. No more than 5 mins to get down the 16oz. First "action" occurred at 7:00pm and continued every 10 minutes until 9:00-9:30pm then the "actions" started slowing down. Hint: Use Vaseline or Butt Paste or something as this stuff will really burn your rear. Second dose at 3:00am day of colonoscopy -- my doc did NOT have me do additional 32 oz water with this second dose. So it was just 16oz suprep diluted.


(Again, follow your docs instructions! They do vary these things!) Dose taken at 3:00am - completed by 3:05am or so. Action started around 3:20am-3:25am and continued every 10-15 minutes for about 2 hours before slowing. Even had to go twice at doctors office prior to colonoscopy (8:00am) and twice afterwards after lunch. The only reason I mention the mag citrate "start" is that it might have caused the suprep to work faster since it put a significant amount of liquid in the colon. Oh, chill the suprep before drinking -- much easier to get down COLD!

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T40295 28 Sep 2018

I was so terrified to drink this stuff after all the reviews, but I had no choice. (Starting at 5:40pm) I have the lemon-lime flavor which honestly taste like salty lemon lime pedialyte, I added half of one of those lemonade packets you add to water, and it helped a ton! I chugged it down and immediately chugged down the two 16oz of water. I felt extremely full for about 15 min then I felt the urge to go, it’s now 8:15 and I’ve been at the point of the “clear yellow liquid” for about a hour now. I’m just waiting for the peeing out of my butt to stop! It’s spacing out, so hopefully soon. Did get nauseous, but it was about a hour after taking it and only lasted about 20 min, never vomited.


I have to get up at 4:30 am to drink the second bottle, and not looking forward to it, mainly because my ass hurts! Procedure is at 10:30am, got to be at the hospital by 9:30am, I’m praying that it’s over once I’m on the way to the hospital so I don’t have any accidents, since there is no waiting with this stuff once you feel it coming. Good luck to everyone, and honestly try the flavor packet, helps a ton!

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Kellylee74 27 Sep 2018

I'm only on the first dose but this is the most horrific thing I've experienced in awhile. The taste is god awful but I chugged it and then 2 bottles of water within 30 minutes. It started working in about 20 minutes. I felt horribly bloated until, well about now. I'm freezing and feel exhausted after 2.5 hours. I need a popsicle for places that dont need popsicles and it's still coming out. It doesn't help that I also started my monthly yesterday on top of everything. I have no idea how I'm going to force the 2nd dose down at 5am.

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Amandas2125 20 Sep 2018

This is my second colonoscopy. I don’t remember what i had to do for my first one since it was many years ago. I was very nervous about this whole surprep stuff. I started drinking my first dose at 7:00pm mixed it with ice cold water and a little bit of crystal light lemonade. It wasn’t amazing but it was tolerable. I think the hardest part for me was finishing the 32oz of water after. I felt full and bloated after the first bottle. At 7:40pm it all started. I planned on being in the bathroom for a couple hours since i read almost every comment before and during the process. I was in the bathroom steady for right at an hour. It is now 9:45 and i have gone one time since i was able to lay in bed. Hoping to get some sleep before my next round. Still feel all the bubbling in my stomach but no urge to go. Hoping my 4:00 am dose goes smooth like my last one did. Colonoscopy is at 10:30 am.

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Victorj37 12 Sep 2018

1 hour in and I think I’m going to be sitting here for awhile . I sure hope they find the remote !!

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colonoscopy, suprep, laxative

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