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How long does it take for suprep to work?

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Hiawee 2 March 2017

I just started the first dose of suprep at 6:00pm. Tastes nasty! I found it was easier for me to alternate a sip of suprep with a sip of water. It took about 35 minutes before it took effect with no bloating or cramps. About 2 hours. I'll let you know how the last dose at 3:30 tomorrow morning goes

Votes: +0
Cbbesh 2 March 2017

I found that if I just sat on the toilet I voided pretty quickly. I sat for two hours the first dose, which really cleaned me out. The 2nd dose was easier, but I still sat for about an hour and a half.

yokeddruid 2 March 2017

Last time I did this my butt was sore from the acids leaving my body . So this time I coated my behind with Vaseline. So far so good

Jmcclannan 24 Oct 2016

I took it at 5:00 and it was nearly 2 hours before I started running to the bathroom but then it was every 10 minutes for a while. Drinking the Suprep with 16 oz. of water followed by 2 more 16 of. bottles of water made me quite nauseous so I am starting the second dose at 10 rather than midnight and drinking more slowly.

Votes: +2
lucysue19 30 Nov 2016

Is it ok that you did drink the second dose so early?

Jmcclannan 30 Nov 2016

Yes. It worked out just fine with no more nausea.

lucysue19 1 Dec 2016

Thank you so much for the response!

oriondesi 3 Dec 2016

OK, since everyone on here was so helpful during my first prep experience I thought I'd share it. Procedure was at 2PM which is great because you don't have to get up early for the 2nd prep but it does mean close to two days without solid food. First prep at 4PM the day before, I was expecting the worst but the stuff smells like cough syrup and tastes like slightly saltier than usual Smarties. I wouldn't order it in a bar but it's really not that bad, easy enough to guzzle followed by the 32 oz of water. I made maybe a half dozen trips to the bathroom before bed but it was surprisingly undisruptive and I was able to keep working on the computer all evening then had a full, uninterrupted nights' sleep. 2nd prep at 8 AM with a few more trips to the loo, again working on the computer most of the morning. I started going more frequently while I was waiting in the waiting room for the procedure, maybe every 20 min.


My only concern was overall through the two preps I didn't seem to have eliminated that much volume but the nurse getting me ready assured me that as long as my last few movements were clear, we were in good shape. In the end I scored 9 out of 9 on the cleansing scale, the best you can get, so it did in fact work despite the impression I wasn't going often enough or long enough to be getting rid of everything.

For intake on the clear liquid days I can't recommend Boost Breeze highly enough. One little 8 oz carton has 250 calories and 9 grams of protein. I bought a whole case of the orange flavor (remember you can't have anything red) but only needed three the day before prep, one at each normal mealtime, and then I had three more the morning of the procedure between 8 and 10 AM because I knew I couldn't eat until later in the afternoon. They don't taste bad and they're incredibly filling. For dinner the day before I also had 16 oz of fat-free beef broth which I will admit tasted pretty good by that time. I also drank one 25 oz bottle of Propel water for the electrolytes after each of the two preps (in addition to the 32 oz of regular water) and never had any dizziness or nausea.

Overall really not a bad experience. Hope this helps someone else going in for the first time.

Marisah 10 Dec 2016

I started at approximately 6:10 and was supposed to start at 6pm. I did not mix mine with water because I was advised by my doctor that it did not taste well and I could mix it with my favorite drink as long as it was not red or purple. I used white grape juice. I am not crazy about any medicine so I immediately became nervous while drinking this stuff. It's now 7:27 and I am still finishing my second bottle of water and taking my first trip to the bathroom. No cramping or diarrhea this actually is a regular trip. I am going to stay out here for a while because I have red the reviews and do not want any accidents on my light beige carpet... lol. I feel full from the water and am having a difficult time getting the second bottle down. It's now 8:21 and the second bottle is completely gone. The water is already running through me, ran to the bathroom twice already with a full bladder. I feel completely bloated but no additional bowel movements yet. I hope it start soon so I can go to sleep. To be continued...

Diggitydoo 7 Oct 2016

I have a 3:00 pm. Colonoscopy tomorrow. Today, before drinking the first dose of prep (2-3 hours before hand), I hydrated with a lot of water and clear juices; aloe vera, strained peach mango, ginger, anti-nausea tea and electrolyte drink.
I set up the bathroom with prep, orange wedges, and 1 quart of additional fluids, garden magazines, phone and tush wipes. At 4:15 pm I mixed the first of two 6 oz. bottles and added water to total 16 oz. Got comfy on the toilet and drank it (in 3 parts) through a straw to reduce taste, sucking on orange wedges in between.
I drank the additional quart of liquids within 30 minutes, when I passed soft stool. My hands and feet got particularly cold, with mild nausea and some bloating. Two more small stools followed by consistent bouts of diarrhea. Not going anywhere.
Continue to sip on electrolyte water and It's now 7:15 pm. Cold and bloating are letting up. Diarrhea seems to be easing up, but I don't trust leaving the bathroom just yet. Wearing fashionable lady diaper when I do.

Votes: +4
Gaylemae 20 Sep 2016

Within 10 minutes of starting first dose, I was on the bathroom for about an hour straight. It feels like liquid coming out, and my stomach was pretty distended. No cramps or gas but I wound up having to use a paper towel between my cheeks to not leak when rushing to sit. Didn't do 2nd bottle. Taste was horrible, got chills, don't dare cough unless on toilet

Votes: +3
Ctx2 12 Sep 2016

First round. 5 pm. The flavor tasted like amped up Sweetarts. Nothing but stomach cramps until 7 pm. Then I stayed in the bathroom for ONE hour straight. Every time I thought it was over, nah. I finally was able to go to bed at 10 pm. Next round at 2:30. Five minutes after finishing the rumbling started and here we go again (no pun intended). It's 3:41 am and I am surprised my system even has anything left, but I'm still hanging out in the bathroom. Oddly, I was freezing during this time and it is rare for me in the Summer/early Fall to ever be cold.

Votes: +1
Cbbesh 15 Feb 2017

This is pretty much my experience. I was not expecting to feel cold, but I am very chilled and a little dizzy.

Pinkpeonies 11 Sep 2016

I started my first bottle at 5pm, with instructions to drink that mixed with water up to the 16 oz. mark and then 32 more oz. of water within the next hour. It's now 6:30pm and I'm almost done with the 32 oz. The stuff began working within 15-20 minutes (granted, I'd been having bouillion in the afternoon so that was also salty and probably began the flushing process). The stuff made me nauseous almost right away but I managed to hold it off for over half an hour. At some point, I threw it up (it's disconcerting enough when your poop sounds like pee; it's even worse when the force of vomiting has an effect at the other end at the same time... and it tastes just as bad coming up as it did going down). There's go to be an easier way to do this--I know there is because I've had to do bowel prep for abdominal surgery in the past and never got as sick as I did with this stuff. Yuk. Not looking forward to waking up at 3am to start all over again with the 2nd bottle.

Votes: +4
gristd 19 June 2017

How did your scope go. I'm having similar problems. I took first dose at 5 pm. Did have any results other than severe nausea. Took second dose at 10pm and immediately had to excite too bathroom it's now midnight, still going but nothing is clear. I'm not sure if this is the first dose going thru. I really can't do this prep again. I've suffered two anxiety attacks. This is horrible. I know it's late, but I hope your answer. Thanks for letting me vent. I hope I didn't gross you out. Also, we're they able to get a good scope in your case

becca30 28 Sep 2017

I did my first dose at 4 pm today I had my first bowel movement with 20 minutes after taking it I have to take my second dose at 8 pm today . The taste is awful to me this is my second colonoscopy ever done I don’t want to drink this crap again

Nan Moore 1 Nov 2018

Took the first dose at 725Pm. Had a slight round of diarrhea an hour later. At 915 it began in earnest and for the next hour it was constant. Not looking forward to my 2AM dose but hopefully since most everything is thru I can still get a bit of sleep before the procedure at 9.

Mharlow92 1 Sep 2016

For me... 37 minutes!!! From my last swallow of the 16 oz of water after my first bottle... 37 minutes to action. Then after the second bottle and another 16 oz of water... Round two. It started tapering off after probably 2 hours of the last dose. Thank God. This is my first experience with a colon flush and lemme tell ya... Suprep don't play!!!

Votes: +1
cbrenk 2 May 2013

I took the suprep at 6:00 pm and it had no effect (except some mild cramping and headache). I took it again at 4:00 am and I am still waiting for an effect 2 hours later! Headache is worse.
I may have to cancel the colonoscopy. I had a similar experience 2 years ago and I'm surprised my doctor didn't try giving me something different. I guess this stuff works well for 99% of people and I'm one of the 1%.

Votes: +2
thisisus 10 Jan 2023

No I am in your club. This is my 3rd colonoscopy at age 61 but my 1st one with Suprep.
It took 3 hours for my first prep to work! This is my third colonoscopy due to polyps three years ago! I called Dr at the 3 hr. mark, she suggested Miralax but before I could get it. All h#$@ broke loose.
I heard that doing a liquid or soft food diet would help as I have a redundant colon. I can’t say that it did or didn’t as SUPRAPREP was a new prep for me. Just finished my 2nd dose. I discovered that adding 2 packets of Crystal Light Lemonade made it much better and I chased it with sips of Sprite!
Praying everything clears. I did my 2nd dose at 4 am, drank 32 oz of electrolyte water and I am STILL not clear. This is concerning to me as I don’t want to repeat this prep. This group has been so helpful. Thank you.
This site has helped so much for tThank you.

Dave120462 16 March 2013

I really don't understand all the stuff about the taste. It really wasn't that bad it tasted like cough medicine to me. Being on the toilet was the bad part. I drank my first dose at 3pm about 8 minutes later I felt a strange feeling in my stomach at 20 minutes in I was going to the bathroom. My sister said it wasn't that bad her problem was having to drink all the water. I on the other hand didn't have problems with the water part. All I can say is drink only what they tell you to. I can drink and drink so I kept going. Oh yeah and after you take your first dose if you think you have gas you should run to the bathroom lol

Votes: +3
plenk 18 Feb 2013

For me it took about 4 hours before it started working after the first dose. I had a lot of uncomfortable cramps starting about an hour after the first dose and continuing through 5 hours afterwards.

Votes: +2
Ccakes 28 March 2013

For me as well, I'm going on four hours. I took it (suprep) at 2:00pm as instructed. About 45 min later I had a Normal bowel movement. Just now at 5:45 had a very tiny normal bowel movement. Lots of cramps and some nausea. Sipping on chicken broth right now and cramping. Hopefully it will really kick in b/c I'm not really looking forward to taking this again at 6am! The taste is supposed to be berry flavored but I thought it tasted like concentrated grape, and I love grape but not this... Hope it works soon...

plenk 28 March 2013

The 2nd dose is what really cleaned me out. This wasn't near as immediate as the GoLYTELY prep.

muzzypat 12 Aug 2012

Just got done with 1st round. Smelled like fruity cough syrup. Mix well with COLD water. Use a straw and get it as far back into your mouth as possible to avoid a lot of taste buds. Then drink 2 more 16oz glasses of cold water. The cold water helps to wash the somewhat strange taste away. No nausea, no cramping, just cold from all of the cold water. Feel like I'm cleaned out and it's about 1.5 hrs since starting. Hope this helps. A whole lot better than GoLytely. I go through this again at 4 a.m.

Votes: +3
goldenbloom 7 July 2012

It takes about 20 minutes so don't go far from the bathroom. The first bottle was so horrible to drink but I found the secret --- the second bottle I mixed with very cold bottled water and drank it through a straw. Soooo much better because you could hardly taste or smell it. Works for about 3 hours so be ready. Good luck.

Votes: +2
jmed4144 31 Jan 2012

The length of time it takes for Suprep to act and the duration of the action appear to be quite variable. Most other reports are of much more immediate action. In my wife's case, taking the first dose at 5pm Sunday it did not produce any effect until AFTER the second dose at 3am (10 hours). The bowel movements continued for about 1-1/2 hours until about 5am. Thinking that all was over by 6am we left home for the procedure - about an hour drive - no problem. However, the second dose kicked in while in the waiting room about 8am (5 hours), not pleasant - but fortunately that was over in about 1/2 hour. The good news is that the Dr. reported that the prep was very good.


Our experience must be a record for length of delayed action. However, the Dr. did not seem to be greatly surprised. My wife, a retired nurse, followed the suggested dietary restrictions and the dosage instruction religiously. Perhaps those who have some issues with constipation should expect longer delays between taking Suprep and experiencing the bowel movements.

As unpleasant as it my sound, wearing "Depends" (and taking a spare) on the trip to the procedure may save some greater embarasment.

Votes: +6
ohjeezthatguy 9 July 2018

Looks like I might be in the same boat. 3 hours in and I'm getting cramps and noises but no "end results". I did have a fair amount of fiber last week, so I think I'm partially cleaned out from that. Usually it takes me between 3 to 5 hours before this prep work med all of the sudden hits me... but hard to say this time around. I usually take magnesium citrate, or morning enemas if it's a sigmoidoscopy, but this time they had me do the SuPrep route.

ohjeezthatguy 23 Sep 2018

Update on mine, it took about 6 hours before I started to go... but wow is all I can say. I was on the toilet for the next 1 and a half hours, with only 2 to 5 minute small breaks in-between blowing the lid off my toilet. There goes another ozone layer above my house. :(

I would go, clean up, lay back in bed on my side, and just as I would get slightly comfortable... time to go again. I went like 16 times total within a 10 hour time frame. I was thoroughly empty after round 2 of my Suprep. I managed to take both full doses, but needed the bathroom twice before my colonoscopy (thankfully in the waiting area and not after getting in my gown and bed).

End result: best checkup ever! Doc said I was in the best remission I've ever been in. Even the ulcers had healed over some. Looks like the high carb diet worked for me and cutting out more fats and trigger foods.

thisisus 10 Jan 2023

Great news! I love your comments too! Hope all is going well, 13 years later.

thisisus 10 Jan 2023

Great news! I love your comments too! Hope all is going well, 13 years later.

jrm2fla 30 June 2011

I started taking the Suprep mixture at 5:40pm as directed, taking large sips every 10 minutes for an hour until I drank the whole cup (the bottle of Suprep plus water up to the 16 oz. mark.) As advised, I sucked on hard butterscotch candy and Altoids (original mint flavor) to get the taste out of my mouth. My wife warned me about the process. I thought it woud start working in 15-25 minutes. Instead, by the time I drank 9/10 of the cup, at about 6:30pm, it was working (about 50 minutes.) The effect is like diarrhea. As directed, over the next hour, I drank an additional 32 oz. of water. I kept going intermittently for over 90 minutes. It was best not to leave the bathroom during that time. I had my laptop so I just watched a Netflix movie to keep distracted. Now it is 8:30pm and I have not gone for a while. I was able to move to the bed but I am ready to sprint to the bathroom if need be! I have to repeat the process to tomorrow morning early, before my 12 noon colonoscopy.


Happy happy joy joy. I noted that Apprehensive did not submit a post later to tell of his / her experience. Oh well. Good luck to any of you who go through it.

Votes: +5
GG_65 27 July 2018

I am having a colonoscopy in 2 hours I drank the prep for the 1st time at 5 pm yesterday YUCK... at 4 this morrnin started he 2nd ... it took 30 min after the 1st I was in the bathroom for 3 hours I have 20 min to finish the 2nd but haven't been to the bathroom yet but feel it may be coming on UGH... mine however was not clear by the time I was done hoping it is by the time it kicks in and hoping I don't have issues on way to get it done it's 20 min away lol good Luck to any & ALL who has to have this done

atlcdn 12 March 2011

For me it was within minutes... for the 4 pm one and the 4 am one. There are no words to describe the taste, so I won't even try. The good news is that there was none of that awful cramping with hours and hours of being stuck in the bathroom. It was much easier on the body... It just wasn't as bad after taking it... after about 3 hrs I was not in the bathroom very much at all... Much, much better than the preps in the past.
As usual, the meds given to me at the time of the procedure did not make me sleep or even make me sleepy so it was uncomfortable for me... but I can handle just about anything after the prep... :-) What was found was removed and I am soooooo glad it's over for another five years... yay!

Votes: +3
Jeriandjeff 6 Jan 2018

I found I described it as a lemon cough syrup that's exactly how it tasted to me which is still gross but easier than I thought it would be and I used extra cold water where every time my husband was drinking down the syrup he would take a drink of cold water on the side to keep the taste out of his mouth but it's so easy

Jeriandjeff 6 Jan 2018

I found I described it as a lemon cough syrup that's exactly how it tasted to me which is still gross but easier than I thought it would be and I used extra cold water where every time my husband was drinking down the syrup he would take a drink of cold water on the side to keep the taste out of his mouth but it's so easy

Jhumphrey6455 7 March 2018

I am doing my first colonoscopy prep. I had great reservations about the prep. However, I found the solution to be fine. Just tasted like salty lemon water. No smell either. It took affect in about 30 minutes. I had about 4 bowel movements before taking the second dose. It also wasn’t any concern getting to the toilet. Not that bad. free discount card

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colonoscopy, suprep, laxative

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