Protonix User Reviews & Ratings
Protonix has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 83 reviews on 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
GERD | 52 reviews for GERD | 229 medications | |
Stomach Ulcer | 10 reviews for Stomach Ulcer | 100 medications | |
Barrett's Esophagus | 7 reviews for Barrett's Esophagus | 13 medications | |
Erosive Esophagitis | 6 reviews for Erosive Esophagitis | 104 medications | |
Duodenal Ulcer | 3 reviews for Duodenal Ulcer | 131 medications | |
Peptic Ulcer | 3 reviews for Peptic Ulcer | 47 medications |
Reviews for Protonix
- Hot...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 4, 2020
For GERD "I have GERD. I couldn't eat anything. I was given Protonix by the ER. Pain stopped. I changed my diet drastically and slowly weaned myself from Protonix. Prior to this, I tried Zantac, Nexium, and Prilosec, however, I choose not to take these meds anymore and stick to my diet of low fat, low carb, no salt, no sugar, and no fast, frozen, or processed foods. I have lost weight and feel great with no pain. I also avoid smoke. When I was first prescribed these medications, I didn't like any of them. I don't feel it's a good idea to inhibit the body's natural processes, so I make better food choices."
- Noo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 16, 2019
For GERD "I have had acid reflux disease for four years. I tried Prilosec. I lost thirty pounds to try to help my reflux, I changed my diet, and I took an extreme amount of Rolaids. Nothing worked, and I was miserable. Finally got my GP to listen and put me on this stuff after a family member recommendation. It is wonderful. It is like I never had reflux to begin with. It helped me get my life back. My only concern is the side effects for long-term use seem scary. But if I don't treat the reflux, I will end up with Barrett's esophagus, which puts me between a rock and a hard place."
Frequently asked questions
- What are the risks associated with heartburn medications?
- Pantoprazole vs. omeprazole: What's the difference between them?
- Can you take pantoprazole 40 mg twice a day?
- How long can I take pantoprazole?
- Suz...
- February 8, 2014
For Stomach Ulcer "Had the most excruciating, painful ulcers that would wake me up in the middle of the night, and be so bad that I would double over from the pain. The doctor gave me Protonix, and I swear after just taking the first pill that first night, the symptoms were gone! The pills were so effective, I only took them for 5 nights in a row, (even though he told me to finish the bottle) and just saved the other pills in case I might need them in the future. So far the pain has only come back once, from eating too much Tabasco sauce one night, but other than that, I've not been woken up with the pain since I've taken the pills. These pills were a godsend for me. Extremely effective."
- Eli...
- July 10, 2016
For Erosive Esophagitis "I just started Protonix 6 days ago. I feel beat up. Does the Propofol used to do the procedure hang on for this many days? If it doesn't, then the Protonix is causing several symptoms. Lethargy, Dizziness, Dry mouth. And last and worst is constant ringing in my ears. It's getting very annoying. Has anyone else experienced this crazy ear side effect?"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Bea...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- October 30, 2018
For GERD "I've been on Protonix for about 6 years and, to put it simply, it works perfectly for me without any side effects. If I don't take it, I have constant, severe heartburn (I have a hiatal hernia, gastritis, and GERD that resulted from an H. pylori infection that went undetected for what I assume is several years). When I do take it, I can eat literally anything and not get heartburn."
- Blu...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 12, 2018
For Barrett's Esophagus "Do NOT use this medication. This medication caused me to have drug-induced lupus. Three months after stopping this medication and still dealing with daily effects of this drug. There have been warnings issued by the FDA regarding the dangers of PPIs and the negative side effects. This drug is not safe in my opinion."
More FAQ
- Lau...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 27, 2020
For Barrett's Esophagus "After starting with OTC drugs for acid reflux for several years, it was necessary for me to begin a prescription drug. I have taken Pantoprazole for over 10 years with no side effects. Works very well."
- rv ...
- April 16, 2013
For GERD "I have taken it for about 7 years now. I never had stomach problems but got what they thought was an ulcer. Later endoscopy showed no ulcer, but signs of Barrett's esophagus. I also had hoarse voice, especially in the morning. pH study pointed to GERD. Long story short, no more hoarseness. Subsequent scopes show no signs of esophagus damage. Now for the bad. Very rarely, when I eat fast, I do get choking sensations that I did not ever have before. Also, if I run out of the medicine and/or miss a dose or two, wicked bad heartburn. Never had heartburn before. As long as I stay on it, I am good."
- Tee...
- December 17, 2015
For GERD "This was the worst medication I have ever taken. I was just prescribed this medication last week. After being on it for only 2 days, I stopped. Headache was unbearable. I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital to get a CAT scan until I realized it was probably the Protonix. Then there was the nausea that came along as well. Five days later, I'm still nauseous, but used ginger to help with that. Overall, I will never use this medicine again."
- Jen...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 7, 2018
For GERD "I have both IBS and Gastritis. Protonix has been a complete game changer for me. Without it, I have chronic nausea, difficulties tolerating food, vomiting, low energy, and headache. My days were very difficult prior to being prescribed this med. I feel incredibly better."
- bor...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- November 14, 2015
For GERD "Unfortunately I have suffered with very serious GERD for 28 years, and it has been awful. I have tried every prescription medicine out there, and none of them work for me like Protonix does. I feel very close to a normal human being on this medication, but none of the others lived up to Protonix. I received a horrible notice from our health insurance provider this past week, and after December 31, 2015, they will no longer cover this drug. Their only suggestion for me with severe reflux is to try something else. I have tried EVERYTHING else on the market, and nothing works but Protonix. NOTHING! I am so sick with the GERD when I am off this medicine, I am pretty much housebound because I am so sick. For me, it is a miracle drug!"
- MsS...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 17, 2020
For GERD "I took this for about 2 and a half months. Halfway through, I told my Dr it wasn't working. He said I was under stress. Not. Then I developed a hot, itchy rash on my arms and face. They told me to stop taking it and start Nexium. I didn't because, to me, they seem to have the same risk. Being off Protonix is almost as bad as being on it. Terrible acid reflux. I am sleeping sitting up, I can't eat very much, I can hardly wake up and start falling asleep around 7 PM, and I have had a headache off and on for 3 days. Going to an internal medicine specialist next because I’d like to know the reason for the reflux I have had for 1.5 years, not just take a medication."
- Ter...
- February 22, 2016
For GERD "I had heartburn and a history of an ulcer, so my doctor put me on Protonix. When taking it daily, I feel great. However, with the new information about this kind of drug being linked to dementia and also that it can cause one to be addicted to it and cause rebound acid, I decided to stop it. I am on day 4, and now a mild constant burning is in my stomach and often backs up to my chest. I was given them for heartburn, but the doctor wrote gerd and later I developed GERD on days I tried not to take it. So, I am concerned about this all coming back by ten times worse. I am looking into a natural alternative first, as dementia is all around in my family, and my new holistic/medical doctor says this type of drug is dangerous."
- Sev...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 22, 2014
For Barrett's Esophagus "I was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus six years ago, and regularly used Prilosec for the past 8 years, but I occasionally still had severe heartburn. Like the last post, I too was prescribed a higher and higher dose until I was taking 4-6 pills a day, still getting occasional heartburn. Last year I started taking only 40 mg per day of Pantoprazole, and I seldom (less than once a month when I get careless with food and/or alcohol) have had heartburn at all. I highly recommend asking your doctor about this medication, if you suffer from long-term frequent heartburn and Prilosec no longer seems to work as well."
- why...
- March 31, 2012
For GERD "Worked at first to bring heartburn/acid reflux under control, however I had to stop taking it because it started causing severe stomach & abdominal pain. Now control through diet & Tums EX. The pain from the Protonix side effect was terrible when it started happening."
- gui...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 19, 2018
For Barrett's Esophagus "After a short time on Protonix, I began to experience back pain that radiated to the sides of my back in the kidney area. Then blood turned up in my urine. Both symptoms are serious side effects listed and it says you should contact your doctor immediately. My doctor told me that she couldn't say if the drug was the cause. The lesson learned - do your own research and be vigilant."
- Bob...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 20, 2021
For GERD "My stomach really started hurting on Dec 23rd. I’ve battled reflux many times over the years. I’m 57, but not like this. I started on pantoprazole on Monday, this morning my stomach is starting to feel a bit normal. I hope so, as I’ve had this gnawing nausea, although it has gotten slightly better at times since the 23rd. Even a few occasions felt like I never had it, but it didn’t last long. I have slight other symptoms, as you all know-heartburn, indigestion, slight feeling through-but it’s the stomach that worries me. Anyone have any thoughts about stomach nausea? I’d love to hear. And does it take the meds time to fully kick in? Thank you to everyone, nothing short of GOD's blessings always."
- Jim...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 27, 2013
For GERD "Started taking this about 8 years ago after developing an ulcer from taking Aleve. Was fine for a few years, with only flatulence and loose bowel movements. For the last 3 years, I started developing asthma symptoms (phlegm in throat and lungs, coughing). Stopping Protonix cleared it up. Took 1 pill again and the asthma started again. Too bad, I really liked this medication."
- jbu...
- July 19, 2010
For Barrett's Esophagus "I was on Prilosec for about 9 years for acid reflux. For me, it was a miracle drug that gave me relief for acid reflux. My dosage was continually increased until I was taking 4 20mg pills a day (probably a problem with my acid reflux increasing). After having more problems, I had an endoscopy, which showed I had Barrett's Esophagus. I was prescribed Protonix (2 x 40mg pills/day). So far, Protonix has worked great. For me, it works better than the Prilosec did."
- Bob...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 1, 2018
For GERD "I would wake up coughing up fluids and constantly have acid reflux symptoms, which began to lead to swallowing issues and high anxiety. My doctor put me on pantoprazole (Protonix), and I take it once every morning: 40 mg. I am not someone who likes medicine and won't even take Tylenol for a headache. I love my pantoprazole (Protonix) and hope it continues to keep my issues away."
- loo...
- September 17, 2011
For GERD "If you don't get ahead of an attack, this pill won't work. I have been on it for years now and have had little problem with it until it didn't work one weekend, so I doubled up on it and ended up in the hospital a week later with a seizure due to hypomagnesia (or however you say lack of magnesium). Make sure you are getting all your electrolytes when taking proton pump inhibitors."
- Rel...
- March 31, 2008
For Erosive Esophagitis "Started off with the 'Purple Pill' effective but very expensive. Physician switched me to 'Pantoprazole' (Protonix) - just as effective, a fraction of the price. My diet slipped back to pre-med carelessness (spicy food, garlic, onions, curries, etc.) and STILL no problems. I did go back to sensible eating at the urging of my daughter!"
- Anonymous
- April 15, 2009
For GERD "I had the worst side effects with Protonix. I took it for 15 days and experienced increased anxiety and heart palpitations. I also had dizziness, nausea, and insomnia. Going off of it took 6 days to feel somewhat normal."
- Les...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 10, 2020
For Peptic Ulcer "I’ve been on Protonix for 3 months now after suffering a rupture in my stomach from an ulcer, it has drastically changed my body in a good way. The gastrointestinal perforation I had almost finished me off, and I spent 14 days in the hospital. My surgeon put me on Protonix pretty much right while I was in recovery. I’m not sure about side effects because I haven’t experienced any, but this little pill has helped me by healing my ulcers and controlling the acid in my gut. This stuff is basically saving my life."
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- Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
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- En español
For GERD "I started taking Protonix 40mg once daily after they took Zantac off the market. I started having a lot of stomach pain, gas, bloating, and watery diarrhea. It took me a while to figure out it was the Protonix. I stopped taking it and replaced it with Pepcid Complete once a day. Almost immediately those symptoms went away. I would be very careful taking this drug."