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Nexium User Reviews & Ratings

Nexium has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 205 reviews on 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nexium

  • Bud
  • January 15, 2020

For GERD "Omagh, let me start by saying I've only been on this for 14 days. Since then, I've been to nine doctor's appointments, 3 of these were different ERs because I was having heart/panic attacks! I'm 27 years young, healthy as a lark. Every doctor swore that this wasn't the problem, that I had nothing at all wrong with me - anxiety, twitching, sweating/freezing, very moody, VERY bad gas, sharp pains in chest and upper and lower back, abdomen hurting, confusion, foggy vision. This is insane. I had to figure it out on my own. Guys, I have never had any side effects from any medications. I have never ever felt this awful in my life. Just imagining me being as young and healthy as I am, what this is doing to others. Just know, your doctors/nurses will tell you that you're crazy and causing panic attacks and anxiety on your own. It's a lie. This medication was UNBELIEVABLY TOXIC for me. It did stop my heartburn 100%, but I'd rather have heartburn than $100,000 in medical bills."

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299 Report
  • HWano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 2, 2021

For GERD "Thank you, thank you!! I thought I was going crazy!!!!! Massive anxiety attacks, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, massive headaches, worst cramps ever... so many ED visits, so many doctors' visits, ultrasounds, stress tests! My doctors thought I was a hypochondriac, that I was faking it... they put me on so many prescriptions! So I decided to go off all my medications. I have felt the best for the last few weeks until yesterday when I got heartburn, so I took my Nexium tablet... within 30-40 mins I was laying in bed so bloody sick! Blood pressure was up, headaches kicked back in, massive fatigue. So I googled and found this review pages! I have now chucked out my tablets and I'll find something else to stop the heartburn! Thank you, thank you!!"

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154 Report
  • Shoe...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 2, 2020

For GERD "I suffered for years with GERD and hiatus hernia. Ten years ago, I was prescribed Nexium 40 mg which worked. Then reduced to 20 mg. After four years, my Ferritin levels dropped to between 5 and seven and now are at level 2! I had reduced B12, B6, and Vitamin D. Finally, I have osteoporosis because of the lack of Vitamin D. All because Nexium blocks these from being absorbed into the bloodstream. Nexium is available over the counter without a prescription here in the UK, and as such, I continued to take it! Nexium has side effects that are dangerous and life-threatening - there are many ways to treat GERD without taking Nexium. Nexium will drain your body of all the required nutrients and vitamins needed for a healthy life and will block B12 absorption. NEXIUM is dangerous and should be available only on prescription for short-term relief only."

4 / 10
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165 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Pete
  • November 18, 2020

For GERD "Glad that I have found this site. Got prescribed these meds from ER with suspected gastritis. Used them for 8 days (40mg x 2 times a day). Like everyone else, after 2 days' use, I was severely debilitated - the only thing I could do was to lie down all day, every day whilst using them. Got all the regular symptoms described by others - shortness of breath, anxiety attacks, palpitations, light-headedness, constant bloated feeling, etc. 3 visits to ER - nil issues found with heart, bloods/x-rays done all clear. Had gastroscopy done - all clear - nil issues at all - shouldn't have taken these meds to begin with. 5 days on after stopping them, I'm still feeling weak, anxious, and consistently burping/feeling bloated. Research has shown these effects (even for short-term use) can last up to 2 weeks - I've gone cold turkey and will never take these meds again. Previous to this, I never had these symptoms."

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131 Report
  • M2020
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 9, 2020

For GERD "I have been on Nexium for a few months (almost 4 months) then I stopped taking it without medical advice. Although it can help reduce the acidity of the stomach, however, its side effects are very annoying. I was feeling stomach cramps all day, and constipation was a must no matter how much water you drink. I had a weird feeling of melancholy for no apparent reason and dark thoughts and self-flagellation, especially at the time when I wake up in the morning. After I stopped taking Nexium, my psychology has immediately recovered in a few days and felt that was a nightmare."

7 / 10
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120 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • RJN
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 17, 2019

For GERD "I developed terrible GERD and acid reflux where I had chest pressure and the feeling of a giant golf ball stuck in my throat. I was started on Omeprazole for about a week with no improvement. I was sleeping almost sitting down because laying down made the chest pressure so much worse. I was switched to Nexium 40 mg, which I took for 2 weeks. I had terrible nausea, diarrhea, sweating, and anxiety every day. I also developed a fear of suicidal ideations. Fear of dying and fear that something would make me jump from my balcony. I had to lock all my sliding doors and I currently moved to my mom's house. I also had moments where my mind would not stop racing and I would be in a daze. Everyone was talking around me and I would not be present. I stopped the Nexium for 1 day already. The nausea has stopped and so has the diarrhea. I also have not had any dazed our moments today and my thoughts of dying were much less today. I also developed crazy depression."

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122 Report
  • Kekkie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 20, 2020

For GERD "I have been on Nexium for four years for GERD and just recently stopped. I have recently come to realize that Nexium is no longer helping me and instead is creating a whole other set of problems such as low B12, intermittent low iron, upset stomach, dizziness, rash, etc. Now with studies showing dementia as another possible side effect, it's a drug I wouldn't recommend anyone be on. Honestly, do yourself a favor - if you have GERD like me, change your diet, exercise a bit more, don't eat after six, and have a Tums for heartburn instead of using this garbage. Plus, a three-month supply is $442.00 where I live. NEVER again. Big pharma is just a crime."

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117 Report
  • Swan
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 5, 2018

For GERD "I was put on Nexium 40 mg daily 8 months ago for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It has nearly killed me. I thought I was developing MS as every muscle twitches and spasms, my skin itches, I have involuntary movements, and worst of all, I've got such an acutely dry mouth that I can no longer even eat. I've gone from a healthy person with GERD to an invalid. Finally, my now critical illness has been found to be a reaction to the buildup of Nexium in my body over 8 months. I've been told to stop it immediately. Now I can no longer take any PPI and have such an increased acid flow that I don't know what will become of me. How come this killer drug doesn't come with a strong warning? And why don't the doctors warn you?"

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138 Report
  • Yoshi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 20, 2020

For GERD "I feel much better, thanks to this website. I have been on Nexium for 2 months and started to develop brain fog, dizziness, and involuntary muscle twitches. I am glad to read I'm not the only one. I will be weaning myself off of this medication. Great for acid but not worth it. Thanks!"

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Never...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 9, 2020

For GERD "I have used Nexium on and off for several years. I didn't put 2 and 2 together until yesterday. My reaction to this drug has been horrific. Chest pain, anxiety, numb swollen tongue, arm and leg bone pain, bloating. I need to find a better solution because this drug is dangerous for me."

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86 Report
  • YLano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 12, 2018

For GERD "My doctor prescribed Nexium 40mg after an endoscopy result that showed I have hiatus hernia and gastritis. The next day, I woke up feeling terrible, with stomach discomfort and burping the whole time. I never had these symptoms before taking Nexium. By the evening, my whole body felt weak, I couldn't sleep, had anxiety, and heart palpitations. The next morning, things were slightly better, but because I didn't know it was the effect of the medicine, I continued taking it. By the evening, I felt like I was dying. The next morning, I was admitted to the hospital for an IV drip. I stayed a night, and the doctor said it could probably be a viral infection. After discharge, I took Nexium again. True enough, the whole attack happened again. I didn't take it today, but the side effects are still there. Hopefully, they will go away soon. It's unbearable. This drug has done more harm than good for me and is not helping at all."

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95 Report
  • Another...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 28, 2014

For GERD "I've been taking Nexium for about 18 years now. I suffered bad heartburn/reflux, etc., that was partly to do with 'trigger' foods I ate. Over the years, I learned to avoid those foods, and I started on Nexium. This medicine reduced my severe heartburn/reflux from maybe each second night when I wasn't taking it, to only about 2 times a month when I was taking it. So overall, over 18 years, Nexium made a huge difference to my life. From having to sit upright till 4 am in bed till the pain went away and I could finally lie down (without Nexium) to getting a good sleep most nights (with Nexium). I do thoroughly recommend Nexium to anyone who can take it. Tip - Avoid trigger foods! Some are - chocolate, cream, oily foods, chickpeas, horseradish, mustard."

9 / 10
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133 Report
  • Bill
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 8, 2019

For GERD "This drug is dangerous. I was given an 8-month prescription for acid reflux. At first, I didn't notice any bad side effects, but after about 3 months, things have really deteriorated. At first, I thought I was tired from pushing myself hard with my work and workout routine. But then I started feeling nauseous, and it persisted for three days. Then, I began having severe joint pains to the point where I could hardly walk. Also, feelings of panic, insomnia, and blood when I go to the toilet. But the worst has been MY HAIR FALLING OUT!!! I thought I was imagining it at first, but now my whole head has gone flaky/scabbing, and I've lost about a third of my hair. I'm going straight to my doctor on Monday for a blood test. Currently, I'm bedridden. Stay well away from this medication, it's not worth the risks."

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79 Report
  • AndeA
  • April 2, 2016

For GERD "Wake up people. Google Nexium deaths for a real eye-opener. I admit I took Nexium too long, over a year. The bad side effects came along gradually and worsened as time went on. That is the only daily pharmaceutical drug I took. I did take vitamins frequently. First, pressure to go to the bathroom was noticed. I was checked for a UTI which was negative. I developed screaming migraine headaches which, at 64, I had never had. When acute mouth dryness occurred, I thought I was diabetic for sure. I developed both dull pain in the kidney areas, and an aching under the shoulder blades. Bowel movements were slow and difficult. I developed puffy spots under the eyes, and several doctors told me it was allergies which was frustrating. It was Nexium."

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108 Report
  • jay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 30, 2020

For GERD "I bought Nexium after the Zantac warning. It helped with reflux but caused constipation fairly quickly. Next, I noticed dizziness, then feelings of nausea, followed by extreme tiredness during the day but insomnia, causing me to wake in the early hours and be unable to fall asleep again. I became extremely depressed and lost interest in everything. The final straw was noticing that my legs have started to swell and feel tight, and my feet are tingling and uncomfortable when I want to relax. The first few symptoms I could live with, but the swelling and twitching of my feet and legs is not acceptable, neither is the aching I am experiencing. I am concerned about this to the extent I will be contacting my doctor. I will not be taking any more Nexium, I will try to control acid with diet from now on."

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52 Report
  • PFP
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2016

For GERD "I can only speak for Nexium. It has literally changed my life for the better. I was fighting with GERD for the past three years of my life. Terrible years, constant heartburn, increasing chest pains. I would wake up in the middle of the night and have my lungs full of acid. Then I could not lay back down because the acid taste would just make me even sicker. I was taking all kinds of acid blockers, and nothing really worked. Then I finally tried Nexium, and from day one, it has changed everything for the better. My heartburn is gone, completely. No more reflux, heartburn, chest pains, nothing. It is amazing. I had only slight side effects on day 2, but they went away, and now I am just perfectly well. Amazing. Thank you!"

10 / 10
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93 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2018

For GERD "Absolutely awful drug... I took it for 3 days. Yes, it worked by removing the incessant burning. However, the side effects were horrific and take quite some time to get rid of. Day 4 chest pain out of the blue lasting for several minutes ended up in the emergency room. ECG normal. Lethargy, anxiety, terrible stomach cramps, diarrhea, back pain, limb weakness, neck pain and cramps, swaying... This drug is SO toxic. It took a week or two for it all to subside."

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70 Report
  • EDSus...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 23, 2020

For GERD "Ill with GERD for years, unknowingly. Sore throat, itchy ears, no energy. An ear, nose, throat specialist recognized the symptoms in 10 minutes. Was on Prilosec for 3 months. Started to have stomach ache. I switched to Nexium 24-hour slow release - great. Month 7, I am down to only 3 times per week and regulate on a diet of the day. However, I do take it with Greek yogurt and am on a restrictive diet by choice. Yogurt, 3 tablespoons per meal, soothes tummy. If one does not follow a GERD diet, no medication will help. GERD diets are available online and very helpful. Lifestyle change is positive/significant. I am thankful for Nexium 24-hour slow release."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • Kaydee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2019

For GERD "I took one Nexium and had some frightening neurological or central nervous system response. I was trembling uncontrollably, broke out in a cold sweat, was weak, and nauseous. It terrified me! The only other time I have had a reaction like this was to a flu shot. I will never take either again!"

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57 Report
  • MEano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 15, 2020

For GERD "I had been taking this medication, Nexium, for 4 months. I didn’t realize it at first, but it slowly sucked away my energy. Near the end of the 4 months, I began to feel nauseous and dizzy, with pain in my back. I had labs done and am borderline anemic, low potassium, and kidney function is no longer optimal. I stopped the drug immediately and started to feel better-aside from the return of my gastritis. Three days ago, I began taking it again: same symptoms, except this time with diarrhea, too. Make sure your vitamins and electrolytes are measured before and during use of this drug! It has been awful for me."

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50 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 4, 2010

For Barrett's Esophagus "I was diagnosed with Barrett's about 3 years ago and went on Nexium. I take 1 x 40mg pill a day. A year ago, I had a gastroscopy and my Barrett's was gone. I will continue to have a scope every two years to monitor it. I will probably be on it forever. I have no side effects from taking it either."

10 / 10
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111 Report
  • Douglas...
  • February 17, 2016

For GERD "I have been taking 40 mg of Nexium twice a day for about a year. Prior to that, I was taking a single 40 mg dose per day, however, I began to have more problems with acid reflux. I began to lose my voice and had frequent chest pains. The doctor doubled my dose, and it seems to have helped. No more chest pains, and my voice is normal again. I did everything the doctor suggested, I don't eat or drink things that would make it worse. I elevated my bed, stopped drinking coffee, etc. Now, seeing reports on television about how taking Nexium for long periods can increase the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, and now dementia, my concern level is high. I'm just wondering what other people have done to help cut back on Nexium. Thank you."

8 / 10
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76 Report
  • Ash...
  • January 18, 2016

For GERD "I have never in my life felt so horrible than what I do now. I have taken this med for 4 days. I have been nauseous every day, diarrhea, and my stomach hurts, gas, etc. I cannot believe this med would make me feel this way when it is supposed to help. Maybe some people do well on it, but I cannot do this anymore. I feel worse than what I did when I started it. I will just go back to taking my generic Famotidine every day. It works and works right away. I do not even care at this point that Famotidine does not heal, it just masks the symptoms. I do not care! I just know no more Nexium for me. It can all burn!! Like the feeling I have in my stomach right now from taking it. Thanks for letting me give my honest review. G'Day"

2 / 10
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76 Report
  • Verce...
  • October 28, 2019

For GERD "I jumped onto Nexium just this past Friday since I needed a substitute for the Zantac recall. It was not a good choice, but by the 3rd day, I had what I thought was either a heart or panic attack. I was having severe pressure behind the sternum and almost a twisting or spasmodic feeling there and in my stomach. It was difficult to breathe, and then my face and extremities began to tingle. It lasted for an hour and then finally subsided a bit, but my chest remained uncomfortable. Here we are on day 4, and I have not taken it today, nor will I. My dull chest pains are still off and on. I've gone and picked up some Magnesium Glycinate to rule this out based on what Nexium does with Magnesium, though I doubt 3 doses would suck up my Magnesium. I also picked up some Pepcid, which seems to be one of the closest equivalents to Zantac. Recap: I haven't gotten so much relief with regards to my GERD, but it's sure as hell not worth these symptoms. Use at your own risk!"

2 / 10
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48 Report
  • Green...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 27, 2024

For GERD "Anxiety and GERD - Nexium fixes all. Ever since I started to experience anxiety as a late teen, it would always be in combination with either heartburn or nausea. This went on for years until heartburn and nausea caused by food would trigger anxiety, they became synonymous. I took antacid Rennie for 4 years and Gaviscon for an additional 4 years. Eight years of taking up to 10 tablets a day! Finally, two years ago, I started taking Nexium, 1 pill a day, no side effects, no anxiety. Blood work is fine. Nexium saved my life!"

10 / 10
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5 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.