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Omeprazole for Gastritis/Duodenitis User Reviews

Brand names: Prilosec, Prilosec OTC, Omesec

Omeprazole has an average rating of 3.3 out of 10 from a total of 42 reviews for the off-label treatment of Gastritis/Duodenitis. 14% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 64% reported a negative experience.

Omeprazole rating summary

3.3/10 average rating

42 ratings from 46 user reviews.

Compare all 4 medications used in the treatment of Gastritis/Duodenitis.


Reviews for Omeprazole

  • March 3, 2021

"This medication will drag you to a place where you really don't want to be. What I'm feeling is chest heaviness, dizziness, severe anxiety, panic episodes, shakiness, sweating, diarrhea shortness of breath. It is nothing to worry about, my symptoms got better after a few weeks. However, the doctor made me start it again and I now know that everything that just randomly started going wrong with me is all linked to this medication. And when I say anxiety, I mean severe amplified anxiety. Like the kind where you can't sleep at night because you panic thinking tonight is the night. Do not take this medication. Ever. You don't know anxiety until you take this. I'm not sure why this is even a med to begin with. Keep your head up and read my review. I promise you'll be okay after a few weeks. You're not dying. Just going through a bad side effect that will subside."

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127 Report
  • Marie...
  • September 6, 2021

"DO. NOT. TAKE. HORRIFIC side effects. Took this for only 5 days due to gastritis, ulcer symptoms on and off for about a year. Decided to take Omeprazole for a few weeks after repeated recommendations by my doc to heal the ulcer once and for all. An enormous mistake. 5 days in, suddenly panicky, dizzy, faint, heart beating painfully hard for hours, pulse sky high, numb hands and legs and an ambulance ride to the ER, I thought I was having a heart attack! Released the next day, they basically found nothing. Night after night, waking up in a panicked sweat feeling claustrophobic like I was losing it, unable to sleep due to the fear and pounding heartbeat. (And 2 kids to care for!)I was a complete mental and physical wreck. I have NEVER had anxiety or had a panic attack ever in my life so it was obvious these pills had done me in. Been off for 2 weeks, acupuncture and herbs to detox hopefully as quick as I can. DON’T TAKE this stuff!!!!"

1 / 10
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65 Report
  • Marie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 19, 2021

"Left my experience already but wanted to post an update. After all the tests and scans, blood work is all good, mild anxiety sometimes still, a few PACS and PVCS (Heartbeat issue)which I believe are caused by Omeprazole induced anxiety. Acupuncture the last month, liver detox herbs, clay bath detox, vitamins d3, K + supplements NAC (N-Ateyl Cysteine), zinc and probiotics are helping me. I’ve researched many a scientific journal + medical research papers regarding the science behind this drug and why the long list of adverse reactions. Long story short, this drug works not only in the stomach as a “proton pump”, or to stop the pump action to interact with certain enzymes and processes to create acid, but also works in cells throughout the body. It damages processes affecting amino acids such as glutathione which are essential for brain health + neurotransmitters. Do your research but know there is a reason for all of this and we can heal with remedies + time! xo!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • loilen
  • June 11, 2021

"Got diagnosed with Gastritis and was prescribed omeprazole for 5 weeks. Got the full package side effects - tingling in my arms and feet, buzzing in my back, buzzing in my left calf, weakness to the point where i was barely able to lift it, extreme anxiety, waking up during the night with my heart racing, pain and burning on the left under the ribs, lost 14 kilos in 3 weeks. Today it is 3 weeks since I stopped taking it, anxiety lifted 3 days ago and is no longer there, tingling in my arms and feet is gone, burning the stomach too, the only thing left is slight weakness in my left calf still, but that's improving slowly. I have an appetite, weight is going up steady. If you are reading this, hang in there, stay tough, it takes a while for that poison to wear off, keep yourself hydrated and take vitamins and electrolytes, probiotics help with anxiety, it gets better. I honestly thought this nightmare will never end. PPI - never again !"

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61 Report
  • Dani
  • March 19, 2020

"I started taking omeprazole pill at 20mg dose It took a while to take some effect but still had breakthrough burning. 1 and a half weeks into taking this pill the horrendous side effects kicked in. I can’t even describe how horrible this medicine made me feel. I literally had the worst nausea imaginable. My stomach would literally spasm/convulse/ and tighten. Body fatigue to the point of nearly passing out at work. I’ve never felt so sickly in my entire life. I lost my appetite. I lost weight drastically (20 lbs in the span of 2 weeks). My doctor told me to try 40mg because of the breakthrough burning and that’s when I nearly checked myself into the ER. My coworkers were very concerned with me not looking or feeling like my typical self. That’s when I stopped taking the pill cold turkey. Within a couple days I regained my appetite and started eating and feeling better with no more nausea and stomach tightness. Honestly beware of this pill."

1 / 10
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56 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Profi...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 17, 2023

"For those asking how long it takes to recover from this awful drug. I had all the symptoms described by others, but probably worse. Was only on 40mg a day but for over a year, really couldn’t understand why I was feeling that ill. When it clicked about the Omeprazole I stopped them after consulting the GP. Who say stop immediately by the way. I began to feel better from day one but because my system was so poisoned by this drug it has taken over a year to get where I am now. Which is around 95% recovered. Feel so much better than when I was taking the stuff. I manage my Gerd/acid reflux by watching my diet and alcohol consumption. Stick with it you will get better."

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16 Report
  • LUK
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 13, 2020

"I was taking this medication for 10 months and I’m now into my third week of stopping. The first week-10 days off of it I suffered terrible rebound and severe stomach cramps. Thankfully through dietary changes and perseverance I can honestly say I’ve felt the best I have in a long time. Advice to anybody prescribe this medication... try and heal your condition through dietary changes and/or natural medication. This medication interferes with a natural process and long term side effects have severe consequences."

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More FAQ

  • Naerf
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 27, 2022

"I was given these as a ‘quick-fix’ solution after burning my oesophagus. As a fit and active 30 year old I’d never actually had heartburn in my life, but I now found myself getting it whenever I ate certain foods (which I couldn’t understand) and had the feeling of a lump in my throat. This was obviously just a side effect of the drug but it didn’t click in my head. Eventually, after an endoscopy showed Gastritis, I was switched onto Omeprazole. Taking these for 2 wks changed everything. I developed a tremor, muscle twitches where I'd literally drop my phone, jolting awake just as I'm nodding off (repeatedly all night) and feelings of anxiety/depression that I never knew existed. It's been 4months now and I'm finally getting there. You need to taper off these drugs, doctors won't even bother telling you, but when you stop your body creates more acid than before 'hyper-secretion' which can take weeks/months to adapt to - so a lot of people get caught in a vicious cycle."

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26 Report
  • Marie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 24, 2022

"Just wanted to reach back out after leaving a review last year and after a very long recovery process after taking this drug. I had all of the negative side effects that most have mentioned here including debilitating anxiety, panic, palpitations, pins and needles, severe aches and pains that seemed to jump from one organ to another, POTS, fatigue, food sensitivities, insomnia, went from a healthy 37 year old mom to a shell of her old self after just 4 doses of this awful poison. My naturopath diagnosed a Limbic system impairment which explained it all. Toxin exposure, sensitivity to drugs/supplements, chemicals, mold exposure and a host of things can set off the Limbic/nervous system to go haywire which is exactly what this drug did to me. For those still suffering, I highly recommend a DNRS program to retrain the nervous system out of the now activated fight or flight and find yourself a good naturopath to detox. I’m all good now after this terrible pill, healing is possible! - xo"

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24 Report
  • Big...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 23, 2021

"I have had stomach problems over the last few years. Initially caused by h pylori I was prescribed antibiotics and 20mg omeprazole after the h pylori was cleared I was recommended to stay on the 20mg of omeprazole for a period of time. 5 years later I am still stuck on this pill the side effects are horrendous I've never felt as tired in all my life I feel very depressed and low. I have severe cramps in my stomach and severe back pain in general I always have a feeling of unwellness I've also been recently diagnosed as having chronic gastritis which I am sure is a side effect from taking omeprazole for so long. However when I stop taking it for a week I feel absolutely amazing if to describe just normal however it's short lived and my acid reflux and heart burn flare up and I have to go back on the omeprazole. It's a vicious cycle I wish I had never took this drug ever in the first place I am a shadow of my former self. I would really like to know if anyone is in the same position"

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26 Report
  • Ace
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 20, 2020

"Took 20mg omeprazole a day for 5 days. I changed from a healthy, happy human being to a sad, thin, nauseous shell. I've lost half a stone and struggle to get out of bed. My heart races every morning until late afternoon. I am constantly exhausted and have lost interest in everything I once enjoyed. Standing in the shower is like a day's work. Took my last one 2 days ago and still feel like rubbish"

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31 Report
  • Nigel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 10, 2022

"This drug gave me some of the worst experiences of my life. I was prescribed this drug (15 mg twice a day) for mild acid reflux/gastritis symptoms. The side effects of this medicine are awful. Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, chest and back pain, shaking, burning sensation in arms and back. My vision went blurry and I had severe brain fog. I felt like I was about to die pretty much the entire time with chest racing and strong heartbeats. I couldn't sleep and would wake up pretty much as soon as I fell asleep. I stopped taking these tablets 3 weeks ago and still I am not right. I can feel the cloud of these tablets slowly lifting. I would not take these tablets again."

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19 Report
  • Ani
  • March 30, 2021

"I was diagnosed with mild gastritis with no h.pylori Actually I had severe heart burn It's all in June 2020 Doctor prescribed me esmoprazole 20 mg Day 3 of esmoprazole started feeling dizziness ...bloated stomach sharp pain in back. Felt like my bones are breaking. After 15 days went to doctor whether anything serious with the medicine. He changed the prescription with pantaprazole 40 mg for 60 days and dusbatalin...after taking pantaprazole I started have anxiety, heart burn frequently, drowsiness ,started vomitting. But, what happened I couldn't eat, wallk nothing had stopped the medicine cold turkey. After that had good diet. Again started with heartburn occasionally. Again doctor prescribed me omoprazole. Again after two weeks started anxiety, shivering, back pain, jaw pain. Without consulting doctor I stopped my medicine. After 8 months March 2021.. we can cure this naturally"

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21 Report
  • Anony...
  • September 14, 2021

"Had chest pains and breathlessness for weeks. Initially thought there was a problem with my heart. Had blood tests, ultrasound, ECG etc eventually diagnosed with sliding hiatus hernia and gastritis via endoscopy. Doctor prescribed 20mg omeprazole once per day on the advice of the endoscopist. Big mistake! Omeprazole gave me severe abdominal pain - my entire abdomen was in painful spasms. Needless to say I stopped taking it after 2 days. The next day I was still in pain but by day four it had stopped. Do not take this medication!"

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18 Report
  • Aldo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 18, 2022

"Honestly guys worse experience ever Was giving this pill 20mg daily Took it for around 1 half months yeah took the pain away in my stomach But let me tell you this I would have that pain any day over what I have been throw the last 4 weeks I stopped the omeprazole as was felling much better no pain After stopping the meds I have been in a&e thinking am struggling 2 breath my anxiety is throw the roof constant feeling I need air in my lungs, panic attacks thinking am I unable 2 get enough air. All hospital checks came back clear I am now on anxiety meds and depression meds. I was so confused 2 what caused this as everything in my life was going well no worries, good job, happy family etc Then boom I am still struggling nearly 5 weeks later I can 100% put this down 2 omeprazole after reading reviews I am convinced its this horrible tab Never ever again will I take this med"

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13 Report
  • Sasha
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 1, 2020

"I was diagnosed with acid reflux and gastritis and My doctor prescribed me omeprazole 40 mgs. This might be the worst medicine I have ever taken. It did absolutely nothing to help my problems and it gave me the worst side effects: nausea, stomach pain, gas, very nervous, insommia. This is the worst medicine! I thought I had IBS, and my doctor even diagnosed me but I stopped taking this medicine and my IBS magically went away. Do not take this medicine...I rather just take tums."

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22 Report
  • goat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 26, 2020

"I believe the medicine worked, but began to experience terrible side effects after three weeks; chest pain that radiated to back, night sweats, dizziness, headache, loss of appetite. I stopped for two days and symptoms began to clear up."

3 / 10
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18 Report
  • xeniax
  • June 4, 2016

"I've taken this medication before for chronic reflux prior to the onset of my bulimia (which I'm currently attempting recovery for, but it's been a tough road), and in the last couple of years my reflux has been particularly bad and because of my bulimia I produce excess stomach acid. Within a day of starting Prilosec my reflux disappeared and within a week I began to generally physically feel much better because I no longer had constant acid in my esophagus. Prior to that, tums or baking soda would stop it for a few hours but it would always return. Now it's easier for me to just live normally and focus on healing my body minus the excess stomach acid and the damage it does in addition to the bulimic behavior."

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29 Report
  • snake
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 11, 2019

"Been on this medication omeprazole for two months and just went off a two weeks ago. Started to get flu like symptoms. Went to the doctor twice one time he said that it was allergies and he gave me a kenalog 40 shot. Two days latter I went back and he said now I have a viral sinus infection. I've been off work for a week and I finally went on line and did some research and I found out this is most likely withdrawal symptoms. I been have heartburn, pain near my belly button, chills, stomach growling, fatigue, sweats, burning in my legs, jaw pain, head aches, diarrhea, and shakiness. My urine color is good and I am not having bloody stools so I know that I'm not having major issues. These PPI's are really bad since the side effects are worst that the what is suppose to be treating."

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19 Report
  • Butte...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 23, 2019

"I had an endoscopy done and was told I have gastritis and hiatal hernia. I was given Omeprazole. 20mg twice daily I felt better it worked I was feeling like myself again. But it's been over 9 months and I feel that long term use is causing some bad side effects - headaches, dizziness, constipation and flatulance. I thought the gastritis was getting worse or my hernia. But then I stopped taking the Omeprazole 20 mg. It's been 2 days. And I feel like my self Again I'm thinking taking this medicine for a long time will start causing you to feel sick"

5 / 10
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19 Report
  • Elliot
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 18, 2023

"Works well for stomach pain and headache & indigestion but I have been having problems with my throat such as not being able to swallow and problems like I have phlegm that I can’t get up. I have trouble with coughing. I have been taking omeprazole 40 mg QD in the morning for years."

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5 Report
  • Chanty
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 15, 2020

"I’m on day 3 of Omeprazole , makes me feel dizzy, short of breath , palpitations and fatigued . Will stop using tomorrow. My heartburn is mildly relieved but I rather the heartburn than the rest of these odd symptoms."

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16 Report
  • tbsk
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 27, 2023

"I was prescribed omeprazole for acute gastritis for 4 weeks. the worst 4 weeks of my life. I have had side effects like other people have mentioned in reviews. Dizziness, pins and needles, weakness in muscles, random pain in different parts of the body. Would never recommend this to someone with gastritis better to heal it naturally."

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6 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 18, 2022

"Been on this drug for 14 days now, it sure helped with my stomach acid. I felt relief after 3 days, but then I started having anxiety, headaches, diarrhea, brain fog, my eye sight was going out of focus. I literally have been calling off work because of this drug.. beware."

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9 Report
  • DeeDee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2019

"I was diagnosed with gastritis in August. I began taking omeprazole and immediately experience the side effects. Then I was switched to prantaprozole. I couldn't take this side effects. I decided to not take any medicine at all and just try with foods. It became hard for me to eat anything. I have the lump in my throat feeling and it keeps me from eating. Now I'm back on omeprazole and the side effects are horrible! I feel weak, and the dizziness is way to much. I still barely eat anything but I'm back to eating solid foods. Does this go away? I've been taking it for almost a week now."

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