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Dupixent and Burning: What Users Say

Burning: mentioned by 14 users (2.8%)

Based on user experiences from 498 Dupixent reviews, the following table shows the most commonly mentioned side effects.

All user comments are moderated by Each review is verified for relevance and screened for inappropriate content. Side effects are user-reported and not clinically verified.

itching 15.5%
pain 4.6%
rash 4.2%
dry eyes 3.8%
burning 2.8%
peeling 2.8%
swelling 2.8%
flushing 2.6%
joint pain 2.6%
headaches 2.4%

Reviews for Dupixent

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • JJa...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 5, 2019

For Eczema "This drug worked amazingly for 6 months. I felt like a normal human. It worked so well! However, after 6 months, I started getting horrible burning painful blotches on my neck at first. Then on my face. Then on my inner elbows. It hurt really bad. If I wore a long sleeve shirt to hide it, it would ache in pain. I decided to stop the drug as an experiment to see if it was caused by the drug. My dermatologist said no, that it’s just an eczema flare. He didn’t really seem to have the time of day to listen to my concerns. He would just brush it off. After 3 months of stopping Dupixent, my skin went back to the regular eczema that I was used to. I felt itchy again, which was annoying, but the horrible painful blotchy skin was gone from my face and neck. I waited a year before I decided to try Dupixent again. I tried it, and it worked, but not as effectively as when I first tried it. Again, I started getting burning blotchy skin around my neck and face. It hurts, burns, and aches. I decided to stop again."

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  • Anonymous
  • January 21, 2021

For Eczema "I’m writing this for my son, who is 19 and has had eczema since he was about 13 months. We finally decided to try Dupixent last month. Unfortunately, the side effects for him after being given the loading dose only have caused him to have a burning sensation, like an internal sunburn that still has not gone away. It’s been over three weeks. He, like most people with eczema, has a very high tolerance for skin pain. This has been really hard to watch him struggle with this side effect. PLEASE BE AWARE! I wished I would have found this site before the first dose, we would have reconsidered starting medication. We’re thankful at this point that’s all the effects he’s had from such a promising drug."

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47 Report
  • Emo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 7, 2022

For Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps "I started Dupixent in July 2020. It was administered twice a week for 18 weeks. Seven out of the nine times it felt like my arm was on fire when it was being administered, but it instantly went away when the nurse was done. Eight out of nine times I was an emotional wreck five minutes after getting the med. I cried uncontrollably for a minute or two as if someone had died, but the feeling and the crying spell would instantly turn off like someone flipped a switch. I stopped taking medicine because of these side effects, and it did not work to clear up my chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Has anyone else had these reactions to Dupixent?"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 17, 2017

For Atopic Dermatitis "I'm 18 years old, and I have had eczema since I was a baby. I've been on many medications, and when I heard about Dupixent, I had really high hopes for it. I have been on this medicine for 4 months now, and my dermatitis has gotten worse. My face and neck are constantly burning, and my eyes are swollen and red. I haven't had a good experience with this medication, but it was worth a try."

2 / 10
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32 Report
  • CRY...
  • August 24, 2019

For Eczema "I had an onset of eczema a year ago that started small but kept spreading badly. Nothing helped much except prednisone and cyclosporine. Even the cyclosporine started not to work 100%. My doctor suggested Dupixent. I have been on it for three months. My rash with bumps went away, however, it was replaced with flat, patchy red skin spots that burn and can itch. For the most part, in the same areas my previous rashes were: face, neck, chest, stomach, and arms. The severity seems to go up and down as far as how bad they are. For some reason, it’s worse than ever, and those patches are noticeable. Not sure if my body is still getting used to it, or it’s not going to work fully. I still prefer this over the other eczema rashes and itching, but it just seems to be worse. Still going to continue it and pray it completely clears up. Not sure if anyone else has this? My eyes are definitely itchy and can burn, but I already had been on prescription eyedrops for allergies that seem to help."

6 / 10
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24 Report

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  • nik...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 19, 2021

For Eczema "I've had eczema all my life and it was a constant battle between pills and creams. Nothing seemed to help for more than a week or so. After hearing about Dupixent, I was hesitant to get an injection every other week. However, after a few injections, I started to notice and feel the difference. The injections do hurt very badly. The medicine burns going in. I had my mother give it to me in my arms for about 2 years. Now that they just came out with the auto-inject pen, I just got some samples from my doctor before switching over completely. With the pen, I give it to myself in my thigh. It still hurts badly, but it is worth it. I do fear about having kids in the future and getting off of it or if it will have side effects on my baby. Overall, good medicine - just wish it didn't hurt so dang bad!!"

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • CNs...
  • July 28, 2021

For Eczema "My adult son had a reaction to Dupixent that has never gone away. He had eczema on his hands, feet, arms, and legs. He began taking Dupixent in high school, and, while all of his body eczema went away, he began getting it more and more on his face. At first, the doctor said it was a reaction to sunblock, but he continued to get eczema only on his face when not using sunblock at all. Then that doctor stopped practicing medicine. My son had never had any face eczema before Dupixent. NONE. It is obvious this was due to the Dupixent. He uses all non-toxic products for washing both body and clothing. His face got worse and worse. I have photos. Even though he has quit Dupixent for about a year, his face continues to break out in terrible, painful eczema. It flares up especially in the heat, and plain tap water can even irritate it. He has burning, itching, and red scaly blotches all around his forehead and eyes. It's not only uncomfortable, but it's also embarrassing."

1 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Red...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2021

For Asthma, Maintenance "I had my first 2 injections for my asthma. I really needed it to work, I need to get off inhaled steroids. I've been on the strongest dose of Advair, 4 puffs a day for 19 1/2 years. I started having reactions in my eyes the next day. It’s been weeks and not at all better. Red, sore, lump, burning. I’m now on steroid eye drops. Now applied for Nucala. Hope that works!!!!"

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12 Report
  • Bre...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 23, 2022

For Asthma, Maintenance "I started with Dupixent (300 mg) over a month ago for severe asthma. Within several days, both of my arms and hands felt like they had been slammed by a sledgehammer, and both hands were constantly burning. The pain was indescribable. It only began to subside two weeks later when the next dose was due. I decided to go for it and see if this problem would continue. Unfortunately, the pain and burning in both arms and hands came back with a vengeance. I called my doctor, and we both agreed to stop the Dupixent. Now the pain and burning are gone, thank goodness!"

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10 Report
  • KDB...
  • December 12, 2021

For Asthma, Maintenance "I’ve been using Dupixent for over 2 years, and “yes,” it does work on my asthma, but I still cannot understand why it burns so much going in. It feels like fire is going in. But I can’t stop using it. Recently, my company changed our insurance company, and there was a 4-week stoppage. After missing Dupixent for just one dose, my asthma kicked in, and I was in trouble for those weeks off the drugs. My Trelegy helped out a lot, but I strongly recommend using this drug for asthma and for those who are battling with COPD. It really does work."

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  • Caz...
  • November 12, 2018

For Eczema "Injection worked for the first four months, and then not much improvement. Eyes were burning. I started in March 2018 and stopped in October. No more burning eyes, and actually after I stopped treatment, skin got better. I will never use it again, even though I had no cost. Better to just use the external ointment. It's no fun to poke your belly."

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  • Bea...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 24, 2019

"I started the loading dose in October 2018. The nodules continued appearing, but less intense itching by the end of November 2018. I wanted to go off of this medication, but the dermatologist advised continuing for a 4-month period. I quit injections around December 13th, 2018. Have had fever, chills, stomach issues, fluid in the ears, and eye problems. My eyes felt like they were burning. These aren't all of the side effects I am dealing with. I gather the derm's office is too afraid to contact me since I left them numerous messages. This drug was shipped from Ft. Worth to IL, where I am living."

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  • Car...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 27, 2024

For Asthma, Maintenance "I think it has helped me - I am able to walk further and do more than I could before the injections begin. I also use my rescue inhaler (albuterol) less frequently. It really burns while the medication is being administered. Thankfully, it's usually over in less than a minute. I also have eczema, and it has helped with that, too. So... yes, I think that it is helping me."

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  • Kar...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 7, 2025

For Prurigo Nodularis "1st injections, loading doses, went easy. It did burn when on the final push, but I'm not feeling any adverse reactions. Now I will be self-injecting every 2 weeks. DUPIXENT DIRECT covered my $150 copay for 7 months, they will review in 6 months."

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