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I've been taking Xarelto for 6 months. Anyone have acute muscle and joint pain on this drug?

95 Answers Page 7

leebranden 24 April 2016

I to have been suffering for sometime now with lower back and flank pain while taking Xarelto. I also have been suffering with posterior leg pain similar to severe sciatic pain

Votes: +2
Dan1947 30 April 2017

I began xrealto 3 months ago and just began experiencing pain on both calves and hamstring'. Can't sleep it hurts so much! What can resolve this? I can't stand it any linger!!!

Fran1969 17 July 2019

Me also. The pain is severe

gerryw 24 Dec 2015

I have just been prescribed Xarelto,on the third day I noticed swelling in my left hand. I take Xarelto, the lowest dose one tablet per day.
I noticed that the swelling and pain was increasing about 4 hours after I took the drug. I have not had gout for years so I know the symptoms, after the third day I was in extreme pain, my doctor carried out a blood test and my uric acid level was extremely high, he prescribed a drug which he said would lower the uric acid.The pain and swelling is subsiding but i noticed today that 4 hours after I took Xarelto the hand was swelling and becoming painful again.which leads me to believe that Xarelto raises uric acid levels. I have an appt with my doctor to discuss after Xmas

Votes: +0
BethSJ 24 Dec 2015

I found some info on line about gout and Xarelto.
Seven months after getting off the drug I still have joint pain but it's not nearly as bad.
The drug is so new all of the side effects are still unknown.
I hope you find some answer and some relief.

aramanarao 28 Dec 2015

Hi. Xarelto works by binding proteins so that coagulation does not take place. So, if you have a history of gout or similar high protein intake illnesses, Docs would prefer to start 'recovery' from DVT with warfarin (which does not affect the protein content in your body). Suggest consult your Doc, who may switch your medication (to another anti-coagulant) with the prescribed change protocol.

ProudtobeMe1962 23 April 2016

I have been on Xarelto since the end of January, 2016 for DVT/PE. I, too, have noticed swelling in my hands and joint pain in my knees. I have had previous gout attacks in my big toe, but nothing compared to what I am now having. I have been incapacitated for almost 2 weeks now, resting and ice on my big toe, just seeing my pcp yesterday and was given a steroid to help. I have to go in next week to get my uric acid level tested. I just started wondering tonight if this could somehow be tied to the Xarelto as I have never had an extreme attack like this. I am also having back pain which I'm afraid could be related to my kidneys and will find out that next week as well. Sad thing is, the Xarelto is working great for my blood clots. I hate to think that something that can work so well for that issue could cause damage in another! I also hate to think about having to change to the another blood thinner.


It will be a life long therapy for me as I have an inherited blood disorder called Factor V Leiden. On that note, if any one of you has been on a different blood thinner and could recommend one, I would appreciate knowing the ups and downs related to them. Prayers and blessings to all of you.

musicalmatrix 16 Feb 2017

prayers and blessings to you, Beth.

musicalmatrix 16 Feb 2017

thanks, AR, for informative post on metabolic mechanisms of Xarelto. Pls keep on keeping us informed. and God bless your good mind.

Sandi Katz 21 Nov 2018

My husband has been taking Xarelto for 1-1/2 years. He is extremely tired all the time. Everything is an effort. He has pain in his legs, shoulders and arms. When he sleeps lying down the pain is more severe. He sleeps on the couch in a sitting position. Never thought it could be the drug until I read people with similar problems. I was on Warfarin for almost two years which you need to go for blood tests monthly. They say Warfarin is a more dangerous drug. But I felt wonderful on it. I had none of these side effects. My husband is going to try to switch. What's the use in taking something to keep you alive when you have no quality of life?

blueazure4 5 Feb 2022

Have Factor V Leiden with two major DVTs. Have taken Xarelto for a total of 3 years.
Was given Xarelto for first DVT, horrible back and joint pains, debilitating. Second DVT started out with Xarelto then was switched to Eliquis. Eliquis worked better for me, no back aches with some pains in joints.

Recently informed by ins co they will not cover Eliquis. Started back on Xarelto on 1/1/22. I am back to horrible back and joint pain.

Thinking of exploring Warfarin, since that is the only other drug my ins co will cover.

I absolutely hate Xarelto.

angelamaria 14 Aug 2015

Hi, I have been taking xarelto for three months and for the last two I have had excruciating pains in my knees and thigh and calf muscles. The pain is worse at night and is not relieved by the codeine I have been prescribed, cannot take ibuprofen because of xarelto, and also as I have AF. GP has sent me for xrays and physio-but neither have found a diagnosis. Having read posts on here I am sure now it is the drug causing it, so will see doctor next week and see if I can change, can't stop taking anticoagulant as am waiting for an ablation. I am so glad I found these posts- this level of pain is unbearable- and I feel so relieved that I may soon see an end to it!

Votes: +2
Snugglens 23 Jan 2017

I came here wondering if Xarelto is causing my SEVERE muscle "contortions" in my feet, legs, arms and now has extended to my chest wall. These are not charlie horses. They are so severe I cannot stand or move. I have been on xarelto for a year. The contortions are worse when I lay down at night. So bad I scream. Every muscle locks up tight. I see others have this condition also. Thanks for posting as I am almost certain it is the xarelto. It's getting worse.

alamosa-joe 11 March 2017

Hi... so glad I found this site. (64 M on 10 mg DVT) I have been on Xeralto for about 2 months and I notice exactly what you are describing... my feet "contort' around the arch. Mine is not so bad but never had this ever before. Also a lot of muscle cramps or near cramps... I thought the xaralto was messing with my potassium levels causing this. (am retired MD). I finally quit taking it because of the horrible feeling knee pain. The pain got better then came back sort of (much less). These problems started when I was put on coumadin and got much worse when they switched me to Xeralto.
For the pain I found that tramadol completely erases the symptoms--odd. Advil does almost nothing. Anyway stopped it... will continue on aspirin and a sensible diet... life would be a hell on this medicine.

alamosa-joe 11 March 2017

Just wanted to add... have had numbness in bottom of feet radiating to different toes which were painful. Needles and pins type stuff also. These various symptoms migrate and hit my right leg as well (the dvt was in the left)
I got scared the clots might be expanding or new small ones forming etc... however after reading these entries I have no doubts now that it has to be the xeralto. The doctors are clueless here... maybe it just hits some people?? I am a bit worried without it but as many of the comments state it is just unbearable to think of putting up with this for any amount of time. Will go for aspirin. Of note the day I stopped I tried tramadol and it worked! completely erased things.

Darlene Cook 20 May 2018

I have been Xarelto for approx nine months. At first I was fine.
Now I am getting pinching muscle pain and muscle weakness and soreness. The pain is beginning to limit my ability to raise my arms and blow my hair dry. I need to get off of this drug to see if I get better. I was off for a couple of weeks and slowly began to improve. I dont want to have a stroke, but this is quickly becomming dehabilitating.
I have a dr apt this week to tell him what is going on.

Zimbareata1973 20 June 2018

Hi if you take zeralto don’t take any antiinflamatory meds is dangerous take Vicodin asl doctor and muscle relaxer is best I end up in emergency room for that pain know at night I ware very thick cloth on my I found warm make me feel good some time I use ice pack for 20 min and warm pack for other 30 min to release pain and relax muscle I take also tylenol 1000 mg are 2 pills of 500 mg at night before I sleep I elevate my legs for a wile hope to help you feel better

Vexiones 14 July 2018

I have been taking xarelto for 5 months. I have constant joint pain in my legs and feet. I have only 3 more weeks to take this medicine. I also have weight issues since taking this medicine. Does anybody no if the body aches go away when you stop taking xarelto?

Vexiones 14 July 2018

I have been taking xarelto for 5 months. I have constant joint pain in my legs and feet. I have only 3 more weeks to take this medicine. I also have weight issues since taking this medicine. Does anybody no if the body aches go away when you stop taking xarelto?

Kaysi 29 Aug 2019

Beware of tramadol. It is a synthetic opiate and VERY addictive, though they try to hide this fact. Believe me, I know from experience.
I, too have what I call "migratory" joint and muscle pain, do not know from day to day where it will turn up and how severe. Read that Xarelto can increase uric acid content in the blood, will research more.

dudley4 21 April 2015

I am also experiencing severe muscle pain/fatigue in my arms and legs.
I have only been on Xarelto for 3 months.
I feel horrible and if the fatigue/pain gets any worse I will not be able to do even the smallest of things.
I feel as though it is a huge effort to even lift my arms or take a short walk...
Before this I was very active. I am thin and was athletic.
Currently I feel as if I am near death every thing is such an effort.
If I don't take this drug I am at a very high risk of stroke... so what is the answer ?
Before coming across this thread I thought my afib was getting worse and I was nearing death ( seriously that is how bad I feel)
Just on a lark I thought let me see if anyone had reported this as a side effect from Xarelto as this is the only thing different I am doing since feeling this way... low and behold there are others... maybe it is the Xarelto ???

Votes: +8
BethSJ 23 April 2015

I am sorry for your pain and I identify with everything you said. The simplest things have become so difficult because of muscle pain. At least I know I'm not the only one. Maybe we're on to something with the Xarelto side effects. My quality of life has deminished as well.

Canary Tide 23 June 2015

I am having the exact same side effects from Xarelto. I too have be on this drug for three months and I have never had so much joint pain in my life. I feel exactly the way you do. I was a very active person with no health problems and just typing on the computer is painful. I have had several blood tests and only the uric acid level in my blood is elevated. This can cause joint pain but mine isn't that high and the doctor doesn't think I should be in this much pain. I have been on medicine to treat gout and after two weeks it is not working. I have given up all protein and I still am in pain. The pain is worse at night. My husband is a family practice doc and he thinks it could be caused from the xarelto. My hematologist says Xarelto is the best medicine on the market but I'm ready to try something else if I have to live like this.
I can't believe recovery from a pulmonary embolism can be this bad... maybe it is the Xarelto???

BethSJ 23 June 2015

Also, what's the connection with uric acid? You're the 2nd person to mention uric acid. Dr hasn't though. Guess I need to check into this...

BethSJ 23 June 2015

I typed a long response to your post but it's not showing up, yet. I'll give it time before I retype my thoughts on your post. Long story short, I think it is Xarelto, heard from many folks going through the exact same thing, and I've been off the drug 3 weeks today and I am SLOWLY improving. Hopefully my longer response to you will get approved and posted. Good luck.

Canary Tide 23 June 2015

I was trying to think of anything that could cause severe arthritis and I considered gout. Since I live with a family practice doctor he considered several possibilities. When I went to my doctor he ran several tests even some for autoimmune diseases. Everything came back negative but the uric acid level. The uric acid goes up when the kidneys don't expel all of it. This can seriously cause pain to joints and muscles. Since I have been off any protein and on gout medicine there has been no change. My husband said it's time to call the hematologist. I copied this forum to take with me

BethSJ 23 June 2015

I'm being checked for tick diseases, again. I live in the south so bites are normal. I've had so many tests on things. Heart, MRI on neck, hemo has done lots of blood work. Everything comes back normal. I do not know about my uric acid though. No dr has mention uric acid & I know nothing about it. Will Google.

Canary Tide 25 June 2015

My doctor just changed my medication to Eliquis yesterday. I let you know if I feel any changes.

dudley4 29 June 2015

Hi Canary Tide
Please do let us know if changing to Eloquis was any better or worse than being on Xarelto
I am sure there are plenty of others who would like to know.

BethSJ 30 June 2015

Yes, I'm hoping to hear you're feeling better Canary Tide.

Canary Tide 30 June 2015

I've been off the xarelto for almost a week now and I still have joint pain but not as severe. I've been thinking since I still have some pain that maybe the xarelto would not let some nutrients be absorbed. I thought I might be low on something and it needs to build back up in my system. I started taking magnesium and potassium. I also bought some supplement with glucosamine, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and MSM. The lady at Akins thought it might help and my husband said it wouldn't hunt. I've only been on the vitamins for three days but I think it might be helping. I keep thinking about what you said about the pain still lasting, but slowly getting better three weeks after you changed medicines. I am hoping I don't have permanent damage to my muscles and joints but I am doing better. I'm also eating protein again and I haven't felt worse or had a flare up after eating it. I'll keep you posted on the progress. How are you doing?

BethSJ 30 June 2015

Hi Dudley4. Are you still in pain?

BethSJ 30 June 2015

Canary Tide, I just sent you a long message with my email address. Did you get it?

dudley4 21 July 2015


Sorry I did not respond sooner
was in the hospital for angioplasty and then had many follow up appointments so was not on here ;(
yes I am but it does not seem as severe perhaps my body is getting acclimated to feeling this way ? Still don't feel like my old self but I keep trying to push through the pain and force myself to do the most I can in a day which still is not much .
Any change in the way you are feeling ?

BethSJ 21 July 2015

Hey Dudley4. I am sorry to hear you've been in the hospital. Hopefully one step at a time and we'll all feel better.
My arm pain started improving as soon as I tapered off the Xarelto. But unfortunately, I still have it. Just not as bad. I also learned I have an under active thyroid and now treating it. I don't know if it w the dvt were connected. But we shall see. If it ain't one thing it's another.
Be well. Hope your pain goes away.

musicalmatrix 16 Feb 2017

low and behold indeed. omgosh, I feel like I'm dyin' here. Lol, meanwhile, because I'm thin and vain and feel better when I look better, applying obligatory makeup and sporting my fab fashion sense, everyone wonders why I dropped off social radar. I am not a "joiner", but will be following up on these Xarleto and joint and muscle pain posts. I can't imagine being 30 or 40 something and feeling like this. Back in the day, we'd say "Question Authority". I'm adding "question pain... and don't just take it". Let's pool research?

musicalmatrix 27 April 2017

Dear Xar-hell-to taking patients: Two things : 1.) Finally!!! Validation! A new pharmacist at my Thrombosis Center commented, without my bringing it up, that in reviewing my chart before seeing me, she noticed that I had reported the same debilitating joint pain in my arms, shoulders and hands, along with pronounced swelling in my digital (finger) joints, that another patient of hers on Xarelto had reported last year. I asked her if (said anonymous) patient had any comorbid conditions, or history of gout, arthritis, etc. The PhD pharmacist said emphatically, "No"; he was an otherwise healthy 20 something patient, and had been put on Xarelto after developing a post-ortho surgery blood clot. She said it was remarkable to her that this patient's reportedly excruciating joint pain problems also began to resolve within days of stopping the Xarelto and switching to Warfarin, as I had experienced.


2.) You must remember that there ARE other pharmaceutical anticoagulant options! Report pain and other side effects that can not be attributed to any other causation, to your doctor. Then ASK if there are other drug treatment options. They're usually are. Please Speak Up for the sake of data collection. Your experiences with your medications matter as data collected for the diverse group of human beings being treated for a pathology they all have in common. You can possibly help other patients suffering from unreported side effects from being dismissed as just chronicly complaining malingerers. It might NOT be "just you".

ginniecatt 29 April 2017

I suffer w afib and was taking Eloquis with no apparent side effects. My cardiologist switched me to Xarelto and I'm experiencing the same problems and pains. I also have RA, Lupus, and Fibro so I've just been attributing it all to a flare. I started taking ibuprophen for the pain and now I'm experiencing unexplained bruising on my arms and thighs. That's what brought me to this site to see if there was and connection btwn ibuprophen and Xarelto.

samantha30 1 May 2017

I have been on Xarelto for 2 months, and I have severe pain in my left leg. It wakes me up between 12:00-2:00 a.m. every morning. I can not stand on my left leg because the pain is so severe, and I can't even turn over in the bed because it causes a strain on the muscles in my leg. I feel like someone who is dependent on my arms for movement. I was a runner for many years and developed A-fib and was prescribed Xarelto. My doctor says that it's unusual for the drug to affect only one limb and not both arms and limbs. I just know that I have gone from being very active to struggling to get out of bed or off of the couch.

RADavis1423 11 Jan 2018

I’m 62 and had a leg DVT in 2008, 2013, and on Dec 28, 2017. No heart problems and not on any meds. The two previous DVTs were provoked from flying as best as we could determine. Blood work shows I am factor 5 Leiden and can get blood clots easily. I’m not sure what caused this last clog. The last two were treated with Coumadin for 6 months and cleared well. I had no side effects with Coumadin,but it was difficult to be on due to diet requirements and testing. Mr Dr prescribed Eliquis 5mg twice a day starting 28 Dec 17. Within two days, my right foot pain started and I thought it was Plantar Fasiitis. The pain moved up to my ankle with severe pain and I had to use crutches to move around. The ankle stayed swollen and within a couple days, both knees were swollen with excruciating pain. I went back to the Dr and he cehcked for any DVTs or joint bleeding, but all was clear.


Since I walked in on 28 Dec with no joint pain or swelling, I convinced my Dr to change prescription to Xeralto. I stopped Eliquis for 24 hours on 5 Jan 18, then started the 15mg twice daily regiment. The swelling and pain in my Right ankle and knee is gone and my left knee is almost gone. My left ankle swelled up on the 8th and I’ve been treating it like a sprang with heat and it is getting better. Today is the 10th and still making good progress. No other pain at this time. I also used icy hot as directed and it helped.

jwilks57 7 Aug 2018

You may need to revert/change to warfarin. Less convenient? Certainly. Less muscle pain. Yes
Consultant Pharmacist

Robm27 17 Nov 2018

I've been on Xarelto for 4 months. At first, no real reaction to the drug was felt. Now I have debilitating lower lumbar back pain. Some days I can't even get out of bed. Doctor sent me to physical therapy with no results. It first started as sciatica then when that cleared up it progressed to what felt like a knot in the spinal area. Now the pain is on both sides of my lower back. Suffer with pain or risk another DVT & PE?

Kapuanani 10 Jan 2022

I tried Xarelto for several years, then was taken off it. Tried to resume taking it about 3 years later. Horrible reactions like the ones you are describing. So, the doctor tried me on two other blood thinners. I had the same reactions, which left me the choice to either live with constant pain and feeling like I was dying, or not take a blood thinner. I chose to not take a blood thinner. There is a supplement called Curcumin that you might try.

Kapuanani 10 Jan 2022

I tried Xarelto for several years, then was taken off it. Tried to resume taking it about 3 years later. Horrible reactions like the ones you are describing. So, the doctor tried me on two other blood thinners. I had the same reactions, which left me the choice to either live with constant pain and feeling like I was dying, or not take a blood thinner. I chose to not take a blood thinner. There is a supplement called Curcumin that you might try.

Kapuanani 10 Jan 2022

I tried Xarelto for several years, then was taken off it. Tried to resume taking it about 3 years later. Horrible reactions like the ones you are describing. So, the doctor tried me on two other blood thinners. I had the same reactions, which left me the choice to either live with constant pain and feeling like I was dying, or not take a blood thinner. I chose to not take a blood thinner. There is a supplement called Curcumin that you might try.

balbanese 24 March 2015

Yes, I had it and see this, it's lower on the list:

Votes: +2
BethSJ 24 March 2015

Thanks for the response. I have read that muscle& joint pain is down on the list. That is why I'm doing my own research & survey. My pain has gradually worsened and is debilitating. If it gets worse it will be disabling. It's all over but most acute in my arms. Dr thinks sleep deprivation could be hindering muscles to heel. Could be but even when I get some sleep muscle pain can be worse at times. Need to hear from people who have taken it long term, and that isn't very long being as it's a newer drug. Thanks for any info.

BethSJ 24 March 2015

Thanks for the response. I have read that muscle& joint pain is down on the list. That is why I'm doing my own research & survey. My pain has gradually worsened and is debilitating. If it gets worse it will be disabling. It's all over but most acute in my arms. Dr thinks sleep deprivation could be hindering muscles to heel. Could be but even when I get some sleep muscle pain can be worse at times. Need to hear from people who have taken it long term, and that isn't very long being as it's a newer drug. Thanks for any info.

balbanese 24 March 2015

That's all your Dr is offering? Since it is so new, you could try contacting the manufacturer. Often times they can offer solutions, or they'll ask to speak to your Dr. directly. Can't hurt to try.

BethSJ 24 March 2015

I think you're right on. I'm going to contact the drug maker. Dr did blood work. No tic disease, which I knew that'd be negative. Doesn't think it's arthritis because no swelling, warmth, etc. Maybe it is lack of sleep but I'd like to know for sure being that I was just instructed to take xarelto 3 more months. I've read if you continue to take a drug that is causing you pain, it hurts you internally. I'll keep you informed if I learn something useful.

BethSJ 24 March 2015

Calling Janssen, the makers of Xarelto, was basically fruitless other than I learned they can only tell me what I can read on their site or in the pamphlet inside the box. In a clinical trial of 4,8400 people who had taken the drug for 6 months, muscle pain was reported by 75 people.

BethSJ 24 March 2015

That number of folks in the clinical trial was suppose to read 4,800 people. 75 of them reported muscle pain. Bet cha there's more though. Just my guess.

balbanese 24 March 2015

Maybe not, I'm usually that 1 in 1,000,000 to get the rarest of things listed.

tmaunus 21 April 2015

I've been on xarelto since December 18 2014 I'm 48 years old and I had 2 strokes with in 72 hours, they put me on the drug and my muscles hurt me so bad, I can hardly sleep at night. The doctor wants me to see a rheumatologist. I've always said it was this drug, but I have to be on it, will see what the rheumatologist says.

BethSJ 21 April 2015

How long were you on Xarelto before your muscle pain started?

dudley4 21 April 2015

I am also experiencing severe muscle pain in my arms and legs.
I have only been on Xarelto for 3 months.
I feel horrible and if the fatigue/pain gets any worse I will not be able to do even the smallest of things.
I feel as though it is a huge effort to even lift my arms or take a short walk...
Before this I was very active. I am thin and was athletic.
Currently I feel as if I am near death every thing is such an effort.
If I don't take this drug I am at a very high risk of stroke... so what is the answer ?
Before coming across this thread I thought my afib was getting worse and I was nearing death ( seriously that is how bad I feel)
Just on a lark I thought let me see if anyone had reported this as a side effect from Xarelto as this is the only thing different I am doing since feeling this way... low and behold there are others... maybe it is the Xarelto ???

tmaunus 22 April 2015

My pain started the first week I was on it, it started in my finger and now 4 months later its every where the doctor took me off cholesterol meds to see if the pain was from that, but it wasn't.

Vb2674 11 Nov 2016

I am a 69 year old, hard core runner, ie 50 years. Cc months ago threw blood clots and on blood thinner for life i.e. Xarelto.
Getting back in shape, but started getting leg sore, tired for no reason.

Another running friend asked if the Xarelto could be the issue?
Reading blogs, maybe
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Other drugs better?

Your thoughts?



Vb2674 11 Nov 2016

I am a 69 year old, hard core runner, ie 50 years. Cc months ago threw blood clots and on blood thinner for life i.e. Xarelto.
Getting back in shape, but started getting leg sore, tired for no reason.

Another running friend asked if the Xarelto could be the issue?
Reading blogs, maybe
Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Other drugs better?

Your thoughts?



Kurt k 1 Jan 2017

I the 63 days of taking Xarelto for a blood clot developed from authroscopic surgery, I ave gone from an athletically fit 64 year old male to one who can hardly walk. I was going to the health club 6 days a week, doing 70 minutes of fast walking on a treadmill with an incline of 9-12. I also did a Nautilus circuit every other day. Today, I can hardly walk. My stride is down to 8 inches, I can't raise a glass of water to my lips, I can't sleep, can't sit up, without severe pain in my hips or shoulders. I won't ever tell anyone to take this drug.

musicalmatrix 16 Feb 2017

thanks for these posts. I'm a newbie to this, having enjoyed overall good health and an active lifestyle -cycling, skiing, hiking and dancing-for almost 50 years. Started Xarelto about three months ago (for Afib); in abt the last six weeks, joint pain in my arms, shoulders and hands has become unmanageable. Have lost large degree of ROM, strength and functional use of arms and hands. Never ever had debilitating pain like this- now constant and intermittently shockingly stabbing. It wakes me up and is not letting me sleep at night. Thought I was "losing it", lol. Will be calling my doc to report these not unheard of side effects. thanks again, all! good luck and keep reporting back.

musicalmatrix 27 April 2017

I'm not seeing the lengthy reply I posted just a few minutes ago. Like Beth, I think it was, I'll hope it is posted after passing review. I previously hadn't seen a comment from another individual regarding calling the pharmaceutical company that makes Xarelto. Kudos for your good citizen patient data contribution! I took the time to call them to report my suspected side effects to Xarelto, and to ask if there had been other consumers reporting similar symptoms. The pharm rep flatly said "No.". I find that hard to believe. "Facts are hard things." (-John Adams) Report them.

y-pain 22 Jan 2018

Yes I had the identical deshabilitating pains in ALL my muscles. PAIN BECAME SO SERIOUS I refused to continue with it. Dr. Was insulted, but told him I am responsible for ME. Did some research and discovered muscles are breaking brown, which is indicated by high URIC ACID in muscles. I took it just short of 3 months, and it took me another 3 months to most of the deleterious results. Still not fully recovered, but I survived!!!

azuniz 13 March 2018

YES! I was on 4 months and became nearly disabled. I am still fighting inflammation in an injury that was worsened by the Xarelto. I would NEVER take this drug again. My MD labeled it under arthritis but it was way more than that. Joints and soft tissues were all in pain.

Lmoore43 29 March 2018

My husband has a blood clot that was caused from having his spleen removed. He’s been on xarelto for almost a year and his feet, arms, hands swell and look so bruised. He’s in bad pain from it. Seems no dr cares enough to take it serious. It’s so bad he can’t even use his right arm and hand right now. It even caused him to look like he had a black eye. Anyone else dealing with this???

Mygaley 9 May 2018

I have been taking Xarelto for about 3 years. Within one week of taking it I noticed my right little toe would twitch uncontrollably then all my toes would clench with muscle spasms in odd contortions which is where I am now. After the first week of taking Xarelto and the toe was twitching I called my doctor and he told me the drug was not responsible so I believed him. I have had nerve conduction tests, been on other drugs to stop the muscle spasms which now have moved to the bottom of my feet and had acupuncture. I also have knee pain and right leg pain that is so bad that I take Vicodin which mostly works. As a fluke I called the pharmacist through blue cross and blue shield and asked him if it was possible that xarelto could be causing this and he said yes. I am now waiting for my appointment to talk about other options. I now also believe that it caused my afib to come back that resulted in a second ablation which did not work and so all the medications continued for that.


What we are experiencing should not be ignored. I am proof that it will not wear off and it will get worse.

azuniz 11 June 2018

YES... I would NEVER take this drug again as I was positive that I was going to be disabled after just 4 months. I went off and the pain subsided. My MD listed it as arthritis but it just acute inflammation in soft and connective tissue (in my humble options).

Hidyh 11 Aug 2018

My husband started taking Xarelto about 4 months ago and is now currently off of the drug. Shortly after starting he started having severe back pain and spasms (upper/ mid back) the doctor thought perhaps magnesium and pottasium deficiency. He has been taking vitamin supplements . This has not helped the pain. He is 45 and is healthy. He recently switched blood thinners. Problem is getting worse, went to ER they gave him Valium to help him relax spasms... no improvement.
Have any of you stopped drug, and still had pain?

Ed1024 13 Aug 2018

I was on Xarelto for 3 months. The 6 weeks was.fine but all of my joints started to have severe pain. By the end I could not get into a car. I had to use two hands to lift a kettle and I could not dress myself on lift my hands above my waste. I had to use a walking stick to move and I could not find a comfortable way to sleep. I have been off it for three weeks and can walk without a stick but my shoulders and wrists still ache and I still have limited movement.

markmark1968 13 Aug 2018

Xarelto I'm on that and the pain in my arms legs hands and hips is unbearable
I also got a bad rash and severe headaches but Dr wants to get rid of rash before helping pain
The trouble is this product also produces urlic acid which is what causes gout ie small crystals that occurs round your joints I for one hate this product and will ask for woufin
As taking ages to get dressed and to get out of bed

Indent 8 Sep 2018

Oh yes, definitely. When I went to bed last night my legs were so sore I thought I was getting the flu. I find it often hard to walk with the Xarelto pain in the legs - it's like they don't want to move. In addition, I have developed Purpura in my left foot and ankle from being on the drug. Very depressing even though the drug has been effective in other ways.

Elizabeth Eileen 21 Dec 2019

Yes, I had severe muscle pain in my arms & legs along with my back. Also became very stiff & had a hard time walking & was thinking of getting a walker. I know the Xarelto caused this bc I quit taking it & the muscle pain has slowly gone away & Im no longer stiff. The pain would wake me at night when I rolled over.

Elizabeth Eileen 21 Dec 2019

Yes, I had severe muscle pain in my arms & legs along with my back. Also became very stiff & had a hard time walking & was thinking of getting a walker. I know the Xarelto caused this bc I quit taking it & the muscle pain has slowly gone away & Im no longer stiff. The pain would wake me at night when I rolled over. free discount card

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deep vein thrombosis (dvt), osteoarthritis, pain, muscle, xarelto, acute, drug

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