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I've been taking Xarelto for 6 months. Anyone have acute muscle and joint pain on this drug?

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Sue 60 21 Sep 2017

I am so grateful that I found this forum. I started taking Xarelt four months ago because of a DVT caused by cancer surgery. Three weeks ago I woke up with terrible muscle stiffness and pain all over my body, particularly in my neck, back and limbs. I have frequently been reduced to tears by the pain and fear this has caused me. I am planning to ask my oncologist next week if I can stop taking the drug.

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Reel54 3 Aug 2017

I have been on xarelto since June 15th, 2017. Since beginning the 20mg once a day I have had joint and muscle pain. I spoke with my doctor and he said he's never had a xarelto patient complain of this. I'm so glad I found this discussion board! I called Janssen Pharmaceutical today. They confirmed that during the clinical trials 1.7% of the patients taking 10mg had this complaint. But they didn't have any other information since they don't follow the patients after the trials are completed. My doctor said for a short term during the worse days it was ok to take 1 Aleve 2x's a day. I started today and the leg pain has lessened. The elbow pain and stuff neck did not diminish. I will keep you posted.

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Traveler12 9 July 2017

I have had similar, but not as severe as some, side effects of Xarelto. I've been on Xarelto, as a result of pulmonary emboli, for nearly two years. Since taking Xarelto I've experienced joint pain and swelling as well as diminished energy. Unlike some who indicate that their pain goes away the longer one has taken Xarelto, I am experiencing the opposite. The longer I am on Xarelto the more pain and swelling I experience. Before taking Xarelto I had no pain and swelling in the joints even after working out and playing basketball.

I was off Xarelto for about a week before they removed the vena cava filter they had inserted to stop blood clots from reaching my lungs. During this period the pain and swelling in my joints went away and my wife noted that seemed to have a lot more energy. I felt like I had my old self back again.

I'm still debating whether to stop taking Xarelto and start taking aspirin and Turmeric BCM-95 or continue with Xarelto.

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Docbennett 22 June 2017

As a physician, I have seen this complaint. One patient has the MTHFR mutation which caused a blood clot. These patients do not utilize Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid properly. Do any of the people who have written about their muscle spasms and joint pain also have this defect?

Votes: +1
Canary Tide 23 June 2017

I don't know if I have the MTHFR mutation but I think there is a common thread to these symptoms we all share. I'll tell my hematologist about your post. If the test isn't very costly, I'll check it out. Thanks for the information.

Shawna1095 26 Sep 2017

Yes! I do. I was found to have it when I got the blood clots after my hysterectomy.

PeggySue76 31 Dec 2018

I, also, don’t know if I have this mutation, but I have fibromyalgia(30 yrs) and auto immune disease. I have been on Xarelto for 5 weeks after a hip replacement. Hip is doing well, but I have had such horrible muscle and joint pains that it’s really been an effort just to do my daily tasks. Yesterday, while getting dressed, my entire back went into spasms. Couldn’t swallow a pain pill fast enough! It took an hour but at least it took the edge off the unbearable pain. I only take thyroid meds and an acid reducer... not taking any pain meds for weeks now... xarelto the only addition. Glad I found this; I am stopping this med immediately. I only had a few pills left.

azuniz 20 June 2017

I started Xarelto the end of Feb and within days had such extreme pain in my right wrist, which I fractured in Sept, that I could not use my hand. It subsided a little and I did some research and Xarelto states it causes arthritis so I though it was that. Through an issue with prescription I was off for 5 days about 6 weeks later. When I started up this time the joint pain is EVERYWHERE and I have considerable muscle pain. I work horses, haul hay and split wood and can do none of this anymore. I cannot even raise my left arm above the shoulder. I know this is all caused by the medication. I have had gout but only in one toe. Two weeks ago I was pretty sure I was going to have to go to the hospital! I put my self on a very anti-inflammatory regime with collegn, L-glutimene and an anti-inflammatory shake put out by Thorne. My pain is much less but still intolerable.


My md had agreed to 3-4 months and I could go off and that is what I will be doing this week as I cannot do anything.

My heart goes out to all of you as this is horrible! Try an anti-inflammatory diet to help sooth the intestine and that might help you too. I am a diagnoses celiac so I always have gut issues even though I have not eaten wheat (knowlingly) for over 11 years.

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Ksummer2 20 June 2017

I have been taking Xerelto for almost two years. I started experiencing pain shortly after starting this medication too. My pain was not like charley horse or leg cramps but severe aching & more like what some diabetics describe as diabetic nerve pain. I couldn't pinpoint a specific spot that hurt. The pain just ran up and down my legs. Nothing seemed to help. I have never had an issue with my sugar levels nor bad arthritis or joint pain. This leg pain was bad tho, and it worsened at night. When I finally went to the doctor about it, he acted like he was not convinced it was the Xerelto causing it and was very reluctant to change my medication. He suggested, instead, I try taking Gabapentin along with the Xerelto. It started helping immediately and I'm still taking both medications. Occasionally, I will have a little pain in my legs but it is no longer severe.

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Canary Tide 20 June 2017

I had the same nerve pain usually in my legs and hands. I stopped taking the Xerelto and the symptoms gradually left. I still have some left over nerve tingles once in a while. I personally think Xerelto did some permanent damage. It took several months to feel normal again. I'm happy to report I feel really good and can be active and exercise daily.

Ksummer2 21 June 2017

The options for those of us with clotting issues is not good. I'm glad to hear you are doing better Eliquis. Eliquis, however, has some of same side effects. Plus, the problem for me was I have had back surgeries and their "black box" warnings scared me. I've had clots to break loose twice. Once causing double pulmonary embolisms and the second time the tiny clot that went through my heart caused heart attack. So, taking Eliquis that has added "black box" warnings for stroke & clots on spine was not a better option for me.

Canary Tide 21 June 2017

I totally agree with you. I think it's so interesting that one drug will work for so many people without complications and it has strange side effects for a few others. Hopefully, there will be better choices for clotting disorders in the near future. I didn't realize how many people I personally know who have to take anticoagulants. I'm just thankful we do a few choices.

ces2vb 7 June 2017

I am using the Xarelto starting package, for the first three weeks ( 15mg twice per day) I did not experience any major side effect, just occasionally felt weak/tired. I've taking the 20mg dosis for less than a week and i've experiencing pain on my right knee. It's not too intense but it bothers me. Also, one night I woke up with pain on my right leg, it was totally numbed, I had to get up and walk around the room. I hope this does not get worse.

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vkimble 6 July 2017

I am getting to the point I can barely walk after starting this drug. My knees hurt so bad I have to stand for a minute after sitting for a while. I am only 53 years old. I am afraid I have reumitoid arthritis, but the pain started after I started taking this drug.

Please let me know if anyone else is experiencing this?


markmark1968 13 Aug 2018

Same medication awful stuff 2 days then pain in knees and rash near dvt then pain progressed to arms hips and fingers hate this stuff

Canary Tide 8 May 2017

I got off the Xarelto and the pain slowly went away. They need to do more research on this drug. Too many people have this side effect. I remember night time being the worst. I have no side effects on Eliquis. I think it's worth a try. It also comes in two different doses just depending on how much you need.

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musicalmatrix 8 May 2017

I am most grateful for your input. Again, sorry for your hellacious experience of debilitating pain, sleepless nights (that stabbing pain at night was crazy) and unanswered questions, but am glad to hear of your improved condition on Eliquis. Given your report, aI will look into this medication for my own condition which necessitates an anti coagulant.

hamtownman 8 May 2017

I did. I've been on it for 3 years. Got muscle and joint pain in a similar time frame as you. Called my clot doc and he said it should go away after a while.

Took a while but it did. Hang in there!

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lck1922 8 May 2017

I take xarelto after when I go into afib and for 30-60 days after and every time I go on xarelto I have much problems with muscle and joint pain even have problems lifting my arms,my back is so stiff I can not lean back for the the pressure on it,my knees and legs have pain I can no be on my feet for more than 15-30 without minutes

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sueplo 21 April 2017

Hi, are you still on Xarelto and has the pain eased if so? I have been on it for 18 months now and just recently experiencing calf pain and like burning sensation in both legs - I don't want it to get worst but don't want the hassle of switching drugs - I have to be on them for life after my second dvt! Really don't want warfarin because of all the monitoring but my mum is on this and has had no side effects - what is the answer??

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Ksummer2 20 June 2017

I can relate to the "burning" kind of pain. I too have the life sentence following dvts. I'm not happy about taking another med, but the gabapentin my doctor prescribed me took away my pain.

koberdober 22 July 2017

I've been on Xarelto for two months because of afib. I'm 65 years old and I have incredible leg pain from my knees down with the worse pain in my knee joints and calf muscles. I also have very painful burning sensations on the skin in both lower legs. Then about a week and a half ago, my legs from my knees down turned a dark red in blotches. It was really ugly and spooky to look at. The redness has subsided but the burning sensations and pain in my knees and calves is almost to the point of unbearable. If it gets any worse, I won't be able to work or drive. I can barely walk as it is now. Has anyone else had any of these three symtoms while taking = and if so, were you able to get any relief? If so, how?

hoyacka 27 July 2017

Husband on Avastin infusions and CCNU for GBM. Diagnosed with DVT a week ago. CT scan showed he had a PE sometime within the last few months... didn't have symptoms. Given Xarelto leg pain subsided. Today he has lower back pain
..says it hurts to the touch. Side effect of Xarelto?

Shawna1095 19 April 2017

I have been on xeralto for almost three years now and am experiencing everything others have described. I've gone from a very active person to not being able to get out of bed at times. Many sleepless nights because the pain is excruciating at night. Every joint and muscle in my body hurts. I dread going to bed at night because of what I'm going to go through. I have brought it up to my doctors, but their response is that they don't see muscle and/or joint pain listed as a side effect of xeralto, so it's not pursued. I was discovered to have the MTHFR after getting blood clots in both lungs after a surgery which is why my dr put me on xeralto in the first place. My husband actually ran across this thread while looking up side effects for xeralto. He showed it to me, and I finally feel like someone believes me. Now, what's the fix???

Votes: +2
sueplo 21 April 2017

Hello, I have been on it for 18 months and just the last couple of weeks have had calf pain in both calves and some tightness in my legs which I suspect are side effects - I mentioned it to my doctor but it was dismissed - I can live with this level of pain just but worried it might get worst - some days are worst than others - but worried about switching drugs since could have worst side effects?? What's the answer?

Smarkandonis 4 Feb 2018

Just wondering why you are still on Xarelto 3 years later?

Shawna1095 4 Feb 2018

I don’t know what the answer is. Still searching for that one. I am still in Xarelto because I was found to have the MTHFR mutation when I went back into the hospital with blood clots in both lungs after my hysterectomy. My doctor told me I may have to be on it for the rest of my life. So, while dealing with these symptoms and seeing many others dealing with the same, I’m hoping there’s a fix. I can’t imagine having to deal with this forever.

tennent77 16 Feb 2017

Swimming in a heated pool will help everyone with joint pain

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susievbrown 29 Oct 2018

I bought a hot tub last due to all my joint pain. I sit in it every night with no relief.

gerryw 16 Feb 2017

Been taking Xarelto for 15 months now, 20 mgms daily it creates a build up of Uric Acid which in turn causes severe joint pain. About every 6 weeks I take a drug called Colchacine which clears out the Uric Acid and then I am OK for a few weeks until it builds up again. I have to take the Xarelto to prevent blood clotting, there are other similar drugs but who knows what side affects they will cause, better the devil you know I suppose & to be honest if it prevents another stroke then I will put up with it

Votes: +1
musicalmatrix 16 Feb 2017

thanks, Gerry. I'm at same dosage. Will ask my doc abt the Colchacine. What a joy it would be to sleep thru the night and be pain free for awhile! Meanwhile, I also take mega supplements of Ester C and 1200 mg of E daily, which seem to thin the blood, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Canary Tide 16 Feb 2017

I had the same uric build up and joint pain. My doctors suggested Eliquis and it works great. It took a few months for all the pain to go away. It's a twice a day pill but I've been on it just over a year and I finally feel normal.

alamosa-joe 10 March 2017

I get joint pain numbness--I never thought of uric acid (why would you?).
My fear was a new clot had formed... but all the muscles and nerves seemed irritated--I thought maybe the potassium was off. Am still going to ER for a
doppler of R leg (original clot was in L leg) to put my mind at ease. Am quitting this drug! and going to aspirin and a healthy diet. The cure is worse than the disease here.

jlseagraves 6 Jan 2017

I have been taking Xarelto for 5 weeks. Two days after starting Xarelto I had a full blown gout attack on my right foot and ankle. I have a DVT in the left leg thus why I am taking Xarelto. I was given the methylpredisone pack and the gout subsided while I was taking. After 2 days I was back on another prednisone pack because again the pain was so bad I could not walk. After finishing this pack about 7 days later my right knee had tremendous pain. Again I took a third prednisone pack and the knee was pain free for 4 days. Finished it yesterday and I am in so much knee pain again I am on crutches. I cannot sleep due to the pain. I am on 7.5 mg of Norco and it is not working. Doctor thinks the knee pain is from compensating for the pain in the foot for 4 weeks. My doctor's won't even consider Xarelto as the source for the gout and knee pain. I haven't had a gout attack in over 2 years. I have 7 more weeks to go on the Xarelto. What other choice do I have???

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BethSJ 6 Jan 2017

Doctors don't seem to want to acknowledge that this drug has lots of side effects and pain being one of them. My suggestion is to walk or use your leg as much as possible and ask for a different or stronger pain med.
Hope you feel better soon.

66lesabre 27 Feb 2017

I have almost the same problem. I had a knee injury that led to a DVT in my right leg. I had blood work done about a month before the knee injury and my uric acid levels were good. I'm 46 years old and have suffered from gout attics since my mid thirties. The hematologist tells me that Xarelto dose not cause these problems. With only two years on the market how can this claim be maid regarding the side affects? I'm told that the other products on the market require a lot more monitoring e.g. blood work. Ive been able to get around but as of today retuning to work is not going to happen.
I hope everything worked out for you.

alamosa-joe 10 March 2017

These comments have been extremely helpful. I have a DVT in my left leg. After a couple weeks on 10mg Xeralto I noticed all kinds of transitory pain to toes knees numbness and the ever present tingling pins and needles stuff.
My first reaction (am retired MD) was that new clots were forming as the right rear of R knee became painful... it was a deep pain that actually caused me to throw up it was so bad. Also for some time I thought my potassium was off as I was getting muscle spasms as well and the contortion of my left foot someone else talks about--now am wondering about uric acid. I quit the xeralto cold and within in a day the pain was gone... but came back less bad am going now to ER to check right leg for a clot... to put my mind at ease. This drug is worse than the disease.

No1terp 30 July 2017

I have been taking xarelto for 2 and half years. I have struggled with joint pain, hip pain, and knee pain for most of that time but never thought it was connected. I thought it was just part of getting older, I'm 67. Until today. I missed a dose 2 days ago and decided not to take yesterday's pill. I was in so much pain I took an aleve. My pain nearly disappeared from just one Aleve. Now more than 24 hours later I am still pain free. Hmmm? Could it be the xarelto? So I looked it up and found this post with so many others complaining about the same side effect. I have afib so I know I have to take some blood thinner but I'm calling my Dr in the morning and finding alternatives. Good luck to all of you. free discount card

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deep vein thrombosis (dvt), osteoarthritis, pain, muscle, xarelto, acute, drug

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